The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and sixty, North American Mythical War (110)

——Marvel, 2016——

hk, dimensional rift.

The originally bustling streets turned into burning ruins. The tram fell on the roadside as if it had been overturned by a giant. The neon signs of various "gold jewelry", "nightclubs" and "food courts" were along with the shops that displayed them. The flying plastic bags, newspapers, clothes and bedsheets that were torn into pieces by the explosion made the atmosphere of "destruction" and "end" around them even stronger.

And in this apocalyptic stage filled with collapse and death, there is still something that can make the already desperate audience fall into a deeper and darker suffocation.

It was a three-story office building with a very classical style. Its body was completely broken, but for some reason, the whole building still roughly maintained its original appearance, floating in the air as if nothing had happened.

Behind this "floating office building", there is a huge vortex that is slowly expanding. Even if you don't understand what it is, anyone can tell that it is not a "door" or an "exit", but a "door" or "exit". A kind of "erosion" from "outside the world", it is, and will surely, slowly but surely swallow up "reality".

If anyone still dares to cast his gaze at the vortex that symbolizes destruction, he will be shocked to find that the "opposite" of the vortex is not nothing but darkness, but some kind of "chaos" that is close to gray. The reason why it looks like It's dark simply because it sucks in almost all the light.

If no one stops it, this "whirlpool" will continue to expand until it swallows up the entire real world.

If no one stops it.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!"

As in most disaster movies, the hero appears.

It was a man wearing a red cloak and blue robe. He stood on the top of the broken office building, holding a staff. He had a very thin long face and a goatee.

With a fearless attitude, he shouted words of unknown meaning while flying towards the huge vortex.

Then it was cut into seven or eight sections by several gray lights that flew out of the vortex at a speed that was so fast that it was difficult to see clearly.

The next moment, the torn limbs disappeared, and the man with the goatee appeared on the top of the office building as if nothing had happened. He continued to fly towards the vortex while shouting synonymous lines with unclear meanings.

Then half of his body was burned away by the columnar gray light.

He then "recovers" again, charges again, and is "destroyed" again, and both sides become increasingly adept at this incredible situation.

"Dormammu, I'm here-" Chichi!

"Dormammu——" Stab——!

"More..." Boom!

The man seems to want to make the "Gray Vortex" give up the invasion through this endless "negotiation of conditions", but the Gray Vortex is like a cold formula. As long as the input conditions are the same, the same result will be obtained, and he will not get tired of it. If you don’t intend to compromise, you won’t be able to stop.

Later, this kind of "restoration" and "destruction" looked like some kind of assembly line process. Just by kneading different "materials", the same result could be continuously "manufactured".

In this process, the only thing that keeps changing is the number of times men are destroyed.

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...

And, something that is invisible and close to a concept.

——Marvel, 2016——】

——Marvel, 20■■——]

——■■, 20■■——】


——? ? ? ——

In the constant repetition of restoration and destruction, the man's consciousness fell into chaos.

He is convinced that his persistence is meaningful. A being without a mind cannot become a "Universe Demon God", let alone a "Lord of Dimensions". But at the level of "Lord of Dimensions", the level of mental perseverance will be difficult for ordinary people to achieve. imagination.

She may be tired of "swatting a buzzing mosquito to death," but she's still far from enough to "leave the room with mosquitoes."

Optimistically, after at least 10 million cycles, the universe demon "Dormammu" will try to use other methods to solve him instead of causing him to collapse through endless death.

However, since Dormammu failed to solve himself before he added the attribute of "time loop" to himself, he could only win in the end.

Even if the power gap between the two opposing sides is too large, it is clear at a glance who is better than the person who "has not found a way to win" and the person who "has no doubt that he will win."

The only problem is that as the number of time loops continues to increase, he begins to have strange hallucinations. These hallucinations do not affect his already conditioned reflex of "talking about conditions", but they still cause some trouble.

He heard "himself" speaking, and could hear every word clearly, but he could not understand the meaning.

He heard someone talking and couldn't hear a word clearly, but he could easily understand the content of the words.

In the chaos, a voice from nowhere sounded:

"There are 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each containing hundreds of millions of stars. In such a huge space, the Earth is unlikely to be the only planet that has evolved life.]"

"I think, even if we consider it purely in terms of probability, such a huge number is enough to make the idea of ​​alien existence completely reasonable. The real challenge is how we will contact aliens.]"

"Unless there is a magical technology that cannot be understood by science at this stage in the future to solve the problem of limited resources, then alien creatures will definitely take large immigrant spacecrafts to every place after exhausting the resources on their own planet. A planet they can reach to plunder resources for their home planet, or develop it into a colony for them.]"

"If extraterrestrial creatures visit the earth first, rather than us discovering them first, it means that their technological level is far superior to ours, and what will happen will definitely be like when the Italian navigator Columbus landed on the American continent. In the end It has brought devastating disasters to mankind, and we should and must respond to it.】"

This is a theory that he once believed in before he came into contact with the concept of "magic". Now it seems that it... is still very correct, but the "alien" must be replaced by "the devil of the universe". OK.

After all, compared to the aliens who are barely comprehensible with technology and ideas, and who have no difficulty in fighting ordinary people, the "Dimension Demon God" who tries to "erode the dimension of reality", only he can compete with him. After all, he is——

...what is it?

——? ? ? ——

"who I am!",

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