The Collection of The End

Two Thousand One Hundred, North American Mythical War (50)

New York, Hell's Kitchen.

Loki, no, Atreus's use of the Reality Stone to repair the roof he smashed through did not arouse Thor's surprise, or in other words, he was used to it.

However, I was quite curious about how this developed like this, so when no one asked, I asked my sister for information about the Reality Stone and Asgard's past - which was obviously mixed with some stupid systematic personal comments.

Reality Stone, also known as Aether Particle.

The concept of "ether" was first proposed by Aristotle. It is a more advanced fifth element above the traditional four elements of water, fire, air, and earth. Although this element theory itself is wrong, it is not It does not prevent the word "ether" from becoming a mysterious and powerful representative.

The "ether particles" that can be absorbed and utilized by ordinary people do not exist in the orthodox Marvel worldview. They are the ultimate weakened version of the Reality Stone in the movie universe, just like the Space Stone is to the Cosmic Cube and the Time Stone is to Eye of Agamotto.

The reality gem of the movie universe first appeared in "Svartalheim" in the Nine Kingdoms. It was held by the local native race "Dark Elves", but they were unable to fully stimulate the power of this gem and finally chose to transform it into "Ether Particles" in a nearly liquid form, and then use it to transform ordinary dark elves into extremely ugly "cursed warriors".

Although the success rate of this kind of transformation is astonishingly low, the combat effectiveness of successful individuals is equally astonishing, which directly alarmed Asgard. Therefore, Odin's father Bol personally went on an expedition to Vat Alheim five thousand years ago to transform the ether particles into Taken away and sealed underground in Asgard.

Then, he was touched and absorbed by Jane Foster in "Thor 2", which then caused the dark elves to invade Asgard in an attempt to destroy the Nine Realms. Although the attempt failed, it still led to the death of Thor and Loki's mother Fuli Chia died.

However, that is the "original plot" that has not happened yet and will probably never happen again.

Through the analysis of Loki, I found that the current development of the world line has gone astray since the dark elves were beaten:

The king of the dark elves, I mean Malekith. At the end of the war, he tried to fuse ether particles to transform himself into the strongest cursed warrior. This behavior was not "happily" stopped like in the original work. He successfully transformed himself into a super giant monster, even temporarily knocking Bol back.

Then, just like the situation with Jane Foster in "Thor 2", fusion with ether particles will cause the fusion person to quickly collapse and disappear. The stronger the strength and the more frequently the power of ether particles is applied, the faster the collapse speed.

Malekith knew that in this state he could not break through Bol's obstruction and destroy Asgard, so he simply lined up the nine kingdoms and tried to use all his strength to plunge the entire universe into darkness.

Then, he was beaten by Kratos, who had a super giant special attack.

Judging by the time, Atreus should not have been born at that time. Maybe the two "people" were still in the ambiguous stage. They were living well in Jotunheim, taking Laufey, eating hot pot and singing songs, but suddenly they were... The horse bandits were robbed. If not, who would you beat?

What does that theory say? Putting another male down in front of a female is a way for a male to show off his charm.

In a sense, Malekith became a matchmaker - with his own life.

Since Asgard's army had been repelled at this time, Kratos had no idea that he was participating in a major battle to kill Malekith and seize the "Reality Stone" that had been transformed back into the "Reality Stone" due to the disappearance of the host and the transformer. The "Aether Particle" returns to Jotunheim.

However, Kratos and Laufey have no ability to use the Reality Stone at all - this kind of stone that requires imagination to control is basically equivalent to a rough man who only knows how to kill and a female giant who only knows how to smash. decorate.

No, it’s not just decoration. In any case, it’s a trophy obtained by wiping out powerful enemies. The Reality Stone was eventually made into a ring by Kratos and used to propose to Laufey – by the way, do Greece and Jotunheim have this tradition?

Due to a strange combination of circumstances, Asgard has no idea what attitude it should take towards Jotunheim. Although they are old enemies, few people will talk about the reasons for fighting that have been passed down since the birth of the world. On the other hand, Kratos and Laufey did defeat the enemies who tried to destroy Asgard, and the kindness was not fake. This directly led to the war between Asgard and Jotunheim for a long time. It all looks like match-fixing.

