The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Two Hundred and Sixteen, North American Mythical War (156)

——? ? ? ——

Out of chaos, "it" was born.

Without knowing the reason, without purpose or meaning, "it" just "exists".

Until, doubt arises.

who I am? where am I? What should I do? 】

"It" did not understand the meaning of these words, but it understood what they were asking, and then began to "think".


It's like a rusty door is gradually opening, and like brand new gears are grinding together, and the difficult and obscure "thinking" gradually becomes smoother.

……who is it? 】

Words, pronunciations, images and meanings that fit the definition of "I" and "who" come to me instantly like rising tide, even if "it" doesn't "understand", it already "knows" it.

I am... Malekith? 】

When a name appears, everything related to it appears.

The nine kingdoms, dark elves, ether particles, and Asgard were defeated and exiled.

Dark Dimension, Midgard, Whispering in the Void, Hogwarts, Defeat and Exile.

I'm not. 】

"It" very decisively refuses to acknowledge this.

Memories related to "Malekis" were thrown away, and new names and memories emerged.

I am... Arnim Zola? 】

New knowledge emerges.

Among the nine kingdoms, there is a place called "Midgard".

In Midgard, there is an organization called "Hydra\

,"Hydra, has a "Winter Soldier" plan,

The Winter Soldier took too long, and Arnim Zola, who was nearing his end of life, uploaded his consciousness under the spell of the "Whisper of the Void".

The computer that uploaded the consciousness was contained by the Green Lantern Corps, numbered SSR079.

I don't know who caused the containment breach. A large number of SSRs escaped, but only 079 was captured.

I don't. 】

According to the information obtained so far, "it" is very sure that it is not in a "containment" state.

At this time, due to the emergence of the new concept "Green Lantern Corps", a large amount of new information emerged.

I am... Kangthequeror the Conqueror? 】

Since the new information was more difficult to understand than the previous ones, it took a while to sort out its context.

Kang the Conqueror, the ruler of the galaxy from "3000 AD", in addition to his own strength, also has the power "The End of Reincarnation".

This power allows him to go to the early stage of the event or the period when the enemy has not yet flourished when he encounters some events or enemies that are difficult to solve, and solve them first. In this way, when he returns to his own time, the events or enemies will be gone. It will weaken a lot or even disappear directly.

However, like most emperors in history, as Kang the Conqueror extended his reign, his reason for using his power changed from "making the people under his rule better" to "maintaining his own rule."

Of course, while he will do whatever it takes to maintain his rule, more people will want to overthrow him. At first, he can easily subdue these rebels with his "reincarnation" power, but as time goes by, those who want to defeat him will The origin of man even becomes earlier than the time when he gained the power of reincarnation, which is before the year "AD 2023".

Kang the Conqueror's power will not disappear by returning to time beyond the time before he gained the ability, but the "other Kang the Conqueror" who would have assisted him unconditionally will no longer exist. Instead, he will secretly control the "Time Variation Administration" timevariay", as well as countless timelines with countless "Kang the Conqueror", or, should be called the name when they have not yet claimed to be Kang the Conqueror, "Nathaniel Richards".

At this point, Kang the Conqueror lost all foresight and the ability to launch targeted strikes against the enemy, because he could not determine which timeline the enemy he was dealing with came from, nor could he find it among the countless Richards who had similar experiences in the past. Which one is the "current self"?

After all, the premise for him to obtain the power of "End of Reincarnation" is that countless selves in countless timelines are "united into one". After 2023, there is only one who can use this power to change history through time travel. "Sacred Timeline".

Therefore, if Kang the Conqueror wants to deal with an enemy whose origin is before 2023, he must push forward the time when he gained power and make that enemy stand out from countless timelines.

According to his memory, the reason why he was able to gain power was because there were four powers during this period that were similar to "The End of Reincarnation" but with a slightly lower status: "Eating Evil of the World", "Weave of Life", " The users of "Whisper of the Void" and "Instrument of Desire" were eliminated at almost the same time. In order to maintain the stability of the timeline, the "Legacy" of the Time Variation Administration arranged for agents to carry out a series of plans.

I don’t know whether to call it a self-defeating thing or a blessing in disguise. Due to the loopholes in the legacy plan, these evil-sounding powers successfully escaped from their respective current timelines, causing a large number of timelines to be mixed together. Then, good luck picked up the "Reincarnation" Kang, the conqueror of the power of the end and the uniqueness, was born.

Then, when Kang the Conqueror was about to take advantage of the opportunity when those four powers were eliminated to push back the "sacred timeline" that only he controlled by one thousand years in one breath, he kicked the iron plate, or rather the iron plate, in his face. stick?

That is Sun Wukong who guards the "Spear Bureau\

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