The Collection of The End

2170, Sherlock and the Time Stone (10)

——Marvel, 2013——

The chaotic first year of Hogwarts is coming to an end.

Because the principal issued a clear notice that all students' scores and professor evaluations will be sent to their parents or guardians, many students who were busy fishing during school had to start sharpening their skills in order to make their scores look better, and then they were shocked. It was discovered unexpectedly that those "normal marks" that professors talked about from time to time were actually part of the total score of the subject. This indirectly led to the number of people raising their hands to answer questions in the class near the end of the semester.

Sherlock naturally doesn't have this kind of worry. His usual score alone is higher than the total score of some students who are not smart enough, but he also has subjects that he is not good at.

The first is Chinese. As a person who is proficient in reasoning, those simple memory and logic problems will naturally not be difficult for him, but composition... To express a point, you only need to demonstrate it. Why should you write an article specifically? Still asking for 800 words? Is it okay to quote 790 words from a famous book?

Then there is geography. He is very familiar with soil quality differences and terrain changes, but it was not until he came to this school that he knew what the "Huangchijiaojiao" was, the earth? The sun, the eternal thing, why study them?

The last thing that is a bit reluctant is the living things. Vegetation types and animal species are okay, and pollination and reproduction are not a problem for him, but the principles of these processes? What is the function of each organ? Do you know what those are for? If you fill in which parts are edible and which are poisonous, will you be given points?

If it were just like this, forget it. People always have things they are good at and things they are not good at, but Watson, John H. Watson, happened to be particularly proficient in the parts he was not good at. The reason was that he planned to inherit his father's business in the future. A doctor, and this knowledge is indispensable to being a doctor.

You are already a magician! Don’t always think about becoming a doctor!

In comparison, Irene's grades in cultural classes were quite satisfactory, but her progress in "magic" was more obvious. As a student of the death faction, without the help of the professor, she was able to use "energy conversion" to smoke By using the "death energy" of a dying object, you can also use "order destruction" to forcibly deny the "death" state of a dead object to achieve the effects of "healing" and "resurrection".

Although it sounds impressive, it’s currently limited to things the size of your little finger – you’re breeding, right? The farmer's daughter?

By the way, the Death Faction is busy healing and resurrecting, while the Life Faction has been studying how to cause harm and destroy life - it’s a loss for you to develop in your own field, right?

Due to various karma and coincidences, students from three different colleges have now been regarded as a whole. Although they are not all prosperous, it is true that all will suffer losses - as long as one of them causes trouble, the other two will suffer. You will definitely be called to talk together.

For example, gathering people to fish in a lake, turning a dance party into a karaoke scene, trespassing into a forbidden forest, and so on.

But from a factual perspective, they were tricked every time by other friends they had just met.

Taking the "trespassing into the forbidden forest" as an example, the first ones to go to the forest outside the school were the sisters "Gamora" and "Nebula".

Maybe sisters?

The two of them are exchange students sent by the "Green Lantern Corps". Although their appearance and body shape are exactly the same as humans, their skin colors are very strange, dark green and light blue respectively. The younger students are very concerned about this abnormal appearance. Surprised and repulsed, the professors couldn't force everyone to get along with them. They could only wait for the sisters to integrate into the group on their own.

However, the leaders of both schools who exchanged students obviously did not consider the psychological endurance of the two girls. During a large gathering, a friction over a small matter became the last straw that led to their collapse. The two girls ended the party Instead of going back to the dormitory, he went straight to the "Forbidden Forest".

Sherlock didn't want to meddle in other people's business at that time, because he had already deduced that their skin color was related to their abilities, and they might be more comfortable in the forest than at home. However, their actions happened to be seen by Irene, and she was instantly moved. They gained empathy and followed without hesitation. Sherlock and Watson had no choice but to go with them.

Then, several people met the Hulk-like ranger "Hagrid" and his hound "Luwei" in the forest, and after explaining the situation, they went to search together.

