The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and sixty-six, Sherlock and the Time Stone (6)

——Marvel, 2013——

The Zeppelin train came to a slow stop, or at least it felt to its passengers.

For Sherlock, who knows where the train is running, this feeling is undoubtedly deliberately displayed, and the purpose is to make passengers subconsciously think that it is "no big deal" because it also needs to be "started" and "brakes."

In psychology, having easy-to-understand similarities between different things is an excellent way to eliminate the sense of strangeness and fear, but it is not good to be too similar, as it will become the "uncanny valley effect."

To put it simply, a mysterious train that looks very high-tech can cross the Atlantic Ocean on rails, but starts and stops in a familiar way, which is easier to accept. In contrast, just taking an ordinary bus or tram on the road is not. Being transported to the other side of the ocean, this is a horror and thriller story.

If you design it yourself, you should open the "sun visor" now to show a scene that is very familiar to passengers -


The sun visor used to cover the windows of the train slowly rose, revealing the scenery outside - it was a brand new giant subway transfer station with seven or eight subway tracks converging here. On the platform, there were some people wearing Staff in crisp white uniforms are preparing for the reception.

Facing the window is a promotional poster showing Captain America saluting, with the words New York welcomes you].

...It's really very familiar.

"Wow, did we cross the Atlantic in such a short time? Mr. Stark's technology is really amazing." Watson sighed.

"Haha, the power of magic can indeed easily do things that ordinary people can't do." Irene said almost at the same time.

"..." The two people with opposite views turned their heads and looked at each other.

Hmm... Sherlock hesitated for a moment and did not choose to intervene.

At this time, saying "the current situation is the result of the combined effect of technology and magic" will only intensify the contradiction.

Moreover, as expected, there was no conflict between the two of them.

"Uh, okay, it's magic." Three seconds later, Watson gave in very simply.

Watson should not be able to see that this kind of argument over objective facts is completely unnecessary. No matter who loses or wins, he will be embarrassed afterwards. He just habitually gives in to the lady on non-key issues.

There is a slight contradiction here. This kind of character is obviously influenced by his father, but according to his previous reasoning, Watson's mother must not be in good health and cannot bear too much housework. That is why the second son wears the eldest son's old dress to school. , so her character shouldn't be so strong that Watson's father habitually gives in.

No, forget it, that's not important. How do you say, "Every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite?"

Sherlock stood up and tried to open the door to the lounge, but turned the handle twice and found that it didn't move at all.

Come again?

Hmm... It seems that the display screen in the lounge does indicate that the door cannot be opened when "starting" and "parking", then...

Sherlock turned to look at Irene and Watson, but found that they had not turned into phantoms or statues. They even turned to look out the window because of Sherlock's turning back.

No, that's not what I meant -

"Sherlock, look!"

Watson raised his hand and pointed out the window.

On several tracks that were empty before, the same number of "Zeppelin trains" were slowly entering the station.

They all have the same gold and red color scheme - it seems that this is indeed the aesthetic of Iron Man Stark, but there are some changes in the shape. Unlike the train he is riding on which is an owl, the other trains look like doves and falcons. , albatrosses and other birds whose origins are temporarily unknown.

Apparently, one of the people responsible for building these "time trains" at Hogwarts was an avid bird lover.

Since the "train entering the station" situation was too normal and scientific, Irene didn't mention any "magic".

A few minutes later, those late trains stopped one by one on the platform of this subway transfer station. The overall situation was a bit crowded, but it seemed orderly.

Sherlock could clearly see that after the doors of those trains opened, many teenagers with different costumes and ages got off the train one by one with their luggage, and then walked out of the subway station under the guidance of the staff on the platform.

It seems that Hogwarts recruits a wide range of students, and Sherlock is very sure that he saw a black teenager wearing what looked like African tribal clothing - it's a shame that they were willing to believe the admission notice of this suspicious school.

However, this also proves that there are children with "magical qualifications" all over the world, and at the same time, Hogwarts also has the means to discover and locate them.

So, now... Sherlock turned the handle of the lounge again, and this time he successfully opened the door.

Then he met Moriarty head-on.

This young man who was proud of his magic was not at all humbled by the many extra students. Looking at his expression, he became even more confident.

"I'm not going to convince you, but you will understand one day," he stared at Sherlock: "How big the gap is between a mortal who gains power because of luck and a real magician."

"Really? But I would like to advise you." Sherlock gestured towards the various students outside the car window: "Currently, it seems that the admission trend of Hogwarts is 'education without distinction'. If you We must adhere to this view of dividing students into 'three, six or nine', which will not only anger other 'mortal' students, but will also arouse the dissatisfaction of some 'school directors' - perhaps this is how they are called."

