The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and twenty-five, North American Mythical War (165)

"If nothing else, there should be some enemies that can only be defeated with this kind of power." Hela rubbed the ring: "You know that 'death' is my domain, do you want to say hello before using it?"

How did it become your field?

But the hello is genuine.

"Yes," I looked at the ring: "The Green Lantern Corps' ring does not have a 'color mixing' function. When I wear it, it can only use 'willpower'."

"Oh, since you have provided a lot of help to my two silly brothers, I will help you. If that kind of enemy appears," Hela said, "But this time it will not be the case." For small things like taking people away from the underworld, the conditions still need to be discussed, such as some future cooperation."

At this time, Hela had already taken a part-time job as the "Black Death Emperor". She probably thought that I couldn't tell, and was still talking slowly. I could only cooperate with her and continue to talk about something.

Hmm... Actually, it’s not really “something”.

If Hogwarts cooperates with Asgard and the Green Lantern Corps, of course there must be some competitive events to enhance the pride of belonging and enthusiasm of their students. I don't like Quidditch, so of course I have to choose "Triwizard Tournament" "Game".

In fact, you don’t understand the rules, right? 】

‘No, I can understand it, but I can’t accept it. Are they preparing to play ball or race? A Golden Snitch scores 150 points. Unless the player playing ordinary ball suppresses the opponent for more than 15 balls, he or she may be overturned at any time. JK must have been watching some quiz show when he came up with this sport, right? The final score is the sum of all previous scores. ’

As a housewife, it’s not surprising to see this. 】

"The idea of ​​fighting in the 'Triwizard Tournament' on 'sea, land, and air' is very interesting," Hela said: "Asgard can provide a group of dragons, and Miss Rachel should be able to draw from the 'Ocean Demon· Bai Xing borrowed some mermaids or fishmen there, but the land battle..."

"Whether it's ordinary track and field or competitive events, it seems inappropriate because the physical fitness of the parties is different." Gandalf, or Professor

"Racing cars?" I remembered Stark's hobby and replied smoothly.

"It's a good idea," Professor

"If it were the 'warriors' of Asgard, they might not hesitate to hit the opponent, unless you think there is no problem in this." Hela said.


Violent motorcycle! Fight on horseback! 】

‘Is it possible to fight on horseback? ’

Loki rides Thor. 】

‘It actually makes sense. ’

But usually, Thor will throw Loki out the next second. 】


Throwing "people" out... seems to be a very familiar operation.

I pressed my hat and glanced at Hela again.

Although she is now dressed as the Elf Queen Galadriel, the classic Hela's green suit and headdress that looks like some kind of seafood are quite impressive. It can be simply called...seafood head.

Then there is only one answer!

"How about a land battle, a riding duel where you race and play cards at the same time?" I said to Hela and Professor X.

"Oh?" Professor X raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

"It seems interesting. To elaborate," Hela put on the black light ring casually: "I can let the residents of Helm's underworld try it first. Anyway, their place is a mess, and nothing is surprising."

Don't take pleasure in your own people!


I was thinking about the current situation while listening to Hela and Professor X designing the rules of the riding duel in detail.

According to the original setting of DC comics, "Black Death Emperor" is a symbol of the concept of "death". He is in a "lifeless place" and cannot be killed. He can resurrect the dead for his own use, but he does not exist in DC. If you want to descend into the universe, you can only open a dimensional rift...

Isn’t this talking about Marvel’s Hela?

Hela, who serves as the "Black Death Emperor", is the "Lamp Beast" of the "Black Lantern Corps", which is conceptually equivalent to the "Ion Shark" of the Green Lantern Corps, and is also in charge of all "Black Lantern Power" and "Lamp Beast". Black Light Ring”.

Although she currently only has the ring on her hand, she doesn't know where the lamp is, and there are no members at all.

However, as long as she assumes this identity, subsequent major events can be easily handled.

According to the clues given by the prompting sister, the three "big events" that are bound to occur are the Chitauri invasion, the birth of Ultron, and the arrival of Thanos. However, due to a slight mistake, the dimensional wall between Marvel and DC Broken, the Chitauri invaded DC, while the Court of Owls attacked New York.

By analogy, the main body of Ultron should appear on the DC side, while what will happen on the Marvel side is a major event that originally belonged to DC.

But the problem is... there are too many big events in DC, and there is no clear timeline, and the universe is restarted from time to time. The only thing that can be determined at present is that the "Thanos" who appeared in 2018 will correspond to the "Thanos" who was also born in 2018. "The Laughing Bat".

The Chitauri are the vanguard of Thanos, and the source of power of the Court of Owls and the Laughing Bat is also the "Dark Dragon Barbatos", which makes sense.

Then, there are many events corresponding to Ultron stuck in the middle, including Blackest Night, Flashpoint, Justice League Origins, Injustice, Darkseid War, and Metal, these are some of the more influential ones.

In this way, the choice is very simple. Create the black lantern first and fight against "Ultron". No matter what big event happens later, just use the seven-color, no, nine-color lantern to crush it - although I don’t know where the other lantern groups are yet.

Is this called 'taking the villain's path and leaving the villain with no way to go'? 】

‘Hela was originally the goddess of death, and she wasn’t some idiot who was assimilated because she couldn’t resist the power of death. ’

What if she turns black? Galadriel was only a little short when faced with the One Ring. 】

‘Then she will be the initiator of big events. Those who are near the water will get the moon first, the rich water will not flow to outsiders, and the early bird catches the worm. ’

I don’t think these sentences are used in this way...]

'Anyway, if she turns black, I just turn into a white light and come out to fight her. Well...according to DC's settings, the universe was originally absolutely dark. When white light came in, the darkness attacked the white light, and the white light split into Seven-Color Spectrum - The person who wrote the script must have a prism at hand, right? ’

There is indeed a prism. You see, the logos of other lantern groups are all circles. Only the logos of the black and white lantern groups have a triangle, which obviously symbolizes the experiment of refraction of light. 】

'Yeah? Why do I look like the golden Holy Grail and the Holy Grail that is spraying black mud? ’

Don't say this nonsense... Although it doesn't matter if the Holy Grail does not exist in this world. 】

'Well, if you think about it carefully, Rachel's qualifications don't seem to be enough to found the White Lantern Corps. She must have the White Star to be qualified——'

Prompt: The ‘Spirit of Existence’ is born. 】


Hahahahaha! 】

‘It’s so noisy! ’

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