Soon after, Atreus was born, and in an accident, the Reality Stone was reabsorbed into ether particles.

The ability of the Reality Stone is to modify reality according to one's own imagination, but this modification cannot take effect on the "minds" and "souls" of other intelligent creatures, just like Thanos can turn the Guardians of the Galaxy into building blocks and pieces of paper , but couldn't make them obey his orders.

There is a problem here. The so-called "reality" also includes the user himself. A child whose self-awareness has not yet been fully formed will unconsciously imitate other people in sight in his actions, and for Atreus who possesses the Reality Stone, In other words, it is not just as simple as "imitation", he will directly "transform".

Is it because he is the God of Mischief that he wants to play pranks, or is he called the God of Mischief because he is born with a penchant for mischief?

Atreus turned Jotunheim upside down by transforming into Kratos, Laufey, various giants, and even an Asgardian soldier on the fake battlefield.

Although Kratos and Laufey were a little troubled, they still left him alone with thoughts such as "It will be fine when the child grows up", "Is there another way to play this way?" and "I will do the same thing next time."

Until Atreus collapsed and disappeared due to excessive use of the power of ether particles.

Kratos and Laufey didn't know anything about the Reality Stone, and it happened that the giant Atreus turned into before his "death" was killed by Asgardian warriors, so the furious parents led all the Frost soldiers under their command. The giants launched an all-out attack on Asgard.

By that time, Bol had abdicated, and Odin, who had taken over as the King of the Gods, struggled to withstand the attack and at the same time investigated the reason why Jotunheim was attacking like crazy.

Although Odin did not refuse to fight, such fights caused by misunderstandings should still be avoided as much as possible, so he found an opportunity and used the "Cosmic Cube" to bring Kratos and Laufey to the "Helm Underworld." "Go to Atreus.

It is the final destination for all the dead in the Nine Realms. It is controlled by Odin's eldest daughter "Hela, the Goddess of Death". The residents there will return to the Nine Realms after "Twilight of the Gods", but specific people can also be fished out in advance. Come, as long as Hela allows it.

Although she is the eldest daughter, the separation of yin and yang for thousands of years has made the relationship between father and daughter quite indifferent. Odin was originally ready to negotiate and compromise, but Hela happily agreed to let her go. The only condition was that she To return to Asgard.

Her reasons are also very good. Atreus's situation is not an ordinary death at all, but he is constantly approaching the concept of "death" under the influence of the "Reality Stone". As long as she, as the goddess of death, remains in the sea, Mu, Atreus will definitely fall into the underworld due to various small probability events, and as long as she and Atreus are in the same world, the Reality Stone will think that he is "already dead" and will not continue to let him body collapsed.

After much thought, Odin agreed to this proposal and brought Hela and Atreus back to the world of the living.

Although the matter has come to an end for the parties involved, the war that has been started cannot be ended so easily. After discussing it, Kratos and Laufey decided to hand over Atreus to Odin to raise them, and they themselves stayed away from the contract. Dunheim went into seclusion until the hot-blooded frost giants calmed down.

This is why Thor ran to steal the Ice Box, causing the originally calm battle to become fierce again. This very common act was why Odin sealed the power and threw it to the earth.


"There is a problem with the Heavenly Father's Destroyer mecha. In order to make it play a role in the battle with Jotunheim, I came to Earth to find someone to repair it." After Atreus finished repairing the roof, he said to me said.

"Repair?" I looked at the repaired roof and furniture.

The parts where they were originally destroyed were all shrouded in a dull red light, with the mark modified '10 minutes ago' by Atreus Raufeisen. 】

What kind of strange record is this? If you look at it again in a few days, will it become "modified on such day, time, and month"?

"Heavenly Father is so weak," Thor interjected: "Wouldn't it be better if we just knocked down all those giants?"

"Yes, repair it. Heavenly Father has observed that brother Thor has a mecha master beside him," Atreus ignored Thor's nonsense and continued: "I hope Miss Jin Jing can introduce us to him."

"Stark?" I glanced in the direction of Stark Tower: "I think his technical skills are not enough to solve Asgard's mecha problem, right?"

At this time, the little spider was swinging all the way over, and Steve, Natasha and Coulson arrived in a helicopter, but for some reason Stark and Dr. Banner chose to stand still.

What else do you want for the finale?