"..." Moriarty looked at Sherlock seriously: "I will remember it."

After saying that, he ignored Sherlock and Watson and Irene who came over after hearing the sound, and walked towards the open train door with the cello case in his hand.

...He packed his luggage in a cello case?


After Sherlock, Watson and Irene got out of the car, they arrived at the surface smoothly under the guidance of the staff in white who worked in a very orderly manner, but then it became a bit chaotic.

After arriving on the surface, the first thing Sherlock saw was a dark lake filled with thick fog, with almost no boundaries visible. There was a dock with many boats tied to the lake, and various kinds of boats were parked on the road around the lake. There are various types of transportation, including horse-drawn carriages, buses, cars, and vans. They look like transportation that was poorly prepared and prepared haphazardly.

Oh, of course that's impossible. Sherlock paid attention to the guide who was trying to guide the noisy students.

The most eye-catching ones were two young women wearing robes and pointed hats. Because their looks were too outstanding, they were surrounded by a large number of students asking questions, and they looked very anxious.

"Freshmen! Freshmen! Come and assemble here! One boat for every four people!"

"What? Don't know what grade you are in? 11 years old is the first grade, and so on - don't know how old you are?!"

"The first graders take a boat, the second graders take a flying car, the third graders take a bus, the fourth graders take a carriage - don't ask me the reason for the different treatment, I don't know either!"

"Have you seen Hagrid! That guy actually learned to skip work and fish for fun?"

"I just saw him taking Lu Wei to the Forbidden Forest?"

"What kind of character should I restore at this time?"

What a tragedy... Sherlock looked back and planned to find a more mature and steady guide to take them into the school.

Unlike those staff who are responsible for receiving students in subway stations, their height and body shape are almost carved out of the same mold, and their language and demeanor are relatively standardized. The receptionists on the surface have their own characteristics, men, women, and children, and their clothing also reflects their own characteristics. personality.

Hmm... maybe those in the subway station are robots or clones.

"Sherlock, look, there is a man with an iron arm over there. He looks really cool." Watson said, staring at a dark-haired man who looked a bit fierce but guided the students in a gentle manner.

"Too superficial, Watson, didn't you see that blond man who is as dazzling as the sun? He must have powerful magic power." Irene pointed to a blond man sitting on a stone bench by the lake with his eyes closed and thinking.

"But, he didn't look very smart. He took out the burger and started eating it."

"But, damn it! I actually made a mistake."

Not finding any idle instructors for a while, Sherlock simply began to study the means of transportation prepared for the students.

Boats are too far away, buses and cars are too common, and only horse-drawn carriages are left.

Isn't this carriage a bit strange?

Sherlock approached the nearest carriage and looked it up and down.

It is not a common four-wheeled carriage. It has only two large wheels in total, and there are guardrails, handrails and shooting positions on the outside. It is more used for combat than for transporting cargo.

What is even more strange is the "horse" that pulls the cart. It is silver-white, has a strong posture, has horns on its head, and has a pair of huge wings on its back. Such an obvious magical creature did not attract the attention of the students. Maybe... they Can't be seen by ordinary people?

"Child, what did you see?" With a slightly old and hoarse voice, an old woman with gray hair walked out from behind the carriage and looked at Sherlock gently.

"...A Pegasus?" Sherlock looked at the old woman and could not deduce anything except that she was married and had a son who was not very worried, so he answered honestly.

"Oh, don't be too sad," the old woman patted his shoulder: "Only people who have witnessed the death of their loved ones can see these 'Valkyrie horses'."

"Huh?" Sherlock frowned. Although his parents are indeed no longer alive, he has not "witnessed" it. Is it because the old woman expressed it wrongly or...

"Sherlock? What are you looking at?" Watson came over and said, "Well, the shape of this carriage is really ancient. Could it be specially customized from Greece?"

"Don't worry about those mediocre carriages, let's go take a boat." Irene glanced at the carriage and then looked away: "I can feel that this lake is shrouded in powerful magic."

This... Sherlock looked at the old woman.

The old woman looked at them tenderly and said nothing.


After a lot of jumping around, the freshmen of all grades at Hogwarts finally crossed the lake in different ways and arrived at the Hogwarts Castle on the other side.

Although it is a bit strange in modern society to build a school like a medieval castle, most students accept it well. After all, we are all "genius teenagers", and the mystery helps to improve self-confidence.

