The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Two Hundred and Six, North American Mythical War (146)

——? ? ? ——

The Rock of Eternity.

The huge and majestic stone sacrificial site is still huge and majestic, but the buzz that fills it, like a classroom without teachers or a vegetable market with many customers, makes it seem a lot more down-to-earth.




These sounds come from the gates of different shapes that stand on the "auditorium". There are far more closed or nearly closed gates at this moment than the last time someone visited, but it is useless. The noise was still coming from the door which was not closed or not fully closed.

"It's so noisy." The young man in a brown and yellow cloak who was taking a nap looked up from his stone seat as if he was awakened: "Why does 'Ready Player One' use 'Oastar' as a server? The sound is so noisy." But the picture will be transmitted to us?"

"Maybe it's because both there and here are 'outside the three realms, not in the five elements'." On the throne next to him, the little girl wearing a pink and white tutu tilted her head and replied.

"So they didn't do any sound insulation at all?" The boy in the yellow cloak sighed: "But I don't think this is the main reason."

"The 'Eternal Rock' mainly plays a 'filtering' role," a short-haired girl with red-rimmed glasses and a researcher's white coat sitting on another throne across the seat continued: "Except for the 'Four Vendors' , there are many 'cosmic demons' who can exert influence on human beings from a spiritual level. If they come up with this, well, these three 'complete stealth' game ideas, we will definitely find out, and whoever is on duty will be responsible for handling it. .”

"It seems like anyone can handle it except you." The boy in the yellow cloak turned his head to look at the huge shield at her feet.

"Who said that a shield without an edge can't kill someone?" The girl in the white coat looked at him: "Then why don't you try it in another world?"

"No need." The boy in the yellow cloak shrugged.

"..." A girl wearing a dark blue dress with a cloak and a kitten mask on her forehead, who looked like a doll, appeared and woke up on another stone throne, and glanced at the two people who were at war with each other but did not start fighting. Person: "Boring."

"Are you here specifically to see the fight?" The yellow-headed boy complained angrily.


"Look, you admitted it!"

"What? Where can we watch a good show?" Following the words, a girl wearing black armor and a strange forehead ornament, and a girl wearing a black cake skirt and a huge pointed hat appeared on their thrones - as always Not suitable for use.

"Huh... There's nothing exciting to watch. I just have to help with some hard work for a while before 'Ultron' is born, just like..." The boy in the yellow cloak suddenly stretched out his hand, and then pulled hard as if something had happened. A miserable cry of pain instantly came from one of the doors: "——This way."


As the owners of the "Eternal Rock" woke up one after another, the sacrificial site seemed to have regained its vitality. Various closed doors opened one by one, and various noisy sounds came from it.

But these sounds that originally made the young man in yellow cloak very irritated seemed so insignificant in the discussion coming from the throne room:

"Come on, let's make a deal, which side will Ultron be born first?"

"Exclude Marvel first."

"I think it's the DC of the Dark Universe. After all, things there will always develop in a bad direction."

"But is the birth of Ultron a bad thing?"

"Uh... forget it?"

"No matter what a powerful artificial intelligence does in the future, its birth itself should be a good thing, so I buy DC from Bright Universe."

"And everything in the light universe has the possibility of good, and the dark universe is bound to develop for bad. I also buy light DC."

"The tendency to exclude the event itself is indeed the same no matter where it is born. In that case, why can't it be born in Marvel?"

"Because the carrier is inconvenient, DC has either glasses dedicated to games or game warehouses. After all, some entities can be controlled, but the 'client' on Marvel's side is a green light ring, and the 'Universe Demon' is trying to control the 'entity' It takes a lot of power to corrode and exert influence, and I don't think it will be easier for them to deal with the 'Green Lantern Ring' blessed by the 'Master'."

"Can I...add a reason for being born in a bright universe?"

"Let's talk, Achilles, it's just a discussion, you can express your opinions."

"Dark Souls doesn't have artificial intelligence, Halo has Cortana."

"Ah, this is a path I have never thought of."

"The birth of 'Ultron' is actually based on hardware and has nothing to do with software content, so..."

"...But 'Cortana' gained human emotions, and finally died to save the Master Chief."


"In the parallel world shown in the latest Halo movie, 'Cortana' instigated a large number of AIs to rebel and wanted to rule the galaxy by force, but was eventually eliminated by the Spartans."

"This...but it is a virtual character after all, not a real AI..."

"...Really? I thought I guessed it right."

"Don't worry, sisters are just having fun anyway... No, wait, guys, have you thought about a question?"

"You better call me something else, so what's the problem?"

"Can Marvel and the two DC worlds really be called 'reality'?"



"Although its dimension is indeed higher than ours, it is only a little higher. In any case, it is a 'virtual world of a high-dimensional world', so it does not seem impossible that 'virtual AI in the virtual world can come to life' ?”

"One more thing, Deadpool is causing trouble everywhere. With him around, it's not surprising anything happens."

"Prophet, kill him in advance. If you guess wrong, come back and resurrect him."

"Hey! Don't use the Demon Eye Knife to kill him. What will happen if he dies?"



"Combining your reasoning, I have a new idea."


""Mass Effect" cannot be ruled out first, because there is also an outstanding AI called 'Edi'. Although she is the AI ​​of the battleship, she can borrow an avatar to go out and play with Shepard. Is it the same as Jarvis? The situation is very similar?"

"You mean he will be born in the main world of Marvel? Not to mention his tragic future, at least there must be an origin, right? With the current situation, Stark has no idea of ​​developing a super AI to deal with threats. Osborne Industries or Hammer Industries are not qualified."



"Arnim Zola, a Hydra scientist, was affected by the 'Whisper of the Void' and transferred his consciousness into a giant computer host, which is the one that controls the Winter Soldiers' dormant base."

"But hasn't that host been taken over by Gandalf?"

"That's just a backup. The main body of this host is currently being contained by the Green Lantern Corps, and the project code is 'ssr079'."


"The latest status is: containment breach."

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