The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and twenty-four, North American Mythical War (164)

——? ? ? ——

Synchro Summon.

Although during the "mounted duel", he was just driving and reciting the lines according to the text displayed on the control panel of the motorboat, and all the fighting process was done by it, he still understood the basic rules.

To perform a "Synchronization Summoning", you need a "normal material" and an "Adjustment Material". The latter gives the former a "Tune Star", and the star rating of the two is added to the star rating of the "Synchronized" monster.

Although this is just a rule in a card game, it can force the enemy into this rule and determine the outcome. This game must not be simple, and the way to escape after being swallowed by black mud is still synchronized summoning. Is it possible? Prove that the rules of this card game are part of the rules of the world, but they are just inaccessible to ordinary people?

Now, if you want to use yourself and the motorboat as materials to perform a "synchronic summoning" on a realistic level, as a living person with an entity, it must be the motorboat that adjusts stars for you, right?

...It must be right?

"Why are you dazed? Read the lines quickly.]" The motorboat, or in other words, the Mobius chair under him urged.

Forget it, the situation will not get worse anyway. Mobius put aside philosophical questions such as "Am I still me after synchronization?", squeezed the accelerator, and began to read aloud according to the text displayed on the motorboat panel:

"The gathering stars will arouse new power and turn into a shining way——"

Whoosh whoosh -- green halos emerged from the gray mist, forming a "circular track" in front of the motorboat. The position reference it provided finally made Mobius feel that he was actually moving forward.

"Synchronic Summoning, come out - uh."

The motorboat carrying Mobius quickly passed through these green halo tracks. The physical images of the two "people" were simultaneously turning into dazzling streams of light, and a shining strong figure had already appeared on the "track". At the end, but at this time the lines in Mobius's mouth were stuck.

"Hurry up and finish reading! Otherwise we will disappear completely!]"

Whatever! Anyway, the Space and Time Administration is a bunch of rubbish!

"Show up! 'Scrap Warrior'!"

Ouch——! 】

The strong body made a cross in the air.

——? ? ? ——

Mobius's eyes were filled with darkness and he could hardly move.

Although this color is not very good, it is at least a good change compared to the endless gray fog.

He tried to use his strength to stand up, and then realized that he did not seem to have lost the ability to move, but he was unable to move because he was wearing a very heavy suit of armor that even covered his head and face.

Mobius raised his hand with difficulty and struggled to take off the helmet covering his head. The pressure on his body was instantly relieved a lot.

Hmm...why does this helmet look like a big onion? And is this armor too fat? Looks like the Michelin mascot.

After briefly confirming that his condition was still normal, Mobius began to observe the surrounding environment.

This seems to be a small church. Although it is built entirely of white stone, it has been left unattended for a long time and is full of dust and cobwebs. Even the sarcophagus placed at the other end looks quite shabby. The only bright-colored church in the field of vision is It was a bonfire burning brightly in the middle of the church. Based on the analysis of some of my previous actions after getting up, I might have been sitting in front of that bonfire before "waking up".

"Motorcycle? Mobius chair?" Mobius, who didn't quite understand the situation, didn't dare to act rashly and tried to call his previous companions.

There was no reply, and there was nothing that looked like a motorboat in the church - it should be said that it was strange.

"Anyway, let's go find - eh?" Mobius walked around the chapel and found that there was no exit at all. The only thing that could allow him to leave here was behind the sarcophagus, which seemed to be invisible. Big hole in the bottom.

Jump? Will he fall to death? And I’m not sure if I can fly after synchronization...

Mobius was hesitating when a voice like a bell suddenly sounded from behind him:

"Do not express understanding to those who harbor hatred; do not express approval to those who harbor joy; do not express appreciation to those who harbor pain]."


He turned around in shock and found that a tall figure wearing heavy black armor, a skull mask on his head, and holding a huge weapon like a door panel had appeared in the originally empty chapel.




Mobius originally planned to say something to him, but the other party obviously didn't intend to respond. He directly picked up the door panel and slapped the big sword horizontally, driving him into the big hole.

At least tell me clearly what you want me to do!

Morbius fell, all attempts to slow his fall or fly failing, and finally, after falling for nearly a minute, he plopped into a deep pool.

The good news is that the heavy armor on his body did not sink him to the bottom as expected, and it even had a certain amount of buoyancy.

The bad news was that there was a black dragon with a bone crown on his head and he didn't look very smart. He was staring at him eagerly at the pool, and his health bar was on.

Why have you been dealing with all kinds of dragons since you were "killed" by Kang the Conqueror?

Its name is... While slandering, Mobius glanced at the name on the health bar - Eternal Fire Death Dragon Barbatos]

"Mobius antimonitor!]" The strange black dragon let out a huge roar: "Now - liquidate everything!]"

I do not know you!


"Are you an idiot?! Why are you blocking the dragon's breath head-on?!]"

Hearing the mockery from the Mobius Chair again, Mobius felt a lot more relieved - even though he had just been sprayed into charcoal by a breath of dragon breath from the "Eternal Fire Death Dragon".

Then, he was completely "resurrected" at that campfire.

"Why didn't you respond when I called you just now?" He said to the "talking armor" on his body.

"Who the hell dares to talk nonsense in front of 'Grandpa Gale'? You will die! There are no scum left. If you want to be resurrected, you have to file a report, which will take several years for approval!]" Armor shouted, with a hint of snack in his tone. There are surplus seasons.

It seems to have been killed before... Forget it, exposing people's scars is not conducive to getting along later.

"I always feel that I am closer to the essence of the world after my 'death'," Mobius tried to change the subject: "You have to tell me, among the beings I have encountered so far, there are a few that can easily turn 'Conqueror Kang' Get rid of it?"

"Two, if the restriction of 'easy' is removed, the list can be increased," the armor replied: "If you defeat the dragon below and upgrade, you can also be added to the latter's list, well... wrong.】"

"What's wrong?"

"This is the 'Ring Seal City'. If you can't defeat that dragon, you have no right to leave - Mora definitely did it on purpose!]"

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