The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Ninety, North American Mythical War (40)


Gotham City, Municipal Zoo.

Perhaps in the eyes of the people on the city council, as residents of the crime capital, Gothamites have done their best just to live. Even if they want to enjoy themselves, they will choose short-term and fast-term consumption in the style of "drunk now".

Therefore, they pay no attention to public facilities such as parks, botanical gardens, and zoos that are satisfying through long-term visits. If you have the money, wouldn't it be good to just build some facilities that will increase income? Moreover, it would not be easy to deal with lunatics or criminals in such open areas.

Therefore, after the Wayne Group funded the expansion of the zoo and requested to be solely responsible for the security of the zoo, they approved the application very quickly and removed all police forces near the zoo.

Is there any need to guess? I don't know which lucky gangster got on the line of the Wayne family and planned to use it as their base camp - gangsters also need to eat, and only fools will obstruct it or join in the fun.

At this time, in the general manager's office of the zoo, Batman was discussing the next step with Killer, it was Bruce Wayne, the president of Wayne Group, who was discussing the next step with the new owner of the zoo he invested in, Mr. Waylon Jones. development plan.

"Similar, very pleasant, I can, completely control, bat, say the conditions." The green and scaly Boss Jones stared at the ordinary human Bruce Wayne in front of him.

"Look, I know you can tell who I am by my smell, but you better not call me Bat when I'm not dressed up like that," Bruce said.

"A bat is a bat, Wayne is just a disguise, but as you wish." Jones responded.

"My condition is that if there are any monsters that mutate from aquatic life in Gotham, or mutate from humans to aquatic life, it will be up to you to deal with it, whether it is fresh water or sea water. As for whether you want to kill them or collect them as Brother, I won't interfere," Bruce ignored the crazy words of "Wayne is the disguise" and continued: "At the same time, all the income of this zoo is at your disposal. If you have any other needs, call me."

"Same kind, very dangerous, Wayne, without restraint, we need to explain." Jones nodded and then asked.

"Because you're not a bad person," Bruce said.

"..." Even though Jones had a crocodile face that was hard to tell, he still showed a very obvious ridiculous expression at this time.

"Okay, you're probably a bad person," Bruce revised his words: "But you're not an 'evil' person."

"Here, tell me." Jones winked at Shutong.

"After you gained your current power, you did not directly engage in robbery or other violent activities. Instead, you treated yourself as an animal and joined the circus. After you found out that the boss was deducting wages, you did not kill him, but just bit off his arm. "Bruce replied.

"It turns out, you say it turns out," Jones grinned his big mouth full of sharp teeth: "We are the same kind."

"Although I don't want to say it, in Gotham, if any boss dares to withhold wages without force, being beaten into a honeycomb by bullets is considered a good ending. After analyzing your behavior, I am convinced that 'Zoo Boss' This identity meets all your needs," Bruce continued: "I don't believe you have any plans to run for governor or fly to Paris to eat foie gras, and neither do your 'kinds'."

"..." Jones stayed for a few seconds: "It seems to make sense."


Wayne Manor.

"Hello, this is Wayne Manor. I'm not at home right now. Please leave a message after the beep.]"


"Bruce Wayne! You bastard! I'm not a monster that mutated from a human to an aquatic creature! I was born this way! If the manager of your zoo invites me to perform again! I'll take it The whole thing was blown up! I swear to my grandpa! I will do this!】"


"Wayne, thank you very much. The penguins are also very interesting. We are working together. The big group is very happy. The evolution is ongoing. Gotham, I will protect it.]"


Bruce listened to a few more messages, which were basically supplementary comments after the "sewer crocodile" incident was solved. However, matters that really needed to be reported and dealt with would not be called on a private landline and left a message.

"Master, take a rest and eat some cookies." Alfred brought a plate of snacks and hot drinks.

"Well..." Bruce put down the information in his hand: "Afu, do you think there is anything wrong with the way I handled 'Killer Croc'?"

"I believe you can handle it, Master." Alfred replied with a smile.

This smile is exactly the same as the young Ah Fu in the dream...

If he had not dreamed of "another Gotham", even if Killer Crocodile showed a certain degree of sanity, he would have been knocked down and locked up by himself, and all the crocodiles would have been captured, killed, or sent to a research institute.

The Court of Owls, Atlantis...these mysterious organizations that secretly control Gotham and the underwater kingdom of mermaids do not exist in "reality", but that does not mean that Gotham will not have threats from the outside.

If you get rid of every "bad guy", who will you ask for help when that threat arises? That stupid big boy "Shazam"?

Of course, what was even more stupid was the child who was bewitched by him and shouted "Shazam!" - that kind of transformation requires specific conditions, just like without years of training, ordinary people can even put on the Bat suit. A can't become like Batman.

He has been imprisoned in Arkham Asylum. The "chaotic evil" lunatics include: Scarecrow, Riddler, and Mad Hatter. They are professors of biology, geniuses with high IQs, and masters of hypnotism respectively. In other words, ordinary people with outstanding talents. Humanity.

Their abilities are useful to Gotham, but their own mental problems are very problematic. Although they can communicate, it is completely impossible to reach a consensus like Killer Crocodile. If you want them to contribute, you must first cure this madness - the reality is obvious Isn’t there that kind of “super magic water” that can make people go crazy?

As for Penguin, he actually belongs to "lawful evil", but occasionally he suddenly jumps to "chaotic evil". He can be cured by being beaten by Batman, so there is no need to send him to a lunatic asylum.

And speaking of the madman... his handling of Killer Croc was more or less influenced by someone. He played the circus owner all the way in the sewer, obviously hinting that he could be taken under his wing.

If it had to be classified, he seems to be considered "chaotic neutral"? He has no specific purpose and is not willing to follow the rules. He just does whatever he wants.

But so far we haven’t seen what talent he has…


"Hey bat, did you miss me?]"

Well, the ability to drive people crazy counts as a talent.

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