As a result... Gamora and Nebula themselves did not go deep. Instead, Sherlock and others turned the Forbidden Forest upside down, beat up eight-eyed spiders, broke into the centaurs tribe, met unicorns, and fought hornets. The humpback was driven away by the hippogriff, awakened Groot the Whomping Willow, annoyed the crossbow raccoon, and finally even found a fire dragon - is this really a modern jungle? Didn't it accidentally enter another dimension halfway through? Bar?

After they finally returned to the Hogwarts campus after going around in circles, they shocked Gamora and the Nebula sisters who had calmed down and were about to go back. The final result was that several of them had their normal points deducted, which was very rare.

As for the others, the person who turned the dance party into a karaoke was naturally the one who sang and danced vigorously at all times and attracted the attention of the professors. He was a master of "Peter Quill". The tune of "Dong Dong, Ding Ding Dong Dong" is so noisy, and the most unacceptable thing is that when he sings "Hey" along with the beat, people who are accidentally abducted into the tune will also say "Hey" Hey"

Therefore, the disgraced students angrily went to complain to Professor I haven't heard a single "spiritual intervention" course.

In other words, either it was not mental interference but another unknown effect, or Quill's singing level had reached a level that could easily resonate with the audience.

The students who accidentally sang along firmly rejected the second conjecture.

The last friend... or barely a friend, James Moriarty, had spent the entire school year doing what he said he had said at the beginning on the Zeppelin train.

He only interacted with students who were able to use "superpowers" freely before entering school, or whose family members themselves had superpowers, and formed a small circle. Not only that, he also asked his family to invite students in this circle. Parents socialize and appear ready to start a new organization.

This kind of thing... is considered normal for people with strong abilities. They believe in gathering people of the same kind into groups. If there are resources that can be integrated, they will integrate them to gain a greater advantage.

He seems to be very optimistic about Sherlock and has invited him to join the unnamed small circle. Sherlock has no objection to this, but because Moriarty looks down on Watson and Irene, the people in that small circle also After several conflicts with the two, Shylock could only refuse his invitation.

At that time, Moriarty's reply to this was naturally to leave "You will regret it" and then leave without hesitation.

And now, Sherlock was stalking him.

Regret...maybe a little.

After a whole school year of study and teaching, the students not only got to know each other, but also got to know the professors a lot.

Everyone is basically sure that almost all professors have some degree of superpower, but one of them is a deceitful person who is just good at "performing".

Of course it's not Donald Blake. Although he is always beaten up by students for no apparent reason, his thunder armor and his ability to stimulate students' "physical mutations" are real.

The real liar is Quentin Baker. Although he is a professor of "Molecular Influence", all the effects of "Molecular Influence" are holographic images. He may be able to bluff people at first, but as the students' knowledge As the level of communication increases, the truth is gradually discovered.

However, although the students discovered this, they did not want to expose him or seek explanation from the school. After all, beginners like them could find that there was no reason for the real professor of Hogwarts to be deceived. The current common view Yes, holographic images are easier to teach than real "molecular influence."

Although it is a bit far-fetched, it is still acceptable.

But that was not the reason why he secretly met with Moriarty in the middle of the night and secretly headed to the Hogwarts Observatory.

And, not just once.

Sherlock originally had little interest in exposing the two of their plans. With the strength of the principal and vice-principal, as long as either one of them was sitting in Hogwarts, no matter what they planned to do, it would be impossible to succeed.

But it happened that, or rather, the two of them had already planned it. A few days before their action, Professor

If you say this is a coincidence, it would be an insult to people's intelligence.

There is no doubt that someone, or some force, is eyeing something in Hogwarts, but because its protection is too strong to attack, they have to formulate a plan to steal it from within. plan.

After following Baker and Moriarty for a while, Sherlock determined the reason why the person behind the scenes chose a magician without superpowers as the executor based on the new situation.

He cannot have superpowers, so he will not be scanned and detected by protective measures. In the eyes of those unintelligent protective systems, he may be no different from a wild cat or wild dog.

