The Collection of The End

Chapter 223 The Valley and the Letter

My name is Akatosh,

I received a black letter~

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 1st, 12:11 —

‘So, the current Thieves Guild has become a tool for those nobles to bite dogs? '

[Basically, none of the thefts that happened near Rift Valley City have anything to do with them, and they are basically the work of thieves who are similar to the two guys you kicked into the river. 】

'Well, speaking of which, how are the two little thieves doing now? I remember it was called... Black Sea Rat? ’ I looked at the inexplicably sharp heavy-armored high-heeled shoes on my feet, and mourned for them for three seconds.

[It's 'Draft' and 'Hainong Black Snow Rat', they are working in a familiar fishing ground by the lake, and they dare not engage in any criminal activities at all. 】A new light screen window pops up, showing the images of two fishermen.

‘It seems that you don’t need to worry about them, and continue to observe Amir’s actions this time. '

I'm sitting in a chair in a hotel room, chatting with the stupid system one after another, and watching the live broadcast projected in the air.

Although I did not intervene in the process of these two people's contact with the Thieves Guild, they still successfully joined through different channels and joined forces smoothly. At this time, they even carried out the task with the combination of "master" and "newcomer".

Several split screens show from different perspectives that Emil is leading her followers close to a skooma manufacturing den hidden in the valley near Rift Valley City, and the skooma dealers in that den are so-called ' They were talking and joking around the arena, and they didn't mean to guard the surrounding area at all.

This place called "Crackhelm Valley" is the final destination of the previous batch of dryads disguised as fir trees. They will extract the juice of those dryads and mix them with the moon sugar bought from the tiger people. , and finally created an alchemy potion called Skooma.

Although it can heal wounds and restore physical strength, it is also highly hallucinogenic and addictive. It is not so much a medicine as a drug. It is strictly prohibited to be sold in any territory, even in Rift Valley City. The Blackthorn family didn't dare to get involved, and its current head, Marwen Blackthorn, immediately sent a commission to the Thieves Guild to destroy the den after learning about the incident.

In my opinion, that powerful old lady should have known about this for a long time, but she has been secretly collecting evidence, waiting for an opportunity to uproot them—for example, now that this incident is accidentally exposed, otherwise How could she point out the location of the valley to the Thieves Guild as soon as the incident broke out, and then turn her head to deal with the family behind it without hesitation?

As for the skooma dealers in the valley, I can only say that their hearts are really big. They even hired the Dark Brotherhood to silence the mercenaries who handled this matter in order to cover up the truth. To capture the tiger monk monks, the nobles who clearly supported them did not have such arrogant capital.

'If the daily freelance work of the Thieves Guild is such a task, they can change their name to 'Grand Thieves Guild'. '

[That's because a master thief wielded a Dagon razor from nowhere to prevent them from attacking ordinary residents, and Mercer Frey, who didn't care about reputation, was also hidden by a certain holy spirit. 】

‘Okay, everyone will point to a deer as a horse. '

[Isn't it pointing at Sang and scolding Huai? 】


The FZ world time stupid system is still a bit cute, but after collecting only one doomsday element, it entered the rebellious period. If it collects all sixteen doomsday elements in this world, will it touch its beard and yell at me "Cheng He?" System"? That's not okay.

While the stupid system was still waiting for my reply, I went straight back to Song Jiade and grabbed the little black dragon and rubbed it.


Well, much more pleasing to the eye.

"...Parry, you attack head-on." At this moment, the master and servant were already approaching the entrance of the valley.

After Emil said this to her follower, the figure disappeared completely from the light screen.

From the perspective of my light screens, although the security on the outside of this small valley is very loose, there are still many guards inside, but their purpose is not to guard against foreign invaders, but to prevent "fighters" who are forced to fight each other Suddenly biting back, the little princess sneaked towards the place where those "fighters" were imprisoned with amazing intuition.

"She really has confidence in me, but I'm not the barbarian like Tacilius who is good at outnumbered." Parathos muttered, took off the ebony bow from behind, and aimed at a trap trigger mechanism at the mouth of the valley with the bow. shooting.

boom! boom! A hanging burning oil pot was shot off the tether, and after falling, it completely ignited the large oil stains on the ground. The fire and thick smoke instantly attracted the attention of Skooma dealers and guards deep in the valley.

'This method is actually quite good. It not only attracted Amir's attention, but also was covered by the fire, and the other party could not see how many people came from Taniguchi. '

[But since this task is entrusted to the Thieves Guild, don't you just want them to solve it quietly? 】

'So you're stupid, the old lady Ma Wen wants the matter to be resolved quietly under her control, Sapphire and Xiao Fan must have seen it, but they still sent this "newcomer adventurer" to carry it out, which proves that they want to put Things go wrong. '

【Hmm... plan to get rid of the control of the Blackthorn family? ] It's rare for the stupid system to be smart once.

