The Collection of The End

Two thousand and ninety-six, North American Mythical War (46)

New York, Hell's Kitchen.

I'm making arrangements with Kingpin for the next events in Avengers 1.

"Good girl, dad has roughly arranged things according to your plan, but...]"

In the video, only Kim's bulky upper body in a white suit was revealed, and he hesitated for a few seconds.

"Tell the truth to dad, are you planning to run for President of the United States?"

"Are you kidding? Thinking about my mother's identity, even if I had this intention, I wouldn't be able to choose her."

Because it's a projection, I can't see his thoughts, but I really want to know what strange things he is thinking. Is he not satisfied with the title of Godfather of the American Gangster, and plans to become the King of the United States?

"Atlantis does not exist publicly," Kingpin muttered, "but if these arrangements of yours can be completed smoothly, even a pig can be elected president."

"..." I tilted my head to look at him, and then raised my voice: "Mom and dad said your good daughter is a pig."

"Uh-huh-" Kingpin in the video uttered onomatopoeia of unknown meaning. It was unclear whether he was punched or pinched by Vanessa, who was not in the camera.

Vanessa Vanessa, nicknamed Winnie, is from Atlantis. She is 182cm tall, weighs 67kg, and is about 170 years old. She is half-sister to Princess Fenn of Atlantis. Neptune Namor has met her I have to call her aunt.

Originally, this "elder princess", like other Atlanteans, had no affection at all for the humans who polluted the ocean. It could even be said to be hatred. However, because of the relationship between her sister and Namor's father, Leonard, many I still have a certain amount of curiosity.

During an attack on a human factory that dumped sewage into the ocean, she met Jin Bin, who was planning to teach his competitors a lesson by destroying the factory. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and as luck would have it, at that time The industries that Kingpin was dealing with were all polluting factories, and the two sides hit it off.

Then, there is the more clichéd fight side by side, falling in love over time, the hero saving the beauty, making a private decision for life, and getting married to the daughter. Because the mother of Neptune Namor also followed this process, there is no resistance to their union at all. , maybe Namor is eager to marry this "eldest princess" as soon as possible.

The appearance, hair color, and body of this cheap old woman are not much different from those of a mermaid. She just hides the characteristics of aquatic creatures in her ears, fingertips, ankles, and crest. In addition, due to her strong strength and speed, , and even deliberately disguised himself as a boxer.

The only problem is that due to her physical condition, she often needs to take a dip in the sea water. This is why Jinpin has been taking her to travel to various coastal cities. In coastal areas, Vanessa is invincible and there is no need to worry at all. Security Question.

However, if you think about it carefully, with Jin Bin's size and appearance, how could He De be favored by the eldest princess of Atlantis?

He didn't dare to ask himself, so he could only wait for "Rachel Fisk" to grow up and encourage his daughter to talk about it. The final answer he got was: Vanessa, as an Atlantean, does not have such requirements for the gender of her partner. After death, she likes huge, strong, ferocious men and petite, weak, kind-hearted women. She is very satisfied when she marries one and gives birth to the other.

Petite? weak? Kind? 】

'ha? Do you have any dissatisfaction with Sajia? Iron is destroyed! ’

No, no, as long as you are happy. 】

"In short," I saw that Kingpin seemed to have calmed down, and then continued: "Because the military's 'mass-produced Iron Man' has become so popular, it is reasonable for the gang godfather to also want a batch. Since he is a gang, he has good equipment. It is natural to equip gangsters. As a gangster, if your territory is invaded by outsiders, it is professionalism to attack immediately. As for whether you are attacking 'outsiders' or 'aliens', that doesn't matter."

"In this case, shouldn't we carry out positive publicity and improve the image of the Fisk Gang? What do you plan to do after the fight is over to find reporters to publish our dirty information?]" Jin Bing asked with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"Dad, you must have never been a good person." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm not a bad person...well, I'm probably a bad person.]" Kingpin scratched his bald head.

"When good people do bad things, it's called being ruined, and when bad people do good things, it's called prodigal son turning back." I replied: "Tony obviously doesn't understand this. He has been packaging himself as a big hero, so once this big hero causes any trouble, , those who have been helped by him will immediately criticize him verbally, and he can't fight back. How do you say that? Oh yes, 'good people should be pointed at guns'."

"Hey! Let's see who dares to point a gun at my good girl! Fill her with cement and throw it into Tokyo Bay that night!]" Jin Bin slammed the table.

Okay, I know which city he is in now.

"In short, in this 'alien invasion' incident, the Fisk family has one and only one purpose, which is to repel the invaders. It must not be confused with 'disaster relief', 'protecting civilians' and 'defending peace'. It doesn’t work if you put all the responsibilities of the class on your head, even if it sounds nice.” I paused and said, “Mom, you have to keep an eye on dad, he is so happy with his achievements, he might get carried away and forget about it when something happens.”

"Well, I'll keep an eye on him, don't worry]" Vanessa, in a white shirt and red tie, squeezed into the "camera": "Although I have never heard of the Chitauri race, they are still 'aliens' after all." 'My dear girl, don't you need help from Atlantis? That guy Namor's trident is almost rusty.]"

"No, no, don't," I waved my hand: "Human beings are a very strange race. They can accept alien invasions, experiment mutations and create monsters. The ordinary people around them are actually aliens in disguise, but they resolutely refuse to accept the earth. There is another intelligent race living on the planet that they have never heard of. This is probably called the arrogance at the top of the food chain."

"Who says it's unacceptable? I even married one.]" Kingpin leaned over and kissed Vanessa.

"What are you doing in front of your daughter?" Vanessa hung up the phone angrily.

"In short," I opened the small refrigerator in the communication room and took out ice cream to feed the phone bugs: "The Fisk family wanted to adopt an attitude of 'It has nothing to do with saving you' during the invasion, and insisted during the post-war reconstruction that 'This is Business is not disaster relief, so as not to be morally kidnapped."

Who dares to morally kidnap a gangster? 】

"It's hard to say. After all, Marvel's 'ordinary people' are quite weird. Their reactions to various events are completely inconsistent with the identity of the troubled New York citizens. In almost every movie, they look like they have never had anything to do with them." I guess the attitude towards paranormal phenomena that has appeared is probably because Marvel has directly brought the attitudes of real-life readers into it.”

Hmm... But if you let your subordinates adopt this attitude, wouldn't it be impossible to save ordinary people when they are in danger? 】

"Anyway, with the Avengers here, they can always appear at the right place. If it's really too late to save..."

I put the full phone bug back into the box:

"Do you have any misunderstanding about my identity?"

That's my line! 】


Suddenly, I discovered that there are parents with strange identities and a daughter who can read minds...

Oh, it starts airing on April 9, right, so I’ll count on my popularity this time.

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