The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and fifty-five, North American Mythical War (105)


"Well, yes, I also encountered time and space turbulence on my way back. It seems that there is still a long way to go before the Rainbow Bridge is repaired."

I looked at the artificial rainbow bridge terminal burned by the space gem and said with a guilty conscience.

At that time, Time was in a hurry to prevent the Rainbow Bridge from connecting to the symbiote planet. He forgot that using the Infinity Stones would have backlash. It was as powerful as Thanos, who lost half of his arm with just a snap of his fingers, not to mention such a simple mechanical creation. It's extraordinary that they didn't burn to ashes.

After confirming my safe return, Kingpin and Vanessa said goodbye and left. Although Dr. Banner did not leave Hogwarts, he did not come to join our discussion, saying that he did not want to disturb the gathering of young people.

Forget about Spider-Man and Atreus, can Thor also be considered a young man? Is it based on IQ?

"So, it's not my problem that the transmission device burned down? Great, I'm still thinking about how to explain it to Mr. Stark. He entrusted me with such a sophisticated machine, but I broke it. Even if I think I Buying materials and remaking one without knowing the specific design is really..." Peter scratched his head and said after hearing my explanation.

"You should know that I went to the hometown of Thor and Atreus. In that place, there is 'magic'. Compared with heroic warriors, this kind of 'magic' is more often a source of power. Auxiliary functions, such as..." I took out my cane and drew a circle on the scrapped machine: "Repair it as good as ever!"


In the pale green light, the black scrap metal began to "turn upside down" at a speed visible to the naked eye. The scorch marks disappeared, the distortion was restored, and the surface regained its luster. Finally, it restarted with a buzzing sound, binding the Universe Rubik's Cube and extracting it. The device of power also began to turn again.

Tsk...I wanted to ask before, where did Stark get the inspiration to create Sheba?

Maybe it's a common feature of space transfer devices? You see, the core of the Mass Effect channel is also a ball. 】

'That makes sense. ’

"Oh!" Peter's eyes widened, and he rushed forward and started to operate various data on the control panel.

"Eh? Is this what it is?" It was said that the car was burned down by the Rainbow Bridge, and Caroline, who came to Stark for reimbursement, blinked, then raised her left hand towards me and extended her index finger upward.

"One in 14 million?" Max also asked.

"I know what you are talking about, but no, this is the power of the Demon God of the Universe. It is borrowed from Vishanti, the God of Magical Dimensions. It is guaranteed by Odin and the interest is very low." I shook my head.

I was actually looking for the Time Stone or something, but the Ancient One "didn't exist from the beginning", so it should be at Agamotto's place, but Agamotto didn't exist either, which was very embarrassing.

Although it is not impossible to directly ask the prompt sister, it is not necessary. It is useless for me to hold the gem myself. It is better to wait until Doctor Strange is born to see the situation.

"That wand... has the aura of World Tree and sister. Have you seen Sister Hela?" Atreus asked, staring at the wand.

Since we got a new wand in Asgard, the stupid system took advantage of the situation and turned it into a hat based on the image of the "Scarlet Witch". It seems that it has become a little smarter. Ordinary people can knock around with a cane, but they can throw the hat around. It would be too weird to go.

"I see, she also helped complete this 'magic wand', but I don't feel that she and I are alike at all. Rather, she is much more gorgeous and noble than me. You two must not have good eyesight." I looked at her. He looked at Thor and Atreus who looked surprised.

really. 】Silly System said.

‘Are you talking about the first sentence, the second sentence or the last sentence? ’

you guess? 】

'I do not guess you guess guess? ’

"No, it's not appearance or temperament, but... uh..." Thor was a little at a loss for words, scratching his head and speechless.

"Person," Atreus continued.

"Yes, just like Heimdall's armor is more gorgeous than Heavenly Father's, he is taller than Heavenly Father, and his face is more fierce, but there is no reason to think that he is far inferior to Heavenly Father." Thor continued. nod.

"Listen to what you said for yourself? You can't compare to Heavenly Father in one mouthful, right?" I shook my head: "But just accept it as a compliment to me."

"Well, wait? You have met Heavenly Father, haven't you?" Thor's IQ suddenly came online: "Did he say when he would take our brothers back? At least, he had to help us pay off the debt we owe you. Bar."

"No, Odin didn't mention anything about you. Maybe he hopes to maintain the status quo until the Rainbow Bridge is completely repaired." I really forgot about it myself, but Odin himself did not interfere with his two sons. Maybe he really Don't care?

"No, it can't be done..." It seemed that the keyword was triggered. Peter, who had been staring at the control panel for a long time, suddenly said in a frustrated tone: "All the data on this transmission device that simulates the Rainbow Bridge has been cleared. I don't know how to do it at all." I don’t know the original data set by Mr. Stark..."

"Well..." I looked down at the wand in my hand.

"After all, it is 'restored as before'," Caroline shrugged: "I guess engraving things into the storage medium can be considered a kind of 'damage'."

"This 'magic' doesn't look very intelligent." Max also said.

"So after I repaired that machine, the data inside it also disappeared? Am I some kind of emp bomb?" I spread my hands to show my innocence.

"Anyway, in short, let me fill in the data that I remember first," Peter started to do it. "Although it will definitely not run, as long as Mr. Stark comes back and matches the initial data, it can continue." run."

Well, theoretically speaking, Stark should be back from Siberia soon - as long as the civil war doesn't start.

Iron Man and Captain America went to the base where "Winter Soldier" Bucky was sleeping.

This description obviously contains a lot of stomach-churning scenes, which makes people want to set up a camera and capture the whole situation after the incident.

But, I specifically asked Babas and Strong to go over in place of the defrosted Winter Soldier, just to control the situation at the critical moment.

Zhuangzhuang is strong enough to defend Iron Man's suit, and that cunning guy Babas will definitely find an opportunity to take away the captain's shield.

If the situation is really unmanageable, the identities of the Howards can be regarded as a trump card, and they can almost suppress Iron Man Tony Stark after being thrown out.

Even in the worst possible situation, the invincible Gandalf, or "Professor

Unless something big happens that I don't know about.

Hint: Jarvis started working on ‘Ready Player One’. 】

Uh-huh? Is this a big deal?

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