The Collection of The End

Chapter 224 The Tomb and the Horn

My name is Akatosh,

The main line really didn't collapse...probably.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 1st, 17:34 —

The time is approaching dusk, and the residents of the ancient city of Mosar who are working outside the city are entering the city one after another. Although the large swamp outside the city is not considered safe during the day, there will be more dangerous creatures that can leave the swamp area and attack living things after nightfall. Ghosts and ghouls, based on experience, it is very likely that another ancient Nord ruin was washed out of the entrance by the tide.

It's just that because those undead can't approach the city, the old lady who is the lord refuses to send people or issue a reward to solve this matter. The reason is that the aftermath caused by the "Hruga incident" not long ago has not subsided. The authority of the lords has not yet been fully restored.

If the city guards had better eyes at this time and looked far to the north, they could see a very strange carriage pulled by a dirt dog on the horizon.

Although it was a standard double-hall carriage, the dirt dog looked effortless and relaxed, and finally pulled the carriage carrying two passengers, one large and one small, to a stop in front of a Nord tomb.

"Where is this?" Arthur asked in a bad tone.

"Ustengla." Babas replied, flicking his tail.

"When I wanted to rent a carriage, you said that you don't need a horse or a coachman, and you can pull us to the destination yourself, huh?" Arthur copied the old magician Lot not long ago." The Ax of Remorse" gestured at it.

"Put down that dangerous thing quickly—isn't this your destination?" Babas slammed the rein and jumped a few meters away.

"Indeed, but how do you know?" Arthur frowned and looked at the ancient tomb not far away, which was still covered with mud and moss, which seemed to have risen from the ground not long ago.

"I'm the dog of [Calavicus Vile]." The dog gritted his teeth, "Master Vile is the demon god of summoning, trading and wishes, in charge of rituals, contracts and prayers, as long as you have a task, I will You can see the destination of the task, and if the target of the task is a person or object, you can tell it immediately after approaching."

"How did I hear that it was the demon god who broke the contract and cheated?" Arthur showed a distrustful expression, "Isn't he the one who tricked the magician into cutting off his tail?"

"Those who call you that are all naive guys who don't carefully check the terms of the contract and ignore potential violations, but I'm not the same as the master. Just say whether this is your most important destination." Babas asked Gu Tomb trotted for a few steps, then stopped to look back at Arthur.

"Hmm..." Arthur looked at the ancient tomb and thought for a moment, finally shook his head, picked up Sophie and jumped out of the car.

Entrusted by Greybeard to go to Ustengra to retrieve the first person who studied the "Way of Roar", the horn owned by "Jorgen Windcaller", Arthur did not tell anyone. After all, the comrades-in-arms group is in a tense confrontation with Silver Hands. It is very dangerous to disperse troops at this time, but since we have come here and the available combat power is not weak, it is okay to try, but...

"Can you see my other tasks?" Arthur remembered something and asked the dog again.

"Huh? Over there, and over there—" Babas raised his front paw and pointed in the direction of Loristed and Snowrun City, "But the distance is too far and it's blurry, so I chose the closest one."

It seems that even if it is a dog raised by the demon god, and it can talk, its logical analysis ability is also very problematic. Arthur sighed and threw the "Ax of Regret" to Babas: "You seem to be able to fight with it? Take it, I don't have time to take care of you after the fight."

"Hey, this ax has half the power of an adult, and I have the other half. Now you can completely treat me as the demon god himself." Babas rushed over, bit the handle of the ax and picked it up.

Hmm... a dog-shaped demon god with an ax in his mouth... Arthur said that he couldn't imagine it.

"It's incredible." Sophie was obviously interested in the juggling action of a dog holding an ax.

"Don't eat the contents casually." Arthur patted Sophie's little head, "They're all ghouls from years ago, they'll make you sick if you eat them."


According to Arthur's supplementary knowledge, Jorgen Windcaller was a famous dragon roar user and legion leader in the first era. He participated in the "Battle of Red Mountain" that caused the disappearance of the dwarves. It was also in this battle that He tried his best to use the dragon roar but still failed, so he began to doubt whether the dragon roar was suitable for participating in the battle, and then left the battlefield to study the "Roar Way" of using the dragon roar for prayer and sacrifice, and finally became the first in history. A "grey beard".

Judging from the location of his tomb "Ustengla", the hometown of Jurgen Windcaller is probably Mosar, a small city with a long history of thousands of years. His own tomb is probably not so big. The scale, because his former subordinates followed and buried after death, finally made this ancient tomb bigger and bigger. Now that it has been seen again, those brave ancient warriors will wake up again to protect their leader and fight.

Breaking through the interception of these ancient warriors, solving the traps and puzzles set by Jurgen, and finally obtaining the "horn of the windcaller" buried with him is the trial given to Arthur by the current leader of Greybeard, Aingail.

"He might have expected that I would have helpers, but he would never have imagined that I would be bringing a baby dragon in the form of a girl and a demon god in the form of a dog." Arthur's Sky Furnace sword had been unsheathed for a long time, but it was completely useless.

Babas was playing around with the "Ax of Regret" in his mouth. Anyone who stood in front of him, no matter ghouls or ghosts, would take the ax one at a time. Sophie slapped her flying.

