The Collection of The End

Two thousand and ninety-nine, North American Mythical War (49)

——Marvel, 2011——

New York, Stark Tower.

After the birth of the new Avengers, Tony Stark, one of the founders, very generously set aside ten floors on the top of the Stark Tower as the headquarters of the Avengers - including the huge aerial platform.

The obvious reason is that all the facilities here are the best and there is a platform for rapid attack, but those who are familiar with him know that this is just because he does not trust the venues provided for him by any other department.

However, no matter what outsiders think, the members of the Avengers are still very satisfied with this high-tech headquarters. They even gave up the place provided by SHIELD and regarded it as their first base.

In addition to the lounges selected by the members, one of the floors is a huge common room with a variety of office, leisure, entertainment and dining facilities, which would not be leaked. All these facilities are managed by Jarvis.

When there is no mission or anything specific, and they just want to chat casually, the Avengers can come here, and maybe they will meet other people who have the same idea.

At this time, Steve was doing pull-ups on a machine in the corner of the party hall. Natasha and Coulson were sitting on the sofa not far away and helping him count. Peter, who was playing after school, was watching Bruce Banner. Doing homework under the guidance of the doctor, while Tony Stark was standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking out thoughtfully.

"I still don't quite understand," Stark looked away from the window and looked at Natasha: "The two sides of this conflict are obviously two factions within the military. Why did it promote the birth of an organization that is unanimously open to the outside world? Oh, maybe I should say 'resurrection'?"

"The reason the director used is 'if we have a certain kind of power, then there is a high probability that our enemies will also have it.'" Natasha spread out a hand: "In order to deal with possible threats, a team of soldiers with special abilities will A team of 'superheroes' is very necessary."

"This sounds like an excuse to cheat money." Stark sneered.

"But it is a fact," Steve said with a serious expression as he continued to exercise: "During World War II, Hydra also had human body enhancement methods similar to the 'Super Serum', and when we established the first generation of 'Avengers,' , a 'super villain' with special abilities appeared on the other side almost immediately. Without the help of Human Torch and Namor, the outcome of the war might have turned out differently."

"It sounds like a bad screenwriter is deliberately arranging an opponent," Stark shrugged: "Can't there be a 'superhero' who single-handedly defeats all the 'super villains'?"

"That will lose the suspense, Mr. Stark," Peter interjected: "When readers are convinced that the protagonist of the story will not die, any crisis and difficulty will only make people feel boring. For example, in a new serialized comic recently, the protagonist It’s a bald guy——”

"Write your homework," Stark glared at him: "The consultant of Stark Group cannot be an ignorant pizza boy who hangs around the building all day long."

"...I don't eat pizza every day." Peter slumped his shoulders and began to answer the questions honestly.

"It seems that our tastes are very similar, Tony," Banner, who was tutoring him, showed a kind smile: "I also like that kind of lone ranger hero."

"I think that's probably because you are all very confident in your own strength," Natasha said. "Personally, it's hard for me to imagine anyone smarter than Stark and more powerful than Hulk."

"Rogers... no, Mr. Steve is equally wise and powerful." Coulson interrupted.

"Are you trying to provoke a civil war among the Avengers? Mr. Hawkeye?" Stark looked at him.

"Understand the little boy who suddenly formed a team with his idol and was at a loss." Natasha glanced at Steve: "You don't care about him?"

“Everyone’s right to express their opinions freely is what Captain America is all about,” Steve replied, “as long as it doesn’t cause harm to other people.”

"So, back to the topic," Stark said: "The International Security Council has decided to ignore the 'Thor' who calls himself the 'Golden Retriever Idiot'?"

"I won't correct you," Natasha paused: "The Director heard that their attitude is 'Give to God what is God's, and to Caesar what is Caesar's'."

"Huh?" Stark raised his eyebrows: "Does this mean that because they don't have the ability to go to the universe to fight for hegemony, they decided to ignore the existence of aliens? I thought they would do everything possible to obtain aliens like dogs who see meat and bones. Star technology, just like when you asked me for steel armor technology."

"In fact, the two are completely different." Natasha shook her head: "The military dares to ask you for technology because they know you thoroughly. The entire Stark Group is under their noses, and they can be sure that your technology will not fall into the hands of others. In the hands of our enemies, but aliens? Trojan backdoors, take-all, serious flaws, technology OEMs, etc., etc. Rather than taking huge risks to obtain their technology, it is better to only let a small group of people master the aliens. The application of star equipment will be further analyzed after confirming that there are no problems."

"It seems that we are the guinea pigs." Stark nodded.

"As for temporarily placing the 'Thor' and 'Thunder's Hammer' with the Fisk family instead of recycling them for research, it is also a similar consideration," Natasha continued: "Even if Neptune Namor once fought with us against Crisna, To ordinary humans, 'Atlanteans' are not much different from aliens. If the God of Thunder brings any trouble, the first ones to bear the brunt must be the 'Fisk Family' and 'Atlantis'."

"Huh," Stark shook his head: "This kind of needless distinction between 'insiders' and 'outsiders' will sooner or later..."



Before Stark could finish his words, he was interrupted by a dull sound of electricity coming from the sky and the subsequent sound of breaking.

When he turned to look out the window, he happened to see a golden meteor that was much smaller than the previous "Thor" when it fell. It broke through the atmosphere and fell straight towards New York City.

"Another one? What is it this time? Vulcan?" Stark strode towards the machine shop next door: "Peter! Go over and control the situation first, don't let those aliens cause a commotion, I will be there soon. Jarvis! Calculate the landing point and arrange a helicopter for the captain and the others."

"The calculation of the impact point is complete, sir," Jarvis immediately replied: "The meteor crash location is expected to be the 'Sea Restaurant' in Clinton District."

"..." Stark stopped.

"What's wrong? 'Iron Man'?" Natasha, who was about to go to the rooftop with Steve, Coulson, turned to look at him.

"You go first," Stark waved his hand, turned around and sat down: "I'm going to go there in half an hour to see who can still say that I smashed it."

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