The Collection of The End

Two thousand and ninety-one, North American Mythical War (41)


Gotham, restaurant on the sea.

"Hey, Bat, did you miss me?]"

"Don't call me bat! You stupid guy!"

"But your friends call you Bat.]"

"They are not my friends!"

"You're hurting us so much, Bruce."

"I thought we were friends already, Bruce."

"Shut up you two!"

The newly opened hole was quickly filled up and did not affect the normal business of the Bingshan Restaurant. The only problem was that there was another regular customer in the Haihai Restaurant Kindergarten.

Shazam, or Billy Batson, is a 13-year-old boy from Awcett City.

According to Billy himself, he has been an orphan since he was a child and has been growing up in different foster homes arranged by the city's unique "social placement system". Currently, he is like other people who are unable to stay in foster homes for a long time because they cannot develop a sense of identity. Brothers and sisters who are orphans from "other people's families" live together in a special foster family that is dedicated to adopting such orphans.

Before he was shot down...well, before he was struck down by lightning, he had just taught a bully in the school to help his orphan brother who lived with him, and on his way to escape, he accidentally came to a place called "The Rock of Eternity".

There, he met a wizard named "Shazam" and passed his test, gaining the ability to transform into "Shazam". As long as he said the word "Shazam", he would become a A strange big man with lightning on his chest, and he can change back just by saying "Shazam" again. The wizard "Shazam" has clearly warned him that if he abuses this power, he will take back the ability to transform into "Shazam".

As a playful little boy, Billy naturally listened to these words in one ear and out of the other. He vowed to leave the Rock of Eternity with his front feet, and flew all over the earth with his back feet. In the end, he was shot by Gotham's... uh, "anti-aircraft cannon" "Hit him down.

Jin Jing didn't know what others thought, but she personally believed that "Shazam" would not do bad things, because when he introduced this past event, he grew and shrunk uncontrollably at least six times.

His current intelligence level is completely that of an ordinary little boy. He actually naively thought that Bruce just didn't like this nickname, but he didn't realize that it was Bruce's way of avoiding the embarrassment if he noticed it in the future.

bat, bat, billy batson, billybatson, billy bat son.

What about Solomon’s wisdom? Have you gone fishing?

Originally, the "Gotham Shadow Council" intended to use the power of "Shazam" in its plan, but after discovering that his intelligence was completely unable to keep up, it gave up the plan and decided to wait until he grew up. More to come later.

The Court of Owls, Atlantis, the Wizards of the Rock of Eternity... they seem to be well-adapted to the frequent overthrow of their worldview. You are aboriginal people, not reincarnators, huh?

Perhaps, the method they adopted is to "use Gotham as an anchor to judge whether these things are important." The Court of Owls is related to the control of Gotham and must be dealt with immediately. Atlantis is relatively far away, so just deal with it in advance. , Rock of Eternity? The power of a god? Only one person can inherit? Ignore it.

"Billy," Jin Jing was arranging work in the restaurant while listening to the children's quarrel. She waited until they had finished arguing before speaking: "Do you want to change the name of your 'adult form'?"

"What? I think 'Shazam'—"



Billy, who was transformed from an adult into a child by a thunderbolt out of thin air, slowly spoke the second half of the sentence.

"Hmph." Bruce crossed his arms in contempt.

"Okay, I guess I do need a codename. What do you think of 'Captain Marvel'?" The boy scratched his head.

"It doesn't sound good," Oswald said. "And do you have a 'team'?"

"I don't recognize you as captain. Although you are older, you are smaller." Arthur Curry also shook his head.

If you say "Kudo Shinichi", they probably won't understand. If you say "Mario"...

Jin Jing assigned three dishes to Caroline's name, and then arranged for Max to wash the dishes.

It’s a familiar formula. Just like in One Piece, these two roommates are only active when there is an opportunity to do something, and they hang up when they complete their daily accumulation. Although they are more useful after hanging up than when they are active - only in the restaurant. Operational aspects.

But it doesn’t matter, I won’t feel “bored” anyway, and it’s also good to have more contact with these future “superheroes” in daily life. Maybe their “prestige” will be directly maxed out after the opportunity to “become a hero” passes?

"How about The Flash? Look how big and obvious the lightning is on your chest." Oswald suggested.

"How about calling him Red Tank? He looks very strong at first glance, and he is also wearing red." Arthur also said.

"I propose to call him Flying Fool, because he is good for nothing but flying." Bruce continued to taunt.

"Well... I think I can be called 'Superman'," Billy pointed to his chest: "Look at this lightning, does it look like an 's'?"

"What a shame." "It's so stupid." Oswald and Arthur expressed their objections.

"I's okay." Bruce actually stood on the side of approval this time.

Is this the origin of "Superman"? After listening to the whole story, Jin Jing expressed doubts, shouldn't he be an alien baby that fell from the sky?

Even if you don't pay much attention to American comics, you have heard relevant information. It seems that Superman's home planet "Krypton" is a place rich in super soldiers. In order to prevent them from stopping his plan, an evil cosmic demon destroyed the planet in advance. On the planet, only Superman himself fled to the earth in an escape spaceship, and landed on a farm. The grandfather who picked him up raised him, but because Superman could not control his power, he killed the old man in a rampage. Grandpa, and when Superman grew up, his brother, who also escaped Krypton, came to him and wanted to join forces with him to rule the earth. After being rejected, the two fought and eventually died together under the attack of a green bald anti-hero... Huh?

It seems to be linked to other works, but it doesn’t seem to be there...

"Kids, it's time for snacks."

Just when Jin Jing began to doubt her memory, the door of the children's activity room was pushed open, and Alfred walked in carrying a tray with snacks and drinks. What was different from usual was that there was another person behind him. The little girl with messy blond hair, golden eyes, and an unusually delicate appearance made several boys in the room look at her.

"This is Mr. Falcone's daughter, Miss Selina Falcone Selinaale. For some reason, she will be staying here for the next period of time." Alfred said.

For whatever reason, the Court of Owls' counterattack is becoming more and more powerful. Even the Godfather of Gotham no longer has the confidence to protect his family.

They really have confidence in themselves...even though they can really do it.

"Father said," at this time, the little girl spoke in a polite and proud tone: "There is a boy nicknamed 'Bat' here who is very powerful. Let me get along well with him. You-"

"I just-" "That's right,"

Bruce pulled Oswald behind him who was trying to steal the conversation and took a step forward:

"I am 'Bat'."

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