There was no professional report. The guides brought all the students into the huge auditorium and arranged them to sit on both sides of the long table.

Then, the serious-looking "Professor X", the principal of Hogwarts, delivered a welcome speech.

"Welcome everyone to Hogwarts in the new school year. Let me just say a few words...]"

Although it was not the same school, it was the same kind of principal. The students, who were very interested at first, soon began to whisper among themselves and ignored the principal who started talking about ancient history.

Sherlock saw Moriarty from a distance. The young man was talking to several students who were similar to him in expressions and dressing styles. Although he was the youngest, he had the strongest aura. Those who were older than him The older students even seemed a little subservient.

He must know something about the magical world and magical dimension, so it is reasonable to be proud, but as he warned him, this kind of pride may lead to trouble.

Sherlock shook his head silently and looked back at the podium.

My original guide, the "White Queen", was sitting in the side seat. She was not wearing the white top hat today. Instead, she wore a pointed hat that must have looked like a witch. She was scanning the audience with her bright eyes. , and after his eyes met Sherlock's, he winked playfully.

I don’t know if she got a broom... By the way, why does her gaze look a bit like a farmer looking at a harvest wheat field?

At this time, the principal's speech seemed to have reached a critical part.

"——You are all admitted to Hogwarts because of your special abilities. Therefore, we will conduct a test on your special abilities, and then carry out targeted training based on the test results.]"

"The general tendency is...'Badr, light and life', 'Thor, storm and thunder', 'Loki, frost and fire', 'Hela, darkness and death'."

"Because there are only four kinds in total, you can treat it like a constellation or zodiac sign. Don't pay too much attention to it, and don't treat other students with different abilities as aliens.]"

No...then it's impossible no matter how you think about it, the conflict of characteristics between them is too obvious.

"I will preside over the next test. Students whose names are called, please come forward.]" After the principal finished speaking, the White Queen stood up, and then a flash appeared under the rostrum. There was a low exclamation next to the chair.

"The first one, Hannah Abbott," the White Queen read.

oh? In alphabetical order of last name? Sherlock watched a little girl with short hair and freckles on her face step forward nervously.

While everyone was waiting to see how she was going to test, the White Queen took off the witch hat she was wearing and placed it on Hannah's head with her backhand.

Is it tested this way? It's really magical...

At this time, the folds on the top hat opened and closed like a person's eyes and mouth.

"Oh, the flowing Hogwarts, the iron-clad Hannah," the hat muttered something, and suddenly said loudly: "Thor!"

The White Queen took off her hat, but the little girl Hannah stayed there with a bewildered expression. When no one knew what the meaning of this classification was, her behavior was considered normal.

At this time, the blond man who had been specially noticed by Erin walked up to him, said something to Hannah, and bowed gracefully. Hannah immediately followed him to the side of the hall with a smile. sit down at the long table.

what does that mean? Sub-instructor?

"Irene Adler!" the White Queen read again.

"Ah... uh..." Erin, who had always been confident, suddenly became nervous, and everyone walked over with the same hand and foot.

This is normal. Although she has always considered herself to be from a magical family, she has never used any superpowers and was ridiculed by Moriarty.

"Hahaha, the conditions for the poor child's natural awakening are too harsh. If there is a chance, let her go to Heim to visit relatives]" After the hat was placed on Eileen's head, she muttered something that no one could understand. After a while, he suddenly shouted: "Hela!"

This time, it was the White Queen who talked to her personally and then assigned her seat.

"Next," the White Queen waved her hand to clean her hat, and then continued to read: "Atreus."

This time it was a pretty energetic boy, but it took a little long.

"Damn it, are you going against the will of God if you don't go to Loki Academy? Don't talk about your father, even if you call your grandpa, it will be useless!]" Hat Didi cooed for a long time, and finally reluctantly announced the result : "Hela!"

The White Queen touched his head and then sent him to sit with Irene.

Next, students with different appearances all put on that hat and were assigned to different... uh... majors?

Among them, the instructor of "Badr Major" was a young man with a melancholy face and a harp in his hand, while "Loki Major" had no one to guide him for some reason and could only sit on the last long table.

When h. Watson was called, the hat announced "Thor" without any hesitation.

Then, there's Sherlock.

After reasoning, Sherlock basically judged that in addition to his own superpower attributes, this allocation was also affected by his character and his will. He was ready to discuss it with the talking hat for three hundred rounds.

However, when he sat on the high-backed chair and the White Queen was just about to put the hat on him without even touching his hair, the hat shouted in a sharp voice like a scream: "Badr!


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