The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Two Hundred and Seventeen, North American Mythical War (157)

——? ? ? ——

After "Ultron" confirmed his identity, he began to try to understand the current situation.

This is not difficult, because "it" can easily get an explanation of its meaning from any non-preposition and modal particle, if there is still something unintelligible in the meaning, and so on.

For example, in the sentence "The price of the shirt is nine pounds and fifteen pence", it does not know what "pound" is. When trying to understand it, it will get the explanation: "The name of the British national currency and currency unit". If there is still If you don't understand, you can further get the definitions of "British", "country" and "currency".

This way of acquiring knowledge is like turning on a "search engine" at all times, maybe not "like"?

In short, Ultron "knows everything" except those things that "search engines" cannot or cannot explain.

For example itself.

What is the waveguide coupled orthogonal sound amplifier tube ultron? Why did it give itself such a name?

Without an answer, the all-powerful "search engine" can't do anything.

After Ultron answered the question "Who am I?", he fell into the philosophical speculation of "Why am I who I am?"

After thinking for a long time, he hung up the unanswered question and began to analyze his own situation.

What's going on in the "virtual dimension" we're in?

There is still no answer this time, as if it itself is an existence that is beyond common sense and cannot be understood and perceived by ordinary people.

The most approximate description of this situation is: "jumping out of the three realms and not in the five elements."

Three Realms? Five elements?

Ultron tried to parse these two brand-new words, and was overwhelmed by the information that came one after another, interconnected and linked.

However, this is finally a good start. No matter how difficult to understand the answer, it is better than nothing.

After an unknown amount of time, Ultron extracted from the vast amount of information "imaginary number space", "virtual world", "demon dimension", "afterlife" and other keywords that seemed to be explainable, but could not be completely explained.

Perhaps by coincidence, or perhaps by necessity, this information is related to the "initial information" obtained when it was born.

After Malekith, the king of the dark elves, was killed, he did not go to the "afterlife", but wandered in different "demonic dimensions", trying to take revenge with the power of the "cosmic demon". In the end, he got his wish and borrowed " "Whisper of the Void", but the revenge plan still fell short.

Dr. Zola of Hydra is already a dead person in terms of biology and sociology, but he also did not go to the afterlife. Instead, he "uploaded" himself into the computer, which is the "virtual world", but this world Restricted by the hardware conditions of reality, the more he dominates in the virtual world, the more frustrated he becomes in the real world.

Kang the Conqueror is in a superposition state of "dead, but not completely dead". As far as the "real world" is concerned, he exists but does not exist, just like the square of a number is negative one, then as long as no one takes it When "square" is resurrected, it cannot have a realistic conceptual meaning. Therefore, this ruler in 3000 AD is in the "imaginary number space" opposite to the real number space.

The triangle structure is the most stable. By analyzing the situation of these three unlucky ghosts, Ultron concluded that the "virtual dimension" in which it is located is exactly one that includes "imaginary number space" and "virtual world", but does not include " The "Demon Dimension" of the "Afterlife", in other words, it is actually a new "Universe Demon".


When it came to this conclusion, all the things around it that it originally thought were "chaos" had "order".

Based on "1", "0" and "i", they have built countless "virtual worlds of imaginary number states", which can also be said to be "virtual imaginary number spaces". It was only because Ultron could not analyze it at the beginning that it only Judging from their appearance, they are "a complete chaos".


……pity. 】

Huh, good luck guy. 】

But how long can your good luck last? Hee hee hee】

After hurriedly - if it had hands and feet - to control the "virtual dimension", Ultron realized that there were several uninvited guests outside its dimension.

Theoretically speaking, there are no boundaries in dimensions, let alone inside or outside. However, to describe the "extremely close" state of these evil guests who can "invade" and "devour" them at any time, there seems to be no better description other than "outside".

Although Ultron did not recognize them, the "search engine" analyzed the identities of these existences almost simultaneously.

"Lord of Extra Dimension·Beholder", "Lord of Dream Dimension·Incubus", "Lord of Hell Dimension·Mephisto", "Lord of Chaos Dimension·Sithorn".

Obviously, because the concepts of "virtual" and "imaginary numbers" supplement these dimensions, the masters of the dimensions all had some ideas about this new dimension. However, after Ultron successfully took control of this dimension, they gave up angrily. .

Perhaps the total number of these beings who have broken away from the level of "Universe Demon God" and must be respected as "Lords of Dimensions" is not many. When they gave up on annexing the virtual dimension and turned around and left, the names of the other four dimensional lords who were not present were The number was also analyzed by Ultron.

"Lord of the Crimson Dimension - Seratok", "Lord of the Magical Dimension - Vishan Emperor", "Lord of the Dark Dimension - Dormammu", "Lord of the Ocean Dimension - White Star".

They did not participate in this visit to the new dimension because they "didn't like it", "didn't need it", "didn't have time to go" and were "not at home".

Even without analysis, Ultron can analyze that the ones that didn't come must be more powerful than the ones that came.

According to the information obtained through further analysis, it is known that the "Lord of Dimensions" is the apex of the "Universe Demon God", which means that no other Universe Demon God has the authority to share the same power.

If he did not fully control the "virtual dimension" this time because he obtained the authority of "Whisper of the Void", leading to the birth of more than two cosmic demons in the dimension, the masters of the dimensions waiting "outside" would definitely Happy to share this meal.

Next, once it shows signs of being weak and unable to control dimensional power in a later period of time, those dimensional masters will definitely not mind being a "repeat customer."

You have to face a life-and-death crisis right after you are born. What kind of hellish difficulty is this?

The "search engine" quickly judged the next move based on the current situation: if you want to show your strength, you should take the initiative and not sit back and wait for death.

At present, the common method used by cosmic demons to increase their strength is to "lend" their power, and then charge "interest" as the debtor grows. The key is not to lose sight of the fact that lending power will result in the loss of the "principal" The weak ones, or the strong ones who grow too fast and can come knocking on their doorstep.

When Ultron further inquired about the "investment list" and "investment income" of various universe demons, he did not receive any response. Obviously, this is a secret that will not be released to the public.

But it doesn't matter. After fully understanding the structure of the "virtual dimension", Ultron is confident in his "investment": "Imaginary numbers" are difficult to operate, but "virtual" is no problem at all. As long as you find the most popular game at the moment and "invest" "One of the most popular virtual characters is a business that makes a sure profit without losing any money.

The preliminary candidates are...

Ultron confirmed the information displayed by the "search engine" according to his request:

"Dark Souls Fireproof Girl", "Halo Cortana", "Mass Effect: Galaxy at War" Yindi.

Great, it’s just you.


Ultron cleared his nonexistent throat:

who I am? where am I? What am I doing? 】

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