The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and sixty-nine, Sherlock and the Time Stone (9)

——Marvel, 2013——

Hogwarts Great Hall.

"What? Hulk?" "A dozen?" "Where are they?"

When the students who were dining heard the news about the appearance of the Hulk, some were confused, some were surprised, and some were even looking forward to it, but none of them were nervous or scared.

As for the "Hulk", even if SHIELD does not deliberately keep it secret, anyone who cares about it can know that he was born through an accidental mutation in an experiment, and is currently recruited by SHIELD to become a thug - okay Well, it's an agent.

Although the relevant information will definitely emphasize that he is irritable, extremely strong, and very dangerous and should not be fed, but generally no one will pay attention to these additional precautions.

For example, now, after hearing Professor Baker's warning, one or two people are eager to take a photo with the Hulk.

——Come on, that’s a superhero, super cool, okay?

--What? You mean the vice-principal too?

——Hey, don’t you see that every day?

——And inexplicably, I don’t dare to approach her. Time and space guide, what if she throws me away in the Pacific Ocean when she is unhappy?

The Pacific Ocean is not the case, but some strange dimensions are possible. Sherlock, who has experienced "magic dimensions", expressed disdain for these students who have insufficient experience.

Moreover, it is not a question of what they want to do now, but how the professors present will arrange for them.

If we drive them back to the dormitory, they might still be able to sneak away in the chaos, but if...

"Well, a dozen Hulks? That might be a bit troublesome indeed," Professor Come."

Take a look.

Since the professors of "professional courses" are not in the "boarding system", they are not necessarily in their offices in Hogwarts when there are no classes, and naturally they will not rush to the auditorium to eat at meal time, so now The number of "other professors" mentioned by the principal is somewhat shabby.

The two professors who were left behind, Caroline Channing and Max Black, were the two female professors who were responsible for guiding the freshmen at the station before. They did seem to have some superpowers, but He is not a professor of a certain course. Is he a second-line person like a dean?

Moreover, their work attitude is also very problematic.

Sherlock raised his eyes and looked at the two professors who were still busy eating after the principal said "Follow me" and began to count down.

Three, two, one.

"Huh?" "Huh?" The two professors raised their heads as if they had just woken up from a dream, looked at each other, then hurriedly put down the tableware and stood up to maintain order.

It is said that many students hope that they can teach one or two classes in person. This kind of slow response seems to be very interesting.

Of course, excluding Sherlock, who had no interest in making fun of professors.


After a while, the food on the long table in the Hogwarts auditorium has been removed, and it has returned to the appearance of the entrance ceremony. The students who were asked not to leave formed different small groups to chat or practice their super powers. During this period, there seemed to be someone He tried to provoke a second "energy conversion war" or took the opportunity to escape, but was stopped by two left-behind professors.

"Sherlock, do you think we can take advantage of the professor not paying attention..."


Before Watson could come over and eagerly ask him what to say, Sherlock interrupted directly:

"Don't forget, this is a 'superpower' school. The idea in ordinary schools that you can do whatever you want in the blind spot of the teacher's sight does not apply here. Even if the two professors are not looking at us, there must be something in the auditorium to prevent us from slipping in. The surveillance methods are keeping an eye on him."

"Oh... okay." Watson sat down again with some disappointment.

"In other words, if we can use 'superpower means' to cover our tracks, we can escape?" Erin asked on the other side.

"...At least it must be able to hide from those two monitoring methods." Sherlock looked at Irene a little surprised, and after thinking for a while, he understood what they were thinking.

Eileen is not used to such crowded situations and is very sensitive to other people's eyes. Watson is simply affected by the atmosphere and feels that he should find a way to escape in order to be gregarious. But what to do after going out is unclear. There is no plan.

No, of course to see those "dozen Hulks". Everything in Hogwarts is currently in order, but there is no problem with the step-by-step operation. Only when encountering emergencies can we see the ability of an organization to withstand pressure and Resilience.

It's rare for two friends to agree on the same opinion, and there's nothing else to do now, so why not just think about it...

How to leave the auditorium without being discovered]?


"There is a way." Sherlock opened his eyes.

"Uh, before you tell me what to do, could you please explain what you are doing?" Watson looked at him worriedly: "I felt like you were not normal just now."

"...Huh?" Sherlock raised his eyebrows: "What did I just do?"

"You cross your legs, open your hands, and move your head from side to side," Watson tried to imitate: "If it's something very troublesome, it's okay if we don't leave."