At the same time, he must have excellent deception and clever words, so that he can use a seamless set of rhetoric to persuade school students who will not be targeted by the protection system to help him.

Sherlock didn't know what lie Professor Baker had made up, but Moriarty was obviously assisting him, taking him all the way to the depths of Hogwarts - and helping Sherlock who was following him to solve the problems along the way. organ.

Sherlock didn't think that Moriarty would be deceived. He was probably convinced that he could easily deal with a liar who had no superpowers at all, and was prepared to take his word for a while to see what tricks he was playing.

Didn't he think about it? If Professor Baker obtains that thing, is it likely that the spy professor's strength will suddenly expand to the point where he is unable to control it?

Hmm...maybe he's considered it, but he's probably more confident that whatever Professor Baker gets, it won't be his match.

Arrogance gone too far! Moriarty!


When they were about to reach the rooftop of the observatory, Moriarty and Baker disappeared into thin air through a smooth door that suddenly appeared on the wall in front of them.

Sherlock hurriedly squeezed in before it disappeared.

"Oh, we're here, Mr. Moriarty." As soon as he entered the mysterious room, Sherlock heard Professor Baker say in an exaggerated tone: "Look, this is the Room of Requirement, and what's in front of you is The Mirror of Erised sangreal, as long as you stand in front of it, you can make any wish come true."

The new room was empty, except for a magnificent mirror with a golden frame that reached to the ceiling and was placed in the middle, supported by two claws. A faint cold light was shining on the mirror.

"Mirror of any wish?" Moriarty questioned: "If I remember correctly, you should have told me that hidden here is a gem that can control time."

"Of course gems exist," Baker replied, "You should have investigated it yourself. The construction speed of Hogwarts is much faster than normal buildings. If they didn't master the power of time, what else could be the reason?"

"Ha, 'a wish', is this why you asked me to cooperate even though you only have one gem?" Moriarty sneered.

"I'm going to get it by looking in the mirror," Professor Baker looked at the mirror: "If you don't want your desires to deviate, you'd better start thinking carefully about what you want from now on."

"...Can you specify your own wishes?" Moriarty asked.

"Of course... no," Professor Baker replied: "It will read the strongest wish of the person looking in the mirror and realize it, and my wish is to obtain the 'Time Stone' - no other wish is stronger than this."

"You first." Moriarty pointed toward the mirror.

"It's prudent, but pointless," Professor Baker said. "No one other than the user of the mirror can see what's inside the mirror, no matter how perfect the angle and distance are."

Although he said this, he still stepped forward to the Mirror of Erised: "Let me see, where is the 'Time Stone'?"

The mirror reflected the image of the "Room of Requirement", completely unchanged.

"What? This..." Baker took a step forward and stared at the mirror in surprise: "Asshole, show the location of the time stone!"

"It seems that your wish is very complicated," Moriarty pushed past Baker and looked at the mirror: "My wish is relatively simple - just to rule the world."

The mirror remains unchanged.

"You may have gotten false information, Mr. Mysterio." Moriarty gave him a mocking look and turned away: "I'm really crazy to believe such a fantasy. Now, I have to leave quickly before the professors catch me.”

"This is impossible..." Professor Baker sat on the ground and stared blankly at the empty mirror.

What a pity, this magic mirror seems to be a single-threaded thing, and it will get stuck when processing several requests at the same time.

Maintaining the Disillusionment Charm, Sherlock stood in front of the mirror and apologized half-heartedly, then looked at the picture displayed in the mirror.

In the mirror, there is a man with brown hair, a thin face, a beard, wearing a red cloak and a blue robe. A tall, lanky man with a large green pendant hanging around his neck.

Under Sherlock's gaze, the man blinked at him, then raised his hand to open the pendant on his chest, took out a beautiful green gemstone, and stuffed it into the lining pocket of his robe.

"..." Sherlock tried to feel in his pocket in the same position, and accidentally touched the emerald.

Time stone...?

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