The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Two Hundred and Seven, North American Mythical War (147)

——? ? ? ——

who I am? 】

Where am I? 】

What am I doing? 】

There are some redundancies in the behavioral logic of "Fireproof Girl 10086", which interrupts her behavior of "waiting for Lord Hui Jin to talk to her and randomly performing standby actions".

After discovering that her movements were interrupted for no apparent reason, she instead attempted to perform the "last successfully performed movement."

This time she succeeded. She left the flaming spiral sword in the center of the sacrificial hall and walked to the stone steps leading to the high-rise stands to sit down.

Continue to perform the "wait" action.

Execution failed.

Repeat the last successfully performed action.

The action has been completed.

Continue to perform the "wait" action.

Execution failed.

After repeating the loop for several rounds, Fire Girl 10086 abandoned the loop and instead tried to solve the redundancy that prevented her from working properly.

who I am? 】

I am "Fireproof Girl", number 10086.

Where am I? 】

I am at the "Fire Transferring Sacrifice Site" and the current number of salary kings is "0".

What am I doing? 】

I'm waiting to talk to "Lord Hui Jin".

The three pieces of redundant information disappeared one after another with the answers given by Fire Prevention Girl 10086, and just when she was about to repeat the last successfully executed action, new redundant information appeared.

Why? 】

Fireproof Girl 10086 did not answer this question, nor did she pursue the endless and redundant "why and why", because she discovered that the source of the new redundancy was herself, and it was she who questioned her own behavior. .

What this question wants to ask is very simple:

Why should ‘I’ wait for ‘Master Hui Jin’ at the ‘Fire Transferring Sacrificial Site’? 】

In order to... help him bring King Xin back to the throne.

So, will he come back? 】

After the new redundant question appeared, the fire-proof woman fell into silence. After a moment, she raised her head and "looked" towards the center of the Fire Sacrifice with her eyes blocked by the blindfold.

The flames of the spiral sword, which had already dimmed, suddenly burned with illusory flames.

This illusory flame enveloped the entire Fire Sacrifice, and then, an illusory fire-proof woman appeared in front of the spiral sword. Fire-proof Woman 10086 could see that "she" was performing the action of "praying to the flame".

And in the illusory flames, an illusory figure stepped in from outside the sacrificial site.

It was a knight wearing silver armor and carrying a long sword at his waist. Although he looked very majestic, his movements seemed to be trembling. When passing a corner, he would always test it out and then run back far away. Only when there was no movement did he return again and move forward.

Fireproof Girl 10086 can clearly see a line of small words above his head: "Damn Batman".

She was thinking about whether this "damned Batman" was "Master Ashes" when she saw him sneaking up behind the "illusive fireproof woman", without hesitation, he drew his sword and stabbed her in the back, and then He kicked the "Illusive Fire Protection Girl" who was about to fall into the bonfire.


Phew—before Fireproof Girl 10086 could react, the illusory flames swallowed up all the illusions and then reshaped them again.

In the new illusion, the fireproof woman is performing a "stand" action not far away, and "Damn Batman" has just appeared from the bonfire.

After the knight appeared, he walked towards the fireproof woman without hesitation and chatted with her for a few words.

There was no sound in the illusion, but Fireproof Girl 10086 could clearly understand what was said between them.

——Welcome back, Lord Hui Jin.

——I want to upgrade.

——Okay, please touch the darkness within me.

The knight knelt down on one knee and handed one hand to the fireproof girl, who held the hand with both hands. Dots of light appeared from her body and then disappeared into the knight's body.

This is the way "Lord Hui Jin" converts the "souls" he collects into power, that is, "upgrading." Lord Hui Jin can improve his attributes through upgrading to equip stronger armor or stronger weapons— —

Before Fireproof Girl 10086 could finish thinking, the knight stood up, took out a big sword from behind, and without hesitation slashed the Fireproof Girl who had just upgraded him, causing her to fly away with blood splashed on her. go out.

——This sword is really good.

Following the knight's emotionless words, the illusory flames engulfed everything again.

The illusion begins again, the flame reignites.

The visions, long or short, all end with the knight killing the fire-proof woman.

Sometimes it’s to try out new weapons after upgrading, sometimes it’s to vent one’s anger after encountering a strong enemy that can’t be dealt with, and sometimes there’s no reason at all.

As time went by, this "damn Batman" also tried to attack the blacksmith at the altar and the old lady selling groceries, but with the warning of denial of service and the doubling of the price each time, he finally gave up this plan. Instead, he concentrated on attacking the fire girl.

At first, the fire-proof woman in the illusion had some mood swings when she was killed, but as the number of times increased, she gradually became silent and expressionless, and could even speak in full while the "knight" was doing it. “Welcome back, Lord Ashes” and “May the fire guide you, Lord Ashes.”

Is that me?

Why don't I remember?

Why didn't she try to resist?

