The Collection of The End

Two thousand and ninety-eight, North American Mythical War (48)


The adopted son of Odin, the son of the Frost Giant, the god of lies and deceit, the betrayer of Asgard, the number one fan of Thor, and the pawn of the Dark Titan Thanos. He died in the main universe of the movie, but was pulled into the TV series. Ji fell in love with his sexually changed self.

However, those settings are not important. The most important point is that he holds the "Mind Gem" that can control life and thoughts, although it is ineffective for many people.

The gem was set in his scepter, and after a series of events became "Vision".

There are quite a lot of bugs about this gem. For example, the scepter was given to him by Thanos, and he wanted to use it to find the space gem, open the space gate and let the Chitauri army attack the earth. No matter how you think about it, it doesn't make sense. It seems that the screenwriter randomly set up that the "God of Lies and Trickery" should possess the Mind Stone, and then found that Odin had three Infinity Stones and was extremely powerful. Then he temporarily changed it to Destruction. Ba gave me a gift, but couldn’t figure out why I wanted to give it away, so I finally started pretending to be dead without explaining.

For another example, Scarlet Witch destroyed the Mind Stone, but was restored by Thanos using the Time Stone - are you serious, screenwriter? Can Infinity Stones in the same universe affect other stones? Sure enough, when it comes to "time", an unknown realm for humans, it is difficult to grasp the setting. People who control this ability, such as Gu Yi, will soon be forced to leave the show, because the screenwriter can't think of a person who can. How should a person who sees the future behave.

After that, these idiots added various weakenings to Doctor Strange's use of time ability. There is only one victory in 14 million battles. According to this theory, why don't you first calculate whether you are facing Dormammu head-on? What are the odds of winning the battle?

"Thanos, I'm here to negotiate terms." Isn't it more handsome than raising a finger tremblingly? It's all the screenwriter's fault.

Oh, yes, this is done because Iron Man must die, right? Because the actor's contract has expired, because Robert Downey Jr. will not take the role, and Tony Stark will die no matter what he does. This is a typical dimensionality reduction attack. .

Then I won’t be a guest... uh...

Gee, that's a Stark, and he still has a wife. It's completely unimaginable that he would admire someone so much that he would leave the original world. Even if he said something like "If you don't come with me, you will die." Not useful at all, right?

Eh...wait a minute, I was obviously thinking about Loki, so why did I turn to Stark?

"Miss Jin Jing, you——"


Before Thor could ask anything, the golden meteor that appeared after the Rainbow Bridge broke hit directly through the roof and fell into the third-floor guest room in front of me.

"It seems your brother has arrived," I tilted my head to look at him: "The bill for repairing the restaurant will be charged to you?"

"No problem," Thor patted his chest: "Asgard has endless wealth!"

...This golden-haired idiot deserved to be thrown down by Odin.

I shook my head and walked into the smashed guest room.


Loki is quite handsome in the description of Nordic mythology, but in terms of personal aesthetics, his image in the movie is actually not very good, especially after wearing that stupid helmet with two horns of unknown meaning. Do you know how this Loki...


Most of the space in the guest room was occupied by the smashed roof material and collapsed furniture, forming an upward slope. In the depression halfway up the slope, there was a slender young man wearing a black robe with white stripes. Lean there.

He looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, with short black hair that reached his ears, and his facial features looked very well-behaved, but because he couldn't see the childlike color with his eyes closed, he seemed to have been temporarily comatose due to the impact of the impact and fall.

The sunlight cast by the smashed roof enveloped him, making the boy the only focus in the entire room.


This kid has nothing to do with the God of Deception, right?

"Oh, Loki, my brother," Thor rushed over and grabbed the boy's hand: "What happened? Was the Bifrost attacked? How is Heimdall?"

Could you please take care of your brother?

"Well..." The young man raised his hand and pressed his forehead, and retorted before opening his eyes: "It's not Loki, it's Atreus."

The young man's voice was clean and clear, and he didn't sound like someone who was plotting.

"Okay, Atreus, who are the enemies? Those restless giants of Jotunheim?" Thor asked: "If there is a war, can I go back?"

"I'm not sure..." The young man who called himself Atreus stood up and opened his eyes. A pair of green eyes looked towards me: "...Sister Hela?"

By what standards do they recognize people? Then I will go to Asgard to cheat.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sister Hela is not as beautiful as you," Atreus continued without waiting for my response: "You are the princess of Atlantis who took in Brother Thor, right? Heavenly Father asked me to pay tribute to you and your Say hello to your parents."

Okay, I believe he is the god of deceit. Odin would never talk to an "Atlantis princess" like this.

Just ignore it when you say you are prettier than Hela? ] The stupid system complained.

"Who is more beautiful, me or Duke Xu in the north of the city?" ’

Ah...uh...he wants something from you? 】

'Anyway, I don't think he came specifically to see his brother. ’

"I can't say he will be taken in, but my place is the most suitable place to receive him," I replied to Atreus while gesturing towards the ruins he smashed: "You can also work to pay off your debts."

"Well..." Atreus looked at the scene around him, "Please wait a moment."


The moment his voice fell, a dark red ripple spread out around Atreus, and the faint red light scattered the collapsed building debris, collapsed and damaged furniture, and anything else in the room that had been affected by the impact. Things are wrapped up together.

Tip: 'Atreus Laufeyson' attempts to use the power of the 'Reality Stone' to modify part of reality. 】

Since the reality to be modified is under the observation of ‘Rachel Fisk’, you can choose one of the following effects to interfere with this modification. 】

One: Prevent modification. 】

Two: Allow modifications, but highlight the modified things and add remarks about the modification content and modification date on the tags. 】

Three: Allow modification. Not optional]

Tip: The modification of reality by the 'Reality Gem' is not valid for existences at the 'Multiverse Level' and above. If the modification is allowed and not marked, re-observation of the modified part will cause the reality dimension to collapse. 】

I think Loki is already broken without the Mind Stone but with the Aether Particles - referring to the two "Thor" movies.

It couldn't be that Kratos opened the treasure chest and left it for his son, right?


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