The Collection of The End

Two thousand and ninety-two, North American Mythical War (42)



Arkham Asylum.

This is a mental sanatorium located in the northern suburbs of Gotham. Its full name is "Elizabeth Arkham Criminal Lunatic Asylum for Mental Illnesses." Its admission conditions are very simple. First of all, you must be a genuine madman, and secondly, you must have committed a crime in a state of madness. Serious criminal conduct.

Take the madmen captured by Batman as an example. The Scarecrow spread poison gas, the Riddler planted bombs, and the Mad Hatter carried out hypnotic kidnappings. In addition, "large scale" must be added in front of all these crimes.

Batman originally sent them to the Gotham Police Station, but the Gotham Police stated that they were all lunatics with medical certificates and could not be dealt with according to normal legal procedures.

According to the law, mentally ill criminals must be sent to a mental sanatorium for care, but ordinary mental hospitals dare not admit these dangerous criminals.

In desperation, Batman had no choice but to acquire an out-of-town mental hospital and move it to Gotham to transform it to house lunatic criminals.

The founder of that mental hospital was Dr. Amadeus Arkham. His purpose in establishing the mental hospital was different from other mental hospitals. It was not to "detain" and "recuperate" abandoned people, but to truly try to "Cure" them may be related to the fact that the founder has a severely schizophrenic mother.

The difference from other schizophrenia patients with different personalities is that all of Ms. Elizabeth Arkham's personalities are her own. The main ones that appear are her as a woman, mother and medical doctor. "They" can clearly perceive each other, and unable to agree on anything, would fight whenever they were conscious, and Amadeus even had to be restrained with restraints and sedatives to prevent her from harming herself.

Logically speaking, this anxious doctor would not accept the recruitment and acquisition of the Wayne Group. Until Bruce Wayne met with him to discuss, Ms. Yin Lisabai once again broke away from her straitjacket and rushed to the dean's office to teach her son a lesson.

A "little girl" personality was born that instantly suppressed all other personalities, and then her son was easily sold.

"So, why does the richest man in Gotham carry around cookies that can comfort children?"

"Maybe it's because I always have a childlike heart?"

Amadeus didn't want to answer, so he quickly completed the handover procedures and moved the nursing home to Gotham. After all, it was an unexpected blessing that his mother only needed to eat cookies every once in a while to maintain a normal life. .

Although his mother always called Bruce uncle, he was still very dissatisfied.


"Hey Bat here's some bad news and some worse news which do you want to hear first?"

After Batman got off the Batmobile, he immediately saw the Joker hanging himself on the street lamp with a handful of cards in his hand.

He's quite conscious.

"More bad news.]" Batman said looking at the Joker.

"The worse news is that the employees of the asylum have been influenced and controlled." After the clown finished speaking, he began to twist around in mid-air: "Damn it! Your order is wrong!"

"What's the bad news?]" Batman continued to ask.

"The bad news is that the Scarecrow, the Riddler and the Mad Hatter have all come out and are using their methods to influence and control the asylum staff." The clown continued: "Damn it! You got the order wrong and made me look like a clown! "

"Then what is your role in this matter?]"

"It's a poor boss who tried to recruit employees but was rejected." The clown swayed and swayed: "They obviously have no interest in my proposed positions of mascot, announcer and ventriloquist."

"Because I opened a zoo, you want to open a circus to compete?]" Batman thought for a moment and then said.

"Gah!" The rope around the clown loosened, and he swung down from the street lamp. The rope stretched straight when it was about to touch the ground, turning him into a very funny head-and-foot posture. At the same time, his hands The poker cards inside were scattered all over the floor.

"This is impossible!" he shouted, "Why can a bat understand what I am doing?!"

"Because I am Batman.]" Batman pushed down his mask and walked past the hanging Joker towards the door of Arkham Asylum.