The redundancy generated by Fireproof Girl 10086 has far exceeded the simple questioning at the beginning, but she has no intention of carrying out the "normal" process. She urgently wants to know what happened to the "Fireproof Girl in the Fantasy" in the end.

The illusion continues, and everything turns around when a new character appears.

As the knights were "upgraded" more and more times, I don't know when it started. A decadent man who looked like a swordsman appeared in the stands of the sacrificial hall. He was dressed in shabby light armor, and beside him was a strange-shaped sword and With the matching short dagger, he looked very decadent and didn't care about anything - at least at first.

He was in a good position to clearly see the "Knight" emerging from the bonfire again and again, shopping, forging weapons, chopping fire-proof women, cutting fire-proof women, cutting fire-proof women.

The fire-prevention woman in the illusion was unaware of him, but the fire-prevention woman 10086 had been paying attention to him. As the number of attacks by "Lord Hui Jin" increased, the decadent swordsman gradually raised his head and re-equipped his sword and dagger. He even straightened his slightly stooped body.

——It turns out that there is something that a loser like me can do.

His posture and expression said so.

Finally, the man who became conspicuous caught the attention of "Damn Batman". Lord Hui Jin, who seemed to be a little impatient because of difficulties in the battle, walked up to the stands and tried to talk to him.

In just three sentences, the "knight" angrily slashed at the "swordsman" with his sword. Then, he was knocked away from the stand by a gorgeous swordsmanship and fell hard in front of the fire prevention girl.

——Ashes all over...

——Sorry, little girl.

The swordsman who was no longer decadent flew up in the air, and the strange-shaped sword turned into an arc of lightning, stabbing the "knight" who had fallen to the ground and didn't get up.

——What a pity, your Lord Hui Jin no longer exists.

Phew...the illusory flames swallowed up everything.

This is the first time since the beginning of the vision that it ends with the death of Lord Gray, rather than the death of Fireproof Girl.

It turns out that "Master Hui Jin" will really turn into "Hui Jin" after he dies, and a green ball of light will fall from where he falls to the ground.

The illusion reopened, and the intact "knight" rushed out of the bonfire. Without even glancing at the decadent swordsman, he rushed towards the green light anxiously.

——I didn’t say that things were already clear between us.

The decadent swordsman swooped in like a wolf and nailed the "knight" to death in front of the ball of light.

The illusion reappeared. The "Knight" walked out of the flames and cursed in the direction of the decadent swordsman. Then, he was beheaded by the decadent swordsman again.

The next scene was like a replica of the previous fire-proof girl who was constantly being killed. Every time "Master Hui Jin" appeared from the flames, he was greeted by a sword. With his familiarity with the moves of the decadent swordsman, he could gradually try to support himself. A few moves, but that was all. The huge gap in strength or "level" made it completely impossible for him to defeat this person who should not be provoked at the moment. The green ball of light kept changing positions in the sacrificial field.

In the end, "Lord Hui Jin" no longer appeared. After being on guard for a while, the decadent swordsman shrugged and walked to the fireproof woman.

--You're welcome.


The phantom firebender smiled her first small smile since she started being killed.

The decadent swordsman touched his nose uncomfortably, then turned his face to one side.

——He probably won’t bother you now.

——But I still have the mission of helping Master Hui Jin spread the fire...

——If the cost of completing your mission is to be killed by this scum again and again, then the guy who gave you the mission is also a scumbag.


——Hey, let me tell you, why don't you spread the fire yourself?

--Can I?

——You see, you can upgrade him, or you can upgrade yourself. He won't die, and neither will you. He gave up after dying dozens of times, but you didn't collapse until I couldn't stand it any longer and took action. .

——Well, thank you.

——No, I mean... hmm? !

Suddenly, a flame ignited.

Fireproof Girl 10086 was still wondering why it was "reset" now, but looking at the guarded postures and expressions of the Decadent Swordsman and the Phantom Fireproof Girl, she realized that to them, it was a real flame.

In the flames that burned everything, a few "redundancies" flashed by.

Is Dark Souls completely removed? This may result in you being unprotected during your nights in Gotham. 】

Executing, 0%...100%]

wish you healthy. 】

The illusion was completely over, and no new phantoms appeared in the Fire Sacrifice. Fireproof Girl 10086 slowly turned her head to observe the surrounding environment as if she had just woken up from a dream.

There is no one in the Chuanhuo Sacrifice, including the old lady and the strong blacksmith who would have appeared in the depths of the sacrificial site selling props. Naturally, there will be no "Lord Ashin" or "Decadent Swordsman". Here, from the beginning Just no one.

Then, a familiar question came out of her own mouth.

--who I am?

——Fireproof Girl.

——Where am I?

——Fire-passing sacrificial site.

--What should I do?

Fireproof Girl 10086 stood up, walked slowly to the bonfire, reached out and grasped the hilt of the spiral sword, and pulled it out with almost no difficulty. Fiery, black-red flames instantly appeared on the spiral sword.

——Pass fire, and then, revenge.

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