Erin also nodded.

"No, it's not a big problem, don't worry." Sherlock shook his head and refused to explain: "I found a way to leave."

He just used various methods to try to leave the hall, and once he was caught by the two professors, he performed a "time and space retrospect". In other words, he just "predicted" the method to leave the hall smoothly.

Does it appear to others that there are special actions? Just be careful in the future.

"What is the specific method?" Watson's attention was immediately diverted.

"With our strength, we cannot avoid the surveillance methods left by the professor, but we can prevent them from paying attention to the surveillance prompts." Sherlock stood up: "Follow me and be natural."

Watson and Irene followed Sherlock towards the corner as if they wanted to change to a private place to talk. Halfway through, Sherlock flicked his wand and pointed at a blond boy who was eating a burger from nowhere. ——The walkman on the waist casts spells.

"Flashback spell], loud voice (sonorus)]."

Then, the walkman started playing music automatically with a loud voice.

Ding, dong dong ding, dong dong

Ding dong dong ding ding dong dong

"Hey Hail" The handsome boy with blond hair and brown eyes was a little surprised at first, but he immediately dropped his burger and started singing and dancing to the beat: "Hey Hail"

"What's thematter with your head? hey"

He kicked over a bench.

"What's wrong with your thoughts and gestures] what'sthematterwithyourmindandyn?ohh"

He slid all the way to Professor Chan Ning who looked towards him, grabbed her hand, and continued singing as if she were holding a microphone.

"——?" "——?" Professor Qian Ning and Professor Black looked at each other and said something, but they couldn't hear clearly because the music was too loud. At this time, the blond boys had already begun to circle around them. .

With his powerful dancing and singing voice, half of the students were gradually led to pick up the beat and even sang along:

“We Pinduoduo]eayourlove”

“We Pinduoduo]eayourlove”

During this period, Sherlock, Watson and Irene quietly left the auditorium.

"So, is he an idiot?" Irene asked Sherlock.

"That's right." Sherlock spread his hands.


After arriving in the underground area of ​​Hogwarts, Sherlock briefly explained the current situation to his two companions.

Since we wasted a lot of time in the auditorium before, the professors who went here first should have already come into contact with the "Hulk". Therefore, if the "dozen Hulks" are in danger, they must have been solved by the professors. Now only One can hope that they are not hostile, and that one might be able to hear the end of negotiations, if there is one.

Sherlock was not interested in the secret information he might hear, but Watson and Irene were looking forward to it after hearing the reasoning.

After telling them to just follow him and not make any noise, Sherlock used the information obtained from "precognition" to avoid the "Hulk" who was stupid and could only say "waaagh!" and went to the depths.

According to the content of "precognition", these "Hulks" will not attack them, but will only shout a warning after discovering them, and then a few students who have sneaked over will be taken away by the collars of the professor who appears in an instant.

Although I haven't heard any important information yet, this big man with the same size and strength as the Hulk has proved that Hogwarts has a very wide network of connections, and every time they shout a warning, a professor will accurately find them. From their point of view, at least the superpowers of "time and space guidance" have reached their peak here.

"Hello, Professor

The sudden sound made Sherlock almost unable to stop the car. He hurriedly stopped Watson and Irene from moving forward, and then secretly observed behind the corner.

It was a young man wearing red clothes and green trousers, a green cape over his shoulders, and a black mask on his face. Opposite him was Professor X who had left the auditorium not long ago.

Compared with his usual gentle expression when facing students, Professor X looked quite serious at this time.

"How can a corps commander who needs to take care of 3,600 sectors have time to visit sector 2814?" He said, "If you want to develop 'Green Lanterns' among my students, please come back."

"You are worrying too much," the man who called himself Alan Scott smiled: "I specially brought the 'Physically Mutated' type of 'Green Lantern' to dispel the idea of ​​​​the students at Hogwarts joining the Lantern Corps. Of course, if they obtain the recognition of the Lantern Ring through their own willpower, I hope Mr. Principal will not stop them."

"I will consider it," Professor X raised his eyebrows: "What is your purpose?"

"The purpose is to sign an 'inter-school exchange plan' with 'Hogwarts' and 'Asgard'," Scott replied: "After the exchanges increase, the three schools can send exchange students to each other, and even hold 'three schools' Strong competition'."

"With all due respect, the Green Lantern Corps is not a school."

"We could be."


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