【Fus! 】【Ro! 】【Dah! 】

When Arthur was bored collecting loot and was thinking about whether to transform into a battle, Babas flew back upside down with a huge dragon roar.

"It's so strange!" The earth dog looked completely uninjured, rolled on the ground and stood up, still shouting excitedly, "Even if it is dead, I haven't seen it for a long time!"

Ignoring Babas's unclear words, Arthur raised his eyes and looked forward. There was a tomb hall that was much more solemn than all the tombs he had passed through before. What caught people's attention was the three side-by-side high-backed stone chairs on the front, on which sat a... dwarf ghoul wearing heavy dwarf armor?

Although their eyes glowed blue, and their exposed skin was shriveled like other ghouls, they were shorter and stronger than ordinary ghouls. If you think about it a little bit, the dragon roar and vomit eyes seem to be three voices roaring together .

Although Babas flew away, these heavily armored ghouls who were probably dwarves did not pursue, but sat firmly on the high-backed chair without moving, staring silently at Arthur, the girl, and the dog.

"Can I eat them? Dad~" The girl looked at the three dwarf ghouls with burning eyes, and it was clearly written on her small face - something she had never seen before, I really want to taste it.

"No." Arthur pressed Sophie's shoulders to prevent her from rushing over to speak: "It seems that there is no way to go deeper here, but I don't think Jorgen Windcaller is a dwarf."

"The loyalty of the dwarves is difficult to obtain, but if you successfully obtain their loyalty, you will not hesitate even if you die." Babas explained without daring to approach again, putting down the ax in his mouth.

"Are you a loyal gravekeeper? But what are they guarding... Ah, I understand." Arthur took Sophie backwards, and the little girl didn't say anything although she was a little dissatisfied.

This is the resting place of the first Greybeard. Naturally, he would not want to be disturbed by tomb thieves and the like, but if an outstanding descendant comes to visit, he must be happy to receive him, and wants to distinguish between the two If so, the easiest way is——

Arthur took a deep breath, adjusted his position so that the dragon's roar could affect the three dwarves at the same time, and then exhaled and said:

“【Fus Ro Dah!】”

Due to the longer distance and the larger range of influence, even the full spout of the three runes will only make those dwarf ghouls lean back a little, but in the next moment, the stone chairs these dwarf ghouls are sitting on are the same as theirs. The wall behind it was completely shattered together, revealing a group of dragon language characters with extremely sharp strokes that Arthur had seen several times behind the wall.

【Feim】, "Phantom illusion", in a short period of time, you can turn yourself into a "ghost" that can penetrate any obstacle.

The moment he saw this word, Arthur understood its meaning and usage, and it was deeply rooted in his mind. When he was thinking about where to find a dragon to activate it, the three dwarf ghouls directly began to smash and disappear and some kind of The crimson energy was transmitted to Arthur, and when they completely disappeared, the transmitted "Dragon Soul" just fully activated the rune.

"Daddy stole it!" Originally, Arthur was worried that Sophie would be scared again, but her reaction was a bit unexpected. Obviously, as long as she didn't directly absorb the soul from the dead dragon, the little girl could still accept it.

"Papa will find you something else to eat when you go back." Although he had learned a new dragon roar, the target "horn of the windcaller" was still missing. Arthur looked around while comforting his daughter.

"Strange...why is your mission target behind this wall?" After the dwarf disappeared, Babas started wandering around the hall with an ax in his mouth, scratching the wall with his claws at the moment.

Not only is it tested whether it has inheritance, but also the speed of mastering the dragon's roar is also within the scope of the investigation? Arthur walked over and knocked on the wall, well, solid.

If the person receiving the inheritance cannot master the runes on the spot, leave temporarily and return after learning successfully, those ghouls who were originally disturbed but dare not mess around under the pressure of the dwarf ghouls will all climb out of the coffin. The difficulty of coming in the second time will only be higher than the first time.

"Thanks." Arthur nodded to Babas, and then said in a low voice, "[Feim!]"

Then, his whole body completely turned into a blue transparent form, and he walked through the wall.

Through the thick stone wall is a very hidden small tomb surrounded by water. On the "island" in the middle, there is a small dark sarcophagus. Right above the sarcophagus, there is a tray like a candlestick hanging in the tray. It is not a candle, but a white, delicate horn like a handicraft.

"Well, well, now?" Arthur took off the horn, but there was no change around him, he thought for a while, raised the horn to his mouth, and blew it vigorously.

[,! naal ok zin los vahriin! 】

[wah dein vokul, mahfaeraak ahst vaal,]

【Ahrk fin norok paal graan, fod nust hon zindro zaan! 】

【, fah hin kogaan mu draal! 】

When Arthur simply wanted to blow it and did not use any skills, the horn made a majestic and rhythmic dragon roar, but unfortunately, because it was not in the form of a dragon, Arthur could not say a word. Did not understand.

Boom boom boom——! The water around the sarcophagus of Jorgen Windcaller raised six giant dragon head sculptures symmetrically with each other. At the same time, the water level dropped, revealing a road leading to the previous tomb. At the end of the road, the thick stone wall separated to the two sides, revealing Babas who was in a daze outside and Sophie who looked amazed.

"Father, you sing really well!" The little girl praised loudly from a distance.

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