The Collection of The End

Two thousand and ninety-four, North American Mythical War (44)


Gotham, northern suburbs.

The rock tunnels that appear on the mountain wall and the rails laid on the ground look quite retro. Perhaps they are left over from when Gotham was first built. The air inside is still fresh, and there is no fishy smell of wild animals living there. The inlaid On the walls on both sides of the tunnel, strange crystal stones emitting a faint green light provided limited lighting for the three or one explorer who broke into this place.

"It's a bit strange," Caroline said as she walked deeper along the trail beside the railway: "We didn't see anything that looked like an abandoned railway on the way here. If it was someone from Gotham Pipe Construction who specially demolished it and cleaned it, Yes, why isn't this tunnel blocked? And if not, why did the railway suddenly stop at the exit? It's like... a picture was directly 'cut' away."

"Now that the Mermaid Princess and Superman Boy have appeared, there is no need to continue to consider realistic factors," Max continued: "Is it possible that this is another secret base of the 'Court of Owls'?"

"It's also possible. The members of the Court of Owls that Wayne, Cobot and Falcone uncovered are all ordinary people. According to those people, this organization was passed down from their ancestors. With the four major families With the rise of the Communist Party of China, it is becoming more and more difficult for them to control the situation, so we will grab their tails and beat them up." Caroline agreed: "Perhaps something went wrong and important things were not passed down, and those inheritances are... In this—we’re going to make a fortune!”

"It's a time like this to say: I found my prey." Max corrected seriously.

For the time being... no, I would never want to follow their jokes.

Jin Jing sighed silently and tried to continue analyzing along their train of thought.

Rather than the Court of Owls, she felt that this was a "transit station" that belonged to her alone - leading to the "Rock of Eternity".

So far, all the tasks released by the Lord God can be completed, but the danger and complexity are not certain. In other words, all methods to unlock the power of "Shazam" must be achievable, that is, she must have the opportunity to go to the Rock of Eternity and be strong enough. , you can also give the god who provides the strength a beating, no, forget it.

Although Gotham is far away from Shazam's hometown, there should be no fixed coordinates for such a mysterious place as "The Rock of Eternity". Didn't Billy just get on a subway before... uh...


"Xiaojing, look, owl"

Caroline, who was walking in front, didn't know what she did. The entire train tunnel suddenly shined brightly, illuminating a train that was originally parked on the platform further away and could not be seen at this distance.

It was an ancient train of about four cars, all brown, with golden owl patterns on the doors, windows and front end.

After the three of them got closer, they discovered that it seemed to have no obvious front and rear direction, nor any structure that seemed to provide power, but the lights inside the car were still dimly lit.

"There is no distinction between front and back. This can explain why this tunnel has only one railway track. No matter they come or go, they can only pass through this line, but..." Max looked towards the deep darkness further away: "We are Let’s go take a look now, or should we go back to Gotham and call for help first?”

"What are you afraid of? We are just two souls, and Xiaojing is invincible." Caroline tried to pull the car door: "Ah, it's open."

"It makes sense. This is the world of reincarnation. What kind of fun is it to help others with their children?" Max walked into the car.

It's not like he's invincible... Besides, that's not what you said when you were running around doing business.

Jin Jing followed them into the carriage, looked around, and found that there was no console or anything like that. It looked more like four connected cable cars than a train.

In other words...its motivation comes from outside?


The carriage door that had been left open suddenly closed on its own.

"There's an ambush!" "Hurry up and protect me!" Max equipped his sword and shield, while Caroline took out a staff.

Jin Jing looked at them and took out a large-caliber revolver to show his appreciation.

There is no profession in the world of reincarnation, only various attributes and skills, generally in the three directions of strength, agility, and intelligence, and their development tendencies have been determined before entering the world. In Caroline's words, "tactical thieves" "Iron Triangle" is the most stable. Although I don't know where the argument comes from, just treat it as fact.

"Bai Jingjing" only adds points when she gets items that are almost ready to be equipped. Now her agility is as high as her strength, and her domineering plus six-style fighting style also tends to be fast, so she is considered a "thief" by her two roommates, but they It is very biased, and the number of points is clearly directed towards the Strength Faith Warrior and Agility Intelligence Mage. As a result, the strengths and weaknesses are as obvious as each other. During the battle, they have to form formations to cover each other.

Snap, tap, tap.

However, after the door was closed, there was no expected attack. With a subtle crackling sound, the lighting crystals on the tunnel wall were extinguished one after another, causing the window to become pitch black, and the entire train seemed to be suspended in the universe. .

"The train was started because of the identity of the reincarnation, or the mastermind behind the Court of Owls discovered us, which one do you think?" Max said looking at Caroline.

"Why couldn't it be the mastermind behind the Court of Owls who discovered the identity of our reincarnations?" Caroline blinked.

"It doesn't have that ability." Jin Jing replied smoothly.


Since nothing had happened for a while, the two roommates were no longer alert and turned to stare at Jin Jing.

"What's wrong? What's the problem?" Jin Jing looked at the two of them inexplicably.

"As expected of a senior." "As expected, you must have the consciousness to completely believe in the Lord God to become a senior."

No, did you make a mistake? When this main god was in tatters and even had problems loading, why did you fix it bit by bit yourself? How could you fully trust its ability? It is true that there are always loopholes that you need to help fill.

As for what I said just now... Come on, the Time Management Bureau didn't find out about my problem, the little Owl Court? Give me a break.

When Jin Jing was considering whether to explain, his feet swayed and the train started in the darkness.

However, the train that the three of them had just stepped onto was clearly an ordinary train, but there was no sound of hitting the rails or shaking up and down during the movement. It felt like...sliding?

The train gradually accelerated, and the outside of the carriage gradually became brighter.

No, it's not that the tunnel lights are back on, but the stars are lighting up in the night sky.

Jin Jing was not surprised to find that the train was no longer moving along the track in a narrow tunnel, but was flying freely in the bright starry sky.

"Oh...well, both guesses are wrong," Max said, looking out the window.

As the speed of the train continues to increase, the "closer" stars outside the train window begin to lengthen and turn into strips of light. The strips of light also become more and more numerous, eventually forming a giant tunnel of light that wraps the train. .

Inside the tunnel, there was a faint, subtle "shazam" sound echoing.

"It seems that the answer is the third type," Jin Jing said: "Someone has commandeered this car and plans to send us to the 'Eternal Rock'."

"Disgraceful Court of Owls," Caroline complained.


As the train accelerated for the last time, a strong white light instantly flooded everyone's vision.

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