The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and sixty-seven, Sherlock and the Time Stone (7)

——Marvel, 2013——


After having breakfast in the dormitory building, Sherlock was getting ready to go to class.

Perhaps because of the insufficient number, students have no concept of classes for the time being and need to choose the courses they want to take based on their favorite "professional" class schedule.

Through the initial "sorting ceremony" or "hat test", Hogwarts divided the students' superpowers into four major colleges and eight major "departments" just like an ordinary university. There are more under the "departments" There are further six major "majors", but these "majors" will overlap with each other.

The "Physical Variation" major, in addition to "Death", may exist in the "Elements" of light, life, storm, thunder, frost, fire and even darkness.

The "spiritual interference" major is only available in the two "departments" of light and darkness. After all, it is difficult to imagine how Frost or Thunder can perform mental interference.

The "Energy Transformation" major is available in all departments, which is in line with most people's understanding of superpowers.

The "Molecular Influence" major is naturally insulated from the Baldr and Hela systems, which are incorporeal or have nothing to do with the concept of "molecules."

The "Time and Space Guidance" major is a weird one. Light, thunder, flame and darkness are chosen half from each department. How can I say that, forget about thunder, how does flame achieve time and space guidance?

The "Destruction of Order" major does not accept students from the light and dark departments who have no order at all.

In addition, according to gossip among students, there is actually a mysterious ninth department, or seventh major: "Unknown Field", where students who cannot be classified by "department" and "major" will be assigned , they did not participate in the "hat test" and would not have any interaction with normal students.

Sherlock agrees with this statement, because a "magician" who can achieve almost all professional effects undoubtedly belongs to the "unknown field", but Moriarty is clearly assigned to the dark department of Hela Academy. .

He seemed to be very satisfied with the fact that the dean of Hela College was the vice-principal, especially after learning that the principal "Professor

Sherlock himself belongs to the Light Department of Bader College and cannot take courses in the "Molecular Influence" and "Order Destruction" majors.

Watson belongs to the Thunder Department of Thor College, and has a wide range of "employment prospects". He can listen to anything except "mental interference".

Irene was more unlucky. She was assigned to the Death Department of Hela Academy, and could only participate in the "Energy Transformation" and "Order Destruction" classes.

In Sherlock's view, Hogwarts' teaching model is quite reasonable. It first detects students' superpower attributes and then divides them into departments. Then, students are allowed to choose professional courses based on the possible effects of the superpowers of this attribute. You can study in school to determine what field you are best at, and you can become a qualified "superhero" or "supervillain" directly after graduation.

Should the school have measures to prevent students from going astray?

...There should be, right?


When Sherlock walked out of the dormitory building with other students from the Department of Light, he saw Watson waiting for him outside.

"Hi! Sherlock! Did you sleep well last night? My mother told me that it's easy to have insomnia in a new place, so it's best to use up all your energy during the day. Hehe, what she said does make sense. I slept very well last night. I didn't even dream." He greeted Sherlock with a brighter attitude than the students from the Department of Light.

So that's why you were running around helping other people carry their luggage yesterday?

"Fortunately." Sherlock swallowed the reasoning to prevent Watson from questioning the reason, and then he had to explain the reasoning process in front of many students, as if he was showing off his IQ.

Although Hogwarts does not have specific classes, the individual dormitories of students in the same department are all in the same dormitory building.

Among them, the dormitory of Baldur College is on the south side of Hogwarts Castle, with good sunshine, the dormitory of Thor College is on the east side, close to the forest, and the dormitory of Loki College is on the west side, next to the Black Lake and Hela that we passed through when we came here. The college dormitory is in the north, close to Shishan, and the terrain is higher.

In order to take care of those children who may not be able to take care of themselves, each dormitory is equipped with a considerable number of dormitory administrators, but even so, it was noisy last night until midnight before it calmed down.

In a sense, Watson's behavior is a mistake? But when he ran around the campus to look for him early in the morning, he was completely over-energetic.

"Have you chosen your major?" Sherlock asked casually as he and Watson walked towards the main castle of Hogwarts.

"Not yet," Watson looked around and lowered his voice: "I have never used my superpower at all, and naturally I don't know what I can do with it. Do you think the notice was sent to the wrong person?"

"You don't trust Mr. Stark?" Sherlock glanced at him.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Stark was involved in the construction of Hogwarts, and 'Iron Man' can't go wrong." Watson was convinced almost immediately.

There is actually something wrong with his blind trust, but because the reason lies with the family, it is not easy to reason about.

"You can listen to each major. Maybe it will awaken in a certain major that is particularly suitable for it," Sherlock suggested: "I remember that only 'mental interference' is not involved in the thunder department."

"Really?" Watson blinked: "Then I'll listen to the lecture with Sherlock first... Did you happen to choose 'mental interference'?"

Because of his strong reasoning ability, Watson thought he would choose mental intervention? But that was achieved through his wisdom rather than superpowers. Due to his "precognition" ability that is similar to "turning back time", he is actually more willing to listen to the "Time and Space Guidance" class.


"No, I'm not interested in mind-reading or twisting other people's will, but I'm not particularly interested in anything," Sherlock said. A little reference and advice from you.”

"Okay, let's start with 'Energy Transformation'. I've always wanted to be able to shoot lasers from the palm of my hand." Watson looked very happy. He raised his hand and spread his fingers, aiming forward with his palm: "Hugh stop"

It's Iron Man's palm cannon anyway. It would be funny if he finally awakens his physical mutation and transforms into a suit of iron armor.

"In fact, our first class is," Sherlock looked back: "'Elementary Mathematics'."

"Okay, huh?" Watson was stunned, "...Oh."


Hogwarts Great Hall.