'After all, it is a problem left over from history. It may be difficult to get rid of it for a while, but if you keep obeying her, it is completely impossible to get rid of it. '

[Who caused the 'problem left over from history'? 】

'I don't know~'

Although Mercer Frey was annoying in the game and kept making troubles, but now without his participation, the Thieves Guild was almost annexed. Fortunately, I had the foresight to strengthen the sapphire, hahaha.

"Boy, it's a bad time for you to get lost." "We'll kill you and take your money." "You're dead."

After all, it was only a layer of kerosene, and the burning time was very short. A dozen strong men in iron armor and horned helmets had already surrounded Parasos at the entrance of the valley, but they seemed to be afraid of his equipment. Did not do it directly.

Compared with the high-road armor made of easily obtained copper and iron, those emery dwarf equipment from dwarf ruins, bronze orc equipment carefully crafted by orc weaponsmiths, and materials produced only by a limited number of mines, masters who can forge them are even better. The rare ebony equipment can make people feel very difficult to mess with just visually.

‘If he wears demon or keel equipment, will the opponent scare away? '

[Can't run, because I don't know him at all. 】

'... makes sense. '

"I heard in the hotel in Rift Valley that there is a group of robbers entrenched here. It seems to be true." On the screen, Parathos began his performance: "You guys go together! I'm in a hurry."

"Ha, it turned out to be a 'hero'," a big Nord man who was a head taller than the other guards stood out in a row, with blue orc heavy armor on his body and an orc heavy hammer in his hand, which was very conspicuous: "But the cracked Gu is not a place to be a hero, so I will accept this ebony armor."

Well? Are you planning to single out?

"Let's go together! Use blunt objects to smash that kid to death inside, and no one is allowed to use sharp objects to damage 'my' armor!" The big man swung his heavy hammer and rushed over with a group of robbers.

"Damn it!" Parathos turned and ran, and the Skooma dealers in the valley, who had been paying attention to this side at first, burst out laughing.

'Well, at least his attention-grabbing effect is fulfilled. After judging that the attendant could not be caught, I simply turned off his camera, and turned to look for Emil in stealth. After switching the display mode several times, her light red figure appeared when the "fighter" was captured. Near the place of detention.

This is a deep underground pit at the back of the valley. The top is covered with a layer of iron nets. The ear holes on the walls around the bottom that can barely keep out the rain are the residences of the "fighters". Except for the only passage with multiple door locks Besides, there can be no means of escape.

And these "fighters" are basically composed of tiger people, Yalong people, dark elves and other unwelcome races. Occasionally, there are one or two guys who look like humans. You can tell that they are actually werewolves just from the wild light in their eyes. .

'It can only be said that these skooma dealers who have made a lot of money are not brave enough to catch ordinary people for gladiatorial battles. After all, no one can protect them in that case. '

[Even at this level, they are finished. 】

On the screen, Amir skillfully opened the gates of the cage one by one, and then knocked on the head of a tiger man who didn't look too reckless. When he looked up angrily, he saw that the road leading to the ground had been opened.

"Fu..." The tiger man looked around, but he didn't see anyone, so he said to the air: "No matter who you are, I, Sarah Red, will remember this kindness. If I need to do anything in the future , I don’t hesitate to say anything.”

‘Who told this how the key NPC of the Thieves Guild mission line is here? '

[Is there any mission line that hasn't collapsed under your reckless behavior? 】

'It's so noisy, shut up, and the main line will not collapse. '

"Hello~ I have a letter for Ms. Jeanne Darc~" I was watching a group of fighters break through the cage to deal with those Skooma dealers, when a voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"She lives in that room, you go and knock on the door." The innkeeper Wilhelm replied.

‘Really, the efficiency of the Dark Brotherhood is too low. Fortunately, in order to let them find it, I rented a house here in Ivarstead, and went out for a walk from time to time. ’ While making complaints, I adjusted my sitting posture to be a bit ladylike. After all, compared to the heavy armor style of Tianji province that wraps people tightly, Heizhen's armor is still a bit... revealing.

"Hello—" "The door is unlocked, come in."

"That...a fierce-looking man in black robe asked me to deliver a letter to you. He didn't leave his name, but he gave me a lot of money...that...goodbye..." The messenger was a young man, With eyes dodging as if she wanted to look at me very much but didn't dare to look at me, Qiqi Ai Ai came over and put the letter on the table a few steps away, explained everything, then turned and ran away.


Hell, the impact of the full-length off-the-shoulder shape is so great? I also deliberately covered my legs, this messenger could be a potential black chastity fan.

As for the letter, you don't need to read it to know what it is, a black handprint, plus the words "We Know".

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