The Collection of The End

Two thousand and ninety-five, North American Mythical War (45)

——Marvel, 2011——

New York, restaurant on the sea.

"Hello, mud guys, this is the 'haishangsheianyagongcishi' package for the mud guys,"

Thor, who was wearing a straight black waiter's uniform, placed the food on the plate on the table awkwardly:

"It's fun to mix bamboo mud with it."

According to conventional judgment standards, this restaurant waiter is clearly unqualified. His stature is too tall, which makes people feel oppressive, and his appearance is too rough, which makes people feel threatening. His blond messy hair and stubble look untidy. His actions were quite rude, and his accent was very strange, like someone from Texas. The most important thing is that he had a straight face and refused to smile to the customers. If it were a normal restaurant, he would have been laid off due to complaints. .

If it were replaced by an ordinary restaurant.

"Oh, don't worry, young man. If you spill it, you'll have to spend time cleaning it up, won't you?"

"Judging from your accent, it sounds like you're from Texas. Do you know that Miss Jin Jing has any plans over there?"

In front of Thor was a well-dressed old couple. They looked kind and kind, just like ordinary retired old people. But even though Thor had lost his powers, his eyesight and intuition were still there. He was very sure that the elderly man was a Although the warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles is not as good as himself, he can deal with a dozen ordinary Midgardians, or humans, with his bare hands. As for the old woman, although she is not very good at fighting, she gave him a blow. There is a feeling of calculating everything at any time, just like the Valkyrie who are responsible for logistics and intelligence when the Asgard army goes out for battle.

Maybe they were seeking information from themselves for some purpose, but at least "Miss Jin Jing" didn't ask herself to keep it secret.

"Because of that... meteorite, Miss Jin Jing no longer trusts New York's emergency rescue system," Thor replied: "She is mobilizing powerful people from the Fisk family from all over the country to come to New York, and she is bringing people who originally lived here to New York." Families of Fisk family members migrated out, perhaps from Texas, but I don’t know.]”

"Only Clinton District? Doesn't she plan to take care of other places?" the old gentleman asked.

"Hey, you old thing, don't embarrass the child," the old woman patted the old man on the arm: "Is that okay to say?"

The child... Frigga, the mother who stayed in Asgard, must be worried about herself...

Thor was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head: "There is nothing that can't be said. Miss Jin Jing said that since the military has obtained so many 'mass-produced Iron Man's, they should put in more effort. As long as the Fisk family manages them well, they will definitely Just leave Hell's Kitchen alone. If anything happens, the Avengers will take action.】"

"Oh, 'Avengers'?" The old man didn't know why he was very dissatisfied with this superhero organization that Iron Man had just announced with a high profile: "The playboy dressed in scrap metal, the angry doctor who bullies the weak and fears the strong, the nosy red room agent, The weak-minded ninja archer, Captain America who evades responsibility, and..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The old woman slapped him again.

"This is the experience of those who have experienced it," the old gentleman looked at Thor: "When you have the opportunity to make a choice, don't let yourself regret it."

Although he didn't understand what he was talking about, Thor nodded because his wife reminded him of the Queen.

"——Thor! Are you busy? Or are you fishing?"

"Next meal! Hurry up!"

After Thor nodded to the old couple, he turned and walked towards the kitchen.


Working as a waiter in the restaurant was arranged by Rachel Fisk, the "Goddess of Death of Midgard" and "Miss Gold Crystal". She claimed that Thor must pay for the money for smashing the roof, and because she could not contact Asgard, Transferring debts to Heavenly Father Odin is not acceptable.

Thor said that there were many wars going on in Midgard, even in the country she was in called "America", and he could repay it by fighting.

Miss Jin Jing expressed doubts about how much fighting power he still had after his divine power was sealed. Thor immediately shouted that she had insulted the honor of Asgard's first warrior and wanted to fight her... designated opponent to prove himself.

It is impossible to fight the goddess of death. He has been unable to defeat her since he was a child. Even the goddess of death in Midgard must not be able to defeat her.

Miss Jin Jing agreed, and then sent Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers and Phil Coulson to fight Thor. In her words, "the difficulty is decreasing in a ladder."

Compared with "dispatch", even Thor's not so smart mind can see that they are just joining in the fun and want to fight with the legendary god.

Then Thor didn't win a game and received three "What a weak god" sentences.

No, there should be a chance to win, but the pride of the Asgardian prince made him refuse to fight Natasha Romanoff, who was a woman.

As a result, he was sprayed with anti-wolf spray by an angry female agent, who left the only different comment: "You will be single for the rest of your life!"

It is impossible to be single. His father has already made arrangements for him. If Sifsi, the daughter of Heimdall, the caretaker of the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, had not been thrown to Midgard, he should have been engaged to her. That's's all the fault of the frost giants in Jotunheim!

In short, with his divine power sealed, not only could he not be able to take down Mjolnir, he could not defeat the conventional combat power on Midgard. He was useless except for the defense power of the Asa Protoss itself, and in the end he could only obey "Miss Jin Jing" arranged to work as a waiter in this sea restaurant that is not at sea.

Thor was very familiar with this kind of work. Every time he went on a triumphant expedition, this was the person who served food and wine to the warriors. Sometimes he would also take the initiative to do this for his heavenly father Odin.

To put it another way, people who are qualified to dine at the "Midgard Goddess of Death" can barely be regarded as lower-level gods. Providing them with food and wine does no harm to their honor.

The only thing that made him uncomfortable was Miss Jin Jing's two "Valkyries", Caroline and Max. They were very much in line with the character of the Asgardian Valkyries: they went all out on the battlefield and were kind in peacetime. friendly.

They are always acting strangely, and they even try to trick themselves into wearing clothes that only women can wear with the strange excuse that "Thor should wear a maid outfit." He is just upright, not stupid!

However, when they are in the "battlefield" - the restaurant's back kitchen, it is as if they don't have any extra thoughts and will only complete their work efficiently and quickly.

Although weak, he believed they were worthy of being called "Valkyries".

In the end, what really convinced me of "Miss Jin Jing" was the "railgun" spell she taught... maybe it was a spell?

Her point of view is that although he, the god of thunder, has sealed divine power, he is limited to the fact that he cannot release the divine power outside. He still has complete divine power in his body. Otherwise, it would be ridiculous if he fell and hit his head on the road and died.

The "railgun" is a spell that only needs to use limbs to form an "acceleration track", place projectiles that will be affected by lightning between the two, and then launch it by strengthening the power of lightning "in the limbs".

The experiment was successful once, and subsequent attempts were made in search of an action that at least looked like a move.

From this point of view, she does have the consciousness of the gods - delicacy and magnificence are the first elements to pursue after fighting.

The two fingers side by side during the test didn't work, and it didn't look good to make a fist with an empty fist and leave a gap. The power of ejecting the projectile by holding it between the fingertips was not enough.

The final move is: put your palms together at your waist, clamp the projectile in your palms to initially magnetize it, and then suddenly push it forward. At this time, the parallel arms play an acceleration role, and the open fingers can Further increasing the power of the projectile, it caused a thick white light path like lightning when it flew out.

This kind of powerful move is difficult to perform even when he is not sealed with divine power.

No, if the divine power had not been sealed, I would never want to create new tricks if I always relied on Thor's hammer. Even if I heard about this method of application, I would probably sneer at it.

It seems that the biggest gain from coming to Midgard is to get to know this new sister, who is worthy of being Odin, the heavenly father.

The only problem is...

Why do you have to shout "Kamahamaha" while performing a move?


Isn't it very reasonable for an alien who fell from the sky to have a brother who is hostile to him and knows the turtle style qigong?

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