As for the restaurant, due to the big commotion when Atreus arrived, SHIELD staff had begun to evacuate the surrounding passers-by and reporters, and downstairs also began to announce the arrival of foreigners and evict people.

This should be the last time. After all, there are not that many superheroes who like to fall from the sky.

This lag is well established. 】

"In terms of the design of the mecha itself, Stark Industries is certainly not as skilled as Asgard's craftsmen," Atreus said, "but what the Heavenly Father values ​​​​is his ability to invade mechas that do not belong to him."

Oh...when Thor just arrived? In other words, Odin has also seen that anyone can pick up Mjolnir and play with it?

Shrimp, but also pig heart? 】

"I don't know much about mechas, especially the 'god's mechas'," I held my hat up: "If there is a problem with the program, can you try restarting it?"

You computer novice doesn't act like one at all. 】

‘Then you come? ’

Four words - 'reinstall the system'. 】

‘…makes sense. ’

"No, that's not actually a procedural issue, but..." Atreus scratched his hair: "Let me show you."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the stairs leading to the rooftop of the restaurant.

Come prepared, young man.

I turned my cane, signaled to Thor, and stepped to follow.

On the spacious rooftop of the sea restaurant, Atreus turned around and stood still.

"You should have noticed just now that I have the ability to 'modify reality'," he said: "And making something disappear is also a type of 'modification'."

That’s actually “throw it in the recycle bin”…

I didn't answer and nodded for him to continue.

"I originally thought that making objects disappear just changes their 'status'. When I use 'disappear' on the same objects again, they will change back, but I was wrong," Atreus said: "The disappearing things seem to be 'stored' 'It's here with me, and there's a 'storage limit'."

Put in recycle bin and restore?

"When the 'disappeared' thing 'appears' again, it should have returned to the place where it disappeared, but..." Atreus raised a hand: "The 'Destroyer' I found in Heavenly Father's treasury seems to have disappeared. Something went wrong.”

Following Atreus's movement, a three-meter-tall humanoid mecha with a shining silver body and two headlights appeared out of thin air beside him.

The Destroyer... this thing is also a victim of dimensionality reduction.

He was originally used by Odin to deal with the "Celestials" and was extremely powerful. However, because there was no Celestial Group in the movie universe, he was chopped into waste. He was said to be in seconds, but he was beaten by Thor with a small hammer. It was smashed into scrap metal.

Because it was not convenient to appear in the personal movie, Stark was not able to participate in the battle against this thing, but to be honest, if the Destroyer was handed over to Stark, it would no longer be described as "strengthening a tiger with more power", it would be completely " Mega Evolution”—if Stark could parse it.

"What's wrong with it?" I looked up at the mecha.

"Like I said, its disappearance and appearance should be at the same place," Atreus spread his hands: "But it keeps following me for some reason."

As if to prove his statement, Atreus raised his hand to make the Destroyer Mecha disappear. After walking away for more than ten steps, he summoned it again. It was still at the boy's side: "Look."

This...why does it seem a bit scary? Just like every time I look back, the plaster statue gets a little closer.

What a campus seven is incredible. 】

"I think this may be caused by your ability to 'modify reality' becoming stronger?" I made a reasonable guess.

"No, it's more than that, it..."


Before Atreus could say anything, Peter Parker, wearing a spider suit, dragged a piece of spider silk onto the rooftop of the restaurant, and was immediately attracted by the Destroyer's attention.

"Hey man, this thing is really cool. Did you fall from the sky wearing this? I think you may have a lot in common with Mr. Stark. Oh, maybe you don't know Mr. Stark, but don't worry. "He will be here soon -" Peter said as he patted Atreus on the shoulder very familiarly.

Atreus subconsciously dodged, but failed: "Oops."

"What's wrong?"


The Destroyer's eyes suddenly lit up with yellow light, and at the same time, a mechanical sound sounded:

"Hostile behavior against the prince detected, annihilation begins.]"


"What? Ouch!" Spider-Man jumped three meters high and avoided the blunt yellow beam fired at him by the Destroyer. However, the rooftop floor was not so lucky. The beam directly penetrated it and hit the guest room area below.

"Stark!" x2

"You bastard!" x2

...Iron Man should be renamed the Blame-Back Man.


If there is a bug in the setting...


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