The Collection of The End

Two thousand and eighty-nine, North American Mythical War (39)


Gotham, restaurant on the sea.

"Have you heard of the 'railgun'?"

"A weapon that uses the ampere force generated by the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system to accelerate the metal projectile to achieve the kinetic energy required to hit the target?"

"I think it can be installed on Curry's armor, since conventional thermal weapons don't work well under the sea."

"But it is still in the experimental stage, and I am just a cryogenic scientist and do not have the ability to develop this kind of cross-border technology."

"No, no need to develop, just 'install', you don't need 'research and development', just 'application'."

After Jin Jing read the manuscript provided by Ye Ke, he opened the weapon box next to him and showed the electromagnetic gun to Victor.

This big gun brought out from the world of Resident Evil has never had a chance to be used. Even though its attack power is as high as 2000, the requirements of "strength 25, agility 15, endurance 30" are too harsh. After all, the soul required for upgrade is Cheng The index is rising. Even if she grits her teeth and uses up all her "deposits" to add attributes to this weapon, the attack cost of 100 ep and the restriction that it must be charged before it can be used will give it almost no chance to appear.

And now, after seeing the "arms" of Atlantis in advance, the three of them agreed that this "Sea King" should be equipped with a weapon that is good against the group.

"Oh?" Although Victor is a cryogenic scientist, he still belongs to the category of scientist. He was almost immediately attracted by this giant weapon with a strong sense of technology: "I think it requires a lot of energy to fire. Maybe Our 'Sea King' armor needs to be further increased in power."

"Oh, not only do they have magical martial arts skills, but they also master powerful technology. The Brando family is really generous. If you want to dominate Gotham, I'm afraid no one can stop you." Tucker Porter's focus is always It's very strange.

However, this was also part of the plan. After using "Six Styles" and "Domineering", her two roommates had already helped her think of what to say in this situation.

"It's not that great, hehe." Jin Jing tried "scratching her head with a smile on her face."

Although he didn't understand the principle or the specific performance, judging from Tucker's disgusted expression, he obviously didn't intend to pursue the case any further.

"People don't look down on Gotham," Thomas Wayne waved his hand, "But how are you doing with the 'Court of Owls' arrest?"

It’s not that I don’t like it, the main thing is that there seems to be the soil for the birth of “superheroes” or “supervillains” here. Since the “Brando Family” is just a backdrop, even if she stays here and doesn’t leave, those smart people will know how to do it themselves. Guessing the reason.

"With the corpses of those 'murlocs' as evidence, the resistance to tracking down the masterminds who control them has been reduced a lot. Many guys who have nothing to do with the 'Owl Family' have taken the initiative to attack them, and then hand over the captured people. Give it to us," Tucker Cobot sneered: "But everyone knows that they just want to grasp the information about the 'Super Divine Water' in advance. Unfortunately, because it is contaminated and diluted, they want to really start research and experiments. We still have to wait several years or even more than ten years, and we may have recovered Atlantis before we get results."

No, it shouldn't be that long. Jin Jing opened the multi-purpose tool and looked at his "main mission". Although he didn't know when Thanos would snap his fingers, it shouldn't take too long.

"I think we should-"

"Oh! Be careful! This thing seems to be going off!"

At this moment, the "railgun" that Dr. Victor was studying suddenly emitted a strong golden current. He tried to adjust the muzzle, but found that no matter which way he was facing, there was always someone there, so he suddenly stood it up. The gun was pointed in the air.


A golden light passed through the ceiling, the floors above, and the roof, then shot straight into the sky.

Peng! winter! Wow!

A few seconds later, a strong man wearing a red tights, a white cape, gold wrist guards, gold boots, a gold belt, and a huge lightning logo on his chest fell through the roof and fell into the conference room, directly smashing the table.

The members of Gotham's Shadow Council, who had been well prepared, dodged the flying debris.

"Okay, who is this? His Royal Highness the Prince of the Aztecs?" Tucker Cobot, who opened his umbrella, laughed.

"Ms. Bai, is your restaurant specifically for meteors?" Thomas Wayne joked, hiding behind the upright tabletop.

"I'm not sure, but looking at his outfit, he should be a 'superhero'." Jin Jing, who sat still and blocked it with his armor, replied.

No, not "should", but convinced. She glanced down at the task description on the multi-tool.

Side mission: Defeat a superhero. Finish】

Good guy, the enemies you defeat with the weapons you sent out before you had time to transfer ownership are also considered your own?

"Ah... uh," the tall man in red who fell from the sky didn't seem to be in any serious condition. He was obviously directly shot down by the "railgun", but he quickly jumped up like a carp after falling: " Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken the trouble to fly over Gotham, which was thundering all the time. If I caused any damage, I'm willing to pay for it..."

The man paused mid-sentence, staring wide-eyed at the exquisite decorations around him and the conference table that he smashed into pieces, and then scratched his head: "Can you spread it out in installments? I just used up my pocket money this month."

"Man, although I don't know who you are, I think you should be tougher on your wife. The monthly allowance is really too much for a superhero," Curry looked at the red shirt The man said: "Unless you can't beat her."

"Oh? What? No, I can't cause more trouble to my mother. I have to be a good boy." The man in red said with a wink.

"I should really shoot into the ground." Victor covered his face.

"Tell me your name, 'child.'" Thomas Wayne followed his words and asked.

"Oh, my name is Shazam." The man in red said.

Boom! Crack!

A bolt of thunder passed through the damaged roof and hit the man in red. In a burst of smoke, he changed from a tall man in tights nearly seven feet to a boy in casual clothes less than five feet.

"...The world is so wonderful." Tucker Porter sneered.

No, no, what's even more amazing is here... Jin Jing looked at his all-purpose tool.

‘Bai Jingjing’ learns the miracle: Thunder Shazam! 】

Side mission: Acquire a superpower. Finish】

Thunder Shazam! 】

Spell Category: Miracle]

Use memory space: 0]

Required ability value: none]

HP consumption: 50%]

This miracle must be cast by shouting "shazam!" 】

After casting this miracle, the user will consume half of their health points to create an extremely powerful clone and directly control it. It will disappear when the initiative ends or the avatar's health points return to zero.]

‘s stands for——’]

s represents the wisdom of Solomon suei, h represents the strength of Hercules hasita, a represents the endurance of Atlas aimier, z represents the divine power of Zeus, the second a represents the courage of Achilles (abigaier), and m represents The speed of Mercury maxiu.】

There seems to be something wrong...but I can't tell...

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