The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and fifty-nine, North American Mythical War (109)

——Marvel, 2013——

New York, Westchester.

Hogwarts main building, banquet hall.

A cocktail party that is often attended by the upper class is being held here. Although the decoration in the auditorium is relatively classical and gorgeous, and the drinks and meals are not the usual types, no one cares about it.

Because drinks and foods that appear and disappear on their own look even weirder.

"Today, we are gathering here for three things," Natasha said elegantly, wearing a pure black evening dress and holding a miniature microphone: "First, to celebrate the return of the 'White Queen' from the underworld, and second, , welcome the new members of the Avengers, secondly, discuss the charter and bylaws of the 'Hogwarts Academy for Gifted Youngsters', and now, please give a speech by our 'White Queen', Miss Rachel Fisk."

For a drinks party, the entries sounded almost irrelevant, and some of the terms—such as the underworld—were unbelievable, but everyone present made no objections and even clapped politely.

"It's too exaggerated, Natasha. I think my coming back is the least important thing," Rachel Fisk walked onto the stage wearing a men's white dress, a white hat and a veil tilted on her head. , took the microphone from Natasha: "After all, as a matter of fact, I just slept and you all completed all the work. Oh my God, where did I come from Sleeping Beauty?"

"You can remove the word 'sleep'" Caroline shouted from below, causing a burst of laughter and approval.

"Everyone basically knows each other, so I won't introduce them one by one. If there is anyone who is not familiar with you...isn't the drinking party held to deepen friendship? People who are not yet old enough to drink - here refers to appearance - please also Use juice instead." Rachel Fisk continued: "I will give a general introduction to the current situation. If you still don't understand anything after I finish speaking, you can come to me later to ask alone. After all, some content may It involves personal privacy, and there are some things that are not suitable to be spoken out in broad daylight, well, you know."

"..." This time no one booed, but some people communicated with each other in low voices.

"First of all, what almost everyone is concerned about is my 'resurrection from the dead'. I can tell you clearly," Rachel paused: "Yes, death is not the end. The soul of the dead will be in another world." 'Rebirth'."

The auditorium became quiet, and only some participants who didn't understand the atmosphere or were mentally ill were still eating, drinking and talking.

"As we already know, there are countless 'cosmic demons' paying attention to the earth. Atreus and Thor's sister, 'Goddess of Death' Hela is one of them, but she is not powerful enough to control the entire universe. Her life is currently limited to the 'nine kingdoms' controlled by her father Odin. To use a term that is consistent with our common sense, it is a 'family business.'" Rachel's words made some participants who had a better understanding of finance The person nodded to express understanding.

"Of course, she doesn't accept all kinds of dead people. As spread in Nordic mythology, the 'Heim Underworld' only accepts 'warriors', but the description of this term is not accurate. Through my own observation, I think it should They are 'heroes'." Rachel paused, "That is to say, only those who will be called 'heroic spirits' after death are eligible to receive a second life. As for mediocre and unobsessed people, it is a pity. , I don’t know where they went.”

"..." Conversation rang out in the hall again. Some people who didn't deal with each other looked at each other provocatively, but soon discovered that the other party was actually fully qualified to be called a "hero", so they turned away angrily.

"The way to 'come back' is very simple, as long as you get Hela's approval. Originally there seemed to be a very severe test that needed to be passed, but..." Rachel spread her hands: "I showed her Thor and Atreus. She let me pay the bill."

"Hahaha——" With the friendly laughter, the god brothers from Asgard immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

"So our debt can't even be offset by her return ticket?" Thor was stuffing schnitzel into his mouth. Hearing this, he looked confused: "How much do we owe?"

"...Ask about your appetite and belly." Atreus held his forehead.

"Before coming back, I met with the Lord of the Nine Realms, 'Heavenly Father' Odin. He confirmed what we had always suspected. Many 'cosmic demons' expand their influence on the earth by lending their power to humans, such as ..." Rachel's eyes swept across the venue: "'Spider-Man' Peter Parker, his power comes from a cosmic demon called 'Spider Totem'."

"Yes, that's right." Spider-Man, who was reluctantly trying the pumpkin juice, raised his hand: "It doesn't make sense that you get superpowers after being bitten by a spider. In fact, it was the 'Universe Demon' who gained superpowers through that bite. It’s more reasonable to pass on power, but it seems that I’m the only one at the moment. Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers are both technological people?”

Captain America and Iron Man looked at each other without responding.

"To put it simply, the abilities that technology cannot explain all come from the 'Universe Demon'," Rachel said, "including 'magic'."


"If you ask me, it would be incredible to discover a 'magician' who had been dormant for nearly a hundred years from the Hydra base, but..." Rachel made a funny expression: "As a half-Artist Landis, I don’t seem qualified to say this.”


"Well, as you all know, 'Iron Man' Tony Stark rescued some victims who had been separated from society for a long time at the Hydra base in Siberia, even if they didn't have that shocking appearance, trying to get them to The right identity is not that easy, so Mr. Howard Stark, Mrs. Maria Stark, and 'Professor X' will join the 'Avengers' as 'Hogwarts Guest Professors' identity."

"Zhuang Zhuang! Identity!]" "Woof woof woof!" The shrunken Hulk and the frozen dog spoke together.

"Your identities will be the 'Ranger' and the 'College Guardian Beast', but the details must be decided by the 'Principal'," Rachel looked at Professor X in the audience: "Do you want to say a few words?"

"Then, let me just say a few points," Professor



"...To sum up, the power lent by the God of the Universe to humans is actually 'magic'." Professor Easily find those 'magic apprentices' with 'superpowers' and then enroll them as new students at Hogwarts. As for the specific methods, they can be decided after the meeting."

Hua Hua Hua——

There was much warmer applause than before.

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