The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and fifty-four, North American Mythical War (104)

Because I didn't know where to land, after I kicked down the rainbow bridge that Spider-Man had created at random, I drifted in the subspace between the nine kingdoms for a while, waiting for a new hyperspace channel to be established.

During this period, I discovered that the World Tree is really a tree, or a Christmas tree.

The nine kingdoms are hung at different heights on the tree like stars, balloons, lanterns, and gift boxes. Asgard is the star at the top, and the underworld of Helm is the gift box under the tree.

No need for me to explain in particular? Everything in the imaginary number space cannot be presented with a similar concept to the real space. This is what is seen through the real number filter. Of course, the expression will be affected by the observer. 】

‘I think the Nine Kingdoms are romantic? ’

I think you think this World Tree is a great gift. 】

‘I don’t want what you think, I want what I feel. ’


The fundamental reason why I prevent Spider-Man from completing the "Rainbow Bridge" is that he cannot be allowed to connect the earth with the "Symbiote Dimension", although the "Symbiote God Gnar" seems to be Abathur and should not be fooled. , but it’s no joke if countless symbionts over there flood into the earth.

The concept of "Demon Dimension" is a space that is extremely far away from the earth but can be directly reached through a specific method.

The concept of "Cosmic Demon God" is a powerful existence that lives in the "Demon God Dimension" and can lend power to humans on earth.

As for why the earth is used as a reference...just ask the Marvel editorial department who is also on the earth.

These rules originated from the original seven-dimensional demon gods. After various conditions were met, powerful characters with their own dimensions also called themselves so. Of course, no one would collect copyright fees.

The eight major kingdoms under Odin's jurisdiction happened to meet this condition because of the existence of the World Tree.

In fact, these countries with various names such as "Haim" and "Guard" can actually be called "dimensions" and are qualified to give birth to "cosmic demons", such as the dark elf named Spicy Chicken Silk The former king, but unfortunately, those preparation demons were all killed by Odin and the Valkyrie before they became powerful.

At present, it seems that the followers who come to the Marvel world all use the identity of "Cosmic Demon God" and are having fun in their own dimensions. Just like in the Elder Scrolls world, the sky is filled with Cosmic Demon Gods, and there are no Anyone who replaces a similar character in the Marvel Universe or gives them an extra sibling - Monkey King doesn't count.

They are probably afraid of overdoing it and messing up your "main mission",] the stupid system gloated: "It's a big joke that the Court of Owls and the Chitauri can exchange goals."

‘As long as the big event is completed, it doesn’t say in which world it must be completed. ’

So can I look forward to Batman vs. Ultron and the Justice League vs. Thanos? 】

‘Isn’t that impossible? ’

Thanos snaps his fingers, the Flash sacrifices himself to the sky, and opens 'Flashpoint' to go to 'Endgame'. 】

‘No, wait, DC doesn’t have Infinity Stones. ’

The light ring is also a decoration on the hand, but there is one more. 】


This development seems quite reasonable?

If you think about it carefully, the only person in Marvel who can fight Thanos head-on is indeed Captain Marvel, a character who is the counterpart to Superman. But compared to the DC Universe, whose combat power collapses from time to time and has to be restarted, Marvel is much smarter. Instead of leaving this imba character on Earth, he sent him to the universe to hide in the cold under the very outrageous excuse of "maintaining peace in the universe."

I was thinking about the details and realized that the hyperspace tunnel to Earth had been regenerated, so I left it alone for the time being.

My Hogwarts is more important.


"Thatched Cottage has had enough sleep in spring...uh."

Why didn’t anyone take out the knife from the spicy chicken shreds?

If it were an ordinary person, he would have died, okay?

...Although ordinary people have no chance to become diamonds.

Really, I imitated Wolong and ended up making a big ugly mistake. Who saw it? Can you silence me?

"Rachel baby, you are finally back"

"Good girl, in order to help you vent your anger, dad, I have killed that nine-headed insect. How about it? It's awesome."


Vanessa snatched the knife away and threw it away, then swung me around in her arms while the Kingpin took credit.

Forget it... there is no shame in Caiyi's prom, and please don't kill the master of Bibotantan casually.

"Then, I won't disturb the reunion of the three of you after a long separation." Nick Fury quietly picked up the dark elf's dagger and walked out the door with a happy expression on his face: "I will not leave Hogwarts. If anything happens, I will do it anytime." Come to me."

Huh? etc.

Even for the fallen demon god, its weapon is still considered an "artifact". If a mortal uses it rashly... Well, forget it, there is a beast that eats the element. Even for the meal ticket, it must protect this black braised egg.

"If you hadn't listened to those two 'gods' who call you sister, you will definitely come back. Mom is already planning to call the Leviathan swarm to flood New York. Even Namor can't stop mom." Vanessa Ignoring Nick Fury who was running away, he said to me.

"I told myself that nothing would happen to me in New York. I am protected by the 'Ocean Demon'. Wasn't it also caused by an assassination when I awakened the bloodline of Atlantis? It's the same this time. I have learned how to do that. The ability to 'diamondize'." I originally wanted to push Vanessa away, but I felt that her arms kept shaking. I don't know whether it was from fear or anger.

Forget it, let her hold it.

"Hmph...that 'Ocean Demon God', that 'White Star', I've never seen her take care of anything. If miracles hadn't happened occasionally, I would have arranged for people to tear down her temple." Vanessa continued. .

Isn’t that impossible? Anyway, "White Star" is just a name.

"Ahem, let's get down to business." Kingpin was obviously still a little wary of "White Star" and interrupted Vanessa's complaint: "Good girl, you built this new 'Hogwarts' just to recruit 'Adventors', right? Do you need dad's help? I have been preparing for this kind of thing a long time ago."

"It is necessary to maintain a full set of staff for an ordinary institution of higher learning." I thought for a moment: "Hell's Kitchen's reputation has improved now, but the average person may still be unwilling to come. This requires you, dad, to give them a 'no way' The conditions for rejection are set, and by the way, don’t force them, otherwise they will cause trouble and spread the news..."

"Then Leviathan will have some snacks." Vanessa answered.

"Don't use them as garbage disposal plants!"

"That's great," Vanessa hugged me hard again, pulled away slightly and looked into my eyes: "I know how to complain. It seems like baby Rachel is really back."

...So what is the criterion for judging "I" to be "me"?

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