After completing the required courses in the morning, Sherlock briefly explained to Watson the results of his investigation of the school after the "sorting ceremony" during lunch.

The required courses at Hogwarts include: Chinese in all languages, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, and physical education. They are taught by senior teachers specially hired from external schools.

The "professional courses" that "genius teenagers" have always been thinking about are the real elective courses, and the people responsible for teaching them are expert professors and "superheroes" who have knowledge in the fields related to "superpowers".

Obviously, everyone is paying attention to "geniuses", but Hogwarts pays more attention to "teenagers".

Does having superpowers mean you don’t need to learn basic cultural knowledge? impossible.

If a child who enters school in his teens and has a weak knowledge reserve only learns things related to superpowers during school and does not even understand basic common sense and knowledge after graduation, how can he reintegrate into society? But no one pays a superhero a salary, and not everyone has a farm/company/city/country to inherit.

While S.H.I.E.L.D. may be more than willing to accept all graduates, Hogwarts, as a school, must consider the wishes of each student and avoid the possibility of them becoming "supervillains" as much as possible.

After all, the original intention of this school was to assemble future superheroes to deal with aliens like the previous "Battle of New York", not to cause trouble for themselves.

"In other words, we have a chance to fight alongside Mr. Stark?" Watson asked.

So you didn't hear anything else at all, right?

"Yes," Sherlock nodded: "But unfortunately, Mr. Stark does not have any superpowers and cannot come to teach us."

"But he's super rich," Watson seemed to realize something was wrong after he finished saying it, so he added: "My mother said that."

In any case, let me first express my condolences to Watson's father.

In order to prevent Watson from revealing more information, Sherlock began to study the tables in the auditorium.

Unlike the dormitories, which are still mainly modern, the decoration style of the main building of Hogwarts is almost completely medieval. Even the material of the long table looks like it has been washed away by hundreds of years.

Rather than the material, the magic attached to the table is more noticeable.

It is just an ordinary table and chair when no one is sitting down. Once someone sits down, a translucent shadow of food will begin to appear in the air two centimeters above the table. The person sitting down can "slide away" by "sliding" the shadow. " to select the next set meal. After the final selection, pull the set meal icon down to touch the desktop, and the food that was originally a ghost will really appear.

Sherlock didn't have any thoughts about this. Even Watson was calm. However, the students around him who had seen this magical scene for the first time exclaimed from time to time. Obviously, they were not as concerned as he and Watson were. I bought food from the dining car on the "Zeppelin Train".

And the "roommate" at that time...

"Is there anyone here? Okay, thank you." Irene Adler, who was still dressing herself up in a gorgeous direction, said at a speed that she didn't intend to hear the answer, and then sat down opposite Sherlock and Watson.

It seems that her attempt to integrate into the collective at Hela Academy failed.

Thinking about it, everyone else is "darkness", and she is the only "death". Unless she shows some particularly powerful power, she will definitely be ostracized as an alien. Of course, this is also because she did not expect to keep it secret and directly sorted the hospital. The result was revealed.

Although the "Death" attribute can only be developed by the two majors of "Energy Transformation" and "Order Destruction", it is easy to see.

There are only two foreseeable abilities with this attribute: emitting "death rays" or "summoning undead legions", which correspond to energy conversion and order destruction respectively.

"Good afternoon, Miss Irene Adler. I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are still as charming as ever. I am sincerely happy." Sherlock took care of her character and said.

"Ah, uh..." Watson, who was trying to talk, got stuck halfway. After a pause, he said, "I thought so too."

"You can laugh if you want. After all, I'm just a farmer's daughter. I call myself a magician without overestimating my capabilities. I deserve to be taught a lesson by a real magician." Irene said with a depressed look in the air, choosing a set of meals that fit her noble status. , and then let it solidify from the void.

Isn’t this a complete failure to learn the lesson?

Maybe Moriarty was merciful because she knew him?

Since the long table did not restrict how students could sit, Sherlock looked up and found Moriarty surrounded by the crowd. Almost at the same time, the white-haired boy also noticed Sherlock's gaze. He temporarily stopped talking. The people around him were talking and raised the strawberry juice on their hands.

Well, he probably didn't mean well, he just didn't want the fool he thought was embarrassing Erin to have anything to do with him.

Does he think he is stupid? Or do you think you will think he is stupid?

With his current attitude, unless Irene inspires magical talent and has a great possibility of surpassing him in a short period of time, he will never be able to take the initiative to suppress a "mortal".

Sherlock shook his head slightly and raised the pumpkin juice on his hand towards him.

Moriarty raised his chin proudly, withdrew his gaze and continued talking to the surrounding Hela Academy students.

"Eileen, which professional course did you choose?" Watson was silent for half a minute, then became active again: "We are going to listen to 'Energy Transformation', do you want to come with us?"

"...Yeah." Irene nodded dejectedly and started to eat her lunch. She soon became elated because of the delicious food. But when she was about to say something, she remembered that her character had collapsed, so she fell into depression again. , the speed and frequency of face changes stunned Watson.


The "Energy Transformation" course was held in a huge circular lecture theater.

Obviously, they chose this place because Hogwarts itself knew very well how many students there would be in this elective course that everyone could sign up for.

The person in charge of explaining this course today is Drizzt Do'Urden, the dean of Barder College. This time he finally did not bring his harp with him, and his expression was no longer as melancholy as usual.

"Of course you come here to learn this simple and crude way of using superpowers. There is nothing more superpowerful than throwing fireballs, wind blades, ice arrows and lightning, right? I don't think you are interested in learning about it yet. How they shape energy and the formulas needed to calculate their destructive power and understand the beauty of energy transformation itself,"

Drizzt said slowly:

"Yes, I will teach you how to improve your reputation, gain honor, and even prevent death. Even if you are the fools I often encounter, it's no problem."

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