The Collection of The End

Two thousand and ninety-three, North American Mythical War (43)


Gotham, northern suburbs.


Jin Jing closed her eyes and shouted to the sky.

Nothing happens.

Not to mention the transformation lightning, the billowing dark clouds that have been hanging over Gotham have even become a little thinner.

"How strange..." Caroline, who was standing by, rubbed her chin and thought: "That boy Billy can transform anytime and anywhere. The thunder that hit him ignored the laws of space at all, even in a confined space. Appear out of thin air and kill him."

"We don't have the memory of this world. The equivalent in Marvel is 'Thor'? It's all related to lightning. Moreover, Thor can't even lift his hammer without permission," Max He speculated: "By analogy, if you want to transform into Shazam, you may need the permission of a specific person, that is, the people in the 'Rock of Eternity', but the previous generation of Shazam who gave Billy his abilities is already dead."

"You are not qualified, so you are not qualified. Because of this, you are not qualified." Caroline nodded repeatedly.

"If you had known that this was possible, wouldn't you have let me try?" Jin Jing opened her eyes and put down her hand, and said angrily: "If Gotham's partners see it, the identity of the kindergarten principal will be completely confirmed. "

"You actually feel like you're not sitting down?" "Shocked." The two roommates laughed.

You shouldn't have expectations for these two fun people. Jin Jing lowered his head and looked at his all-purpose tool.

‘Shazam! 'Failed to cast, please try again later. 】

Only one 'Shazam Power' user is allowed to appear in each reincarnation world. When there are multiple users with 'Shazam! ’ skill, the trial site ‘Rock of Eternity’ will be automatically generated, and the ‘Shazam! 'The skill will be activated and other users' skills will be temporarily locked. 】

‘Shazam! 'After the skill is locked, it can be activated in the following ways:]

Gain recognition from current users and join the ‘Shazam Family’. 】

The current user leaves this world. 】

Absorb or steal the power of Shazam from the current user. 】

Destroy the Rock of Eternity and seize the distribution rights of Shazam's Power. 】

Defeat the six providers of Shazam's Power. 】

Why are they becoming more and more ferocious... And if you can defeat those gods, why do you need their power?


"Shazam!" "Shazam!" Caroline and Max each shouted there.

You don’t even have the skills... just joining in the fun, right?

Jin Jing sighed silently and continued to look for Mo Gu.

The purpose of waking up the two roommates this time was to bring them to collect the ingredients needed for the restaurant. Specifically, it was the "Crazy Orphan", a specialty of the mountains in the northern suburbs of Gotham.

These are the ingredients needed to make special dishes in my "Management Simulation" game. Only reincarnators can see it in person at the place of production, not to mention the employees of the Wayne family, even "Zhepu" and "Zhepu" who are restaurant employees "Sanji" came here and couldn't see those strange mushrooms.

According to the instructions in the mini-game, these special ingredients will only appear in specific seasons and locations with a certain refresh frequency. If you miss them, you will have to wait a year.

Originally, she didn't care much about this. After all, the restaurant that embraced the Wayne family was not short of money. At most, when she had free time, she could pick some ingredients that were refreshed throughout the year to enrich the dishes. After officially becoming the "Kindergarten Director" "After that, related behaviors further decreased until "Shazam" appeared.

The various foreign-style dishes that the big boy brings are second to none. The key is to activate the exchange of "weapons and equipment", which is a treatment that even Neptune did not have when he was born.

Exchangeable equipment includes Aquaman's Trident, Aquaman Armor, Mermaid Tail, Shazam Uniform, etc.

These weapons and equipment are very cheap, but the outrageous thing is that they must be purchased with "remuneration earned through work." , although it is still US dollars, the "available" part shrank by more than 99% compared to the working capital in an instant.

After a careful check of the accounts, Jin Jing discovered that her restaurant on the sea had actually been barely balancing its income and expenses. Although the accounts looked good, none of them could be used to buy the things provided by the Lord God. Seriously, "Bankrupt Sisters" Caroline and Max has more available funds than he does.

The reason is that the cost of repairing the restaurant after it was smashed twice turned out to be a deduction from his own available funds, which was also used for daily decoration, employee wages and the purchase of ingredients.

After counting a bunch of numbers, I was actually on the verge of bankruptcy and couldn't buy anything.

How does this work? Although there are Haki and Six Styles available, the more equipment, the better.

This also explains from the side why the side task of finding a job is ranked first:

No matter what superpowers you have, how many superheroes you're associated with, or how many major events you're involved in, the job is still work.

What else is there to say? Get your two roommates out of bed, go out to look for ingredients, and then put on the shelves high-priced dishes.

Apart from anything else, with the power of Shazam, it is very necessary for me to get a Shazam uniform that can be customized in appearance. Billy's red tights are just too stupid.

The dish that I want to put on the shelves this time is the "Sea Rising Moon" made by "Crazy Gu" and "Luangwu Kelp".

Are there really no side effects from eating a dish made from something that sounds abnormal?

"I picked two, what about you?" "Damn, there's only one."

On the other side, Caroline and Max, who started collecting ingredients again, competed with each other.

The quantity of these rare ingredients collected is not fixed. Depending on the value, there are 02, 13, 24 and other collection quantities. In other words, if you are unlucky, you may not even be able to collect any of them within a whole refresh cycle.

Because of this, Jin Jing, who was lucky enough, did not try to collect ingredients at all but let the two "roommates" who were lucky enough to work.

However, people generally have a sense of luck. When a cluster of mushrooms suddenly appeared in front of Jin Jing, she still reached out to collect them while saying that people would not be unlucky again and again.

Then, the cluster of mushrooms disappeared between her fingers like morning dew.

...If I continue to collect ingredients that may lead to nothing, I will chop them up!

"Eh? Xiaojing, what did you find?"

Jin Jing was looking at the place where Mugu disappeared and was upset, but Caroline came over:

"An old train tunnel?"


Jin Jing looked up in surprise and found that after the mushroom cluster disappeared, a broken train track was exposed among the tall shrubs behind it. When looking back along the track, a deep tunnel cave appeared on the steep mountain wall. above.

"Martial arts secrets? Grandpa teaches martial arts? Unparalleled treasures?" Caroline walked directly into the cave without waiting for Jin Jing to react.

Don't act recklessly just because you are a soul!

And the things you mentioned cannot possibly appear in this world that clearly belongs to the European and American worldview.

Before Jin Jing finished her slander, Max had already followed her and got in.

...Forget it, risk your life to accompany the gentleman.


When was the chapter that officially started this unit published? April 28.

Then, on April 29, the real Marvel Universe really came to an end.

It took me a month to find out.

Others keep up with current events, but I get caught up in current events.


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