The real reason is that as long as it is not "chaotic and evil", a person's "behavior" always has its "purpose". Skipping the process and directly "achieving" or "completely failing to achieve" can cause the "behavior" to be terminated, and this It is much faster than wasting time and effort to stop the "behavior". If the "behavior" is really stopped, the other party may engage in even more severe "behavior" in order to achieve the "purpose", which will only be more troublesome.

The Scarecrow, the Riddler and the Mad Hatter, these three madmen's methods are all attacks on the mind in a sense, but they have no effect on themselves.

The Riddler himself has little power, and it takes time to lay out crime scenes and riddles. He can be said to be the weakest of the three.

The Mad Hatter... He doesn't know which nerve is wrong. He wants to hypnotize Batman into the heroine of "Alice in Wonderland", but every time this hypnosis will be bounced back, turning himself into a rabbit holding a pocket watch. .

The Scarecrow's fear gas is really powerful, it can make people see the most fearful things, and after Batman accidentally inhaled it, he saw the crime alley back then... and the three Brando family members who suddenly jumped out and shot the criminals in the head. The weird woman has more of an unreal sense of humor than the "fear" of seeing her parents die.

Of course, this kind of "weakness" is only for Batman himself. Ordinary people would be unable to fight back when they encounter them, so now he has to rescue the controlled and influenced asylum employees and lock them up again. .

Among these employees, the most special one is called Hugo Strange. He is a professor of psychiatry at Gotham State University and the chief supervisor of "Indian Hill", a laboratory established by Wayne Group to cure madness. His research direction is to use hallucinogens to completely transform people into another person, so that those "chaotic evil" madmen may "return to normal" and use them to a certain extent.

But the problem is that Hugo is a "chaotic neutral" who is extremely close to "chaotic evil". If the technology he has is used for evil, it will be very troublesome. If he is subtly affected by the contact with those madmen, the camp An offset has occurred...

No, no ifs, the clown just appeared as a chandelier and a circus owner, already hinting that the escape was caused by Hugo, but he still chose to put the blame on himself. What is the purpose... …


Batman subdued the crazy hospital nurses and doctors all the way with great success, but when he passed a corner, he was sprayed in the face with fear gas without sensing any threat.

No, there's more than just fear gas in there...

The hospital corridor gradually twisted and changed, and finally turned into a crime alley, but he was not the Batman standing on a high place overlooking all this, but the little Bruce Wayne who was holding the hands of his parents and jumping up and down.

"Fear gas is really a magical thing, it can make people see the things they fear most, but human memory has a self-protection function. If the event occurs for too long, this fear will be blunted, even if it is I, too, cannot deduce the state of the affected person,]" Hugo's voice came from all directions without knowing the direction: "But if my special hallucinogen is used at the same time, the psychological state of the affected person will truly change. Going back to the moment when the most feared thing happened, at this time, even a few words can infer a lot of things, don’t you think? ‘Batman who lost his beloved’?]”

Tsk... When Hugo accepted the employment of Wayne Group, he published an analysis of Batman and made it clear that he hoped to find out Batman's true identity through his own means. Bruce didn't care about this at the time. It was regarded as the employee's personal hobby, but now, he obviously has to pay the price for his arrogance.

"Resistance is useless. This is not to hypnotize people into another person, but to remind people of their previous selves. The harder you 'pull', the clearer the past situation will be. And I don't intend to pose any threat to you. When you are in danger, your alertness to danger will not make you 'wake up'," Hugo continued: "Then, come on, Batman, just say something, when you are weak and helpless and face the situation of losing your loved one. What on earth will you say?】"

Batman, whose mind has almost completely returned to that of a child, maintains his remaining sanity. Seeing the weak criminal who is deeply ingrained in his memory appear and approach, little Bruce is even so scared that he wants to tremble.

This time there are no three weird women to save the situation. He must save himself. Although he will not be really hurt, Batman shouts "Dad" or "Mom"...

He is just a little boy and has no power to protect himself in this situation, unless he has a way to become stronger instantly...

"You can say whatever you want, even broken gibberish and words, I can -"





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