The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and thirty, North American Mythical War (166)

‘Why did that element-devouring beast come to Hogwarts? Do you have a clue? ’

Surveillance showed that it followed Nick Fury. When it was visiting Captain America, it left the tool man and ran away. As for could I possibly know what an orange cat was thinking? Cats can't talk. 】

‘The shamisen can speak. ’

Is that the 'I just happened to make some sounds' and those sounds 'happen to have human meaning' kind of speech? 】

‘Bumblebee’s movable type brushing technique can actually be used. ’

It has no vocal organs. 】

'Tsk...that means Sherlock has returned to the dormitory. It is not convenient to watch because of respect for privacy. Otherwise, I really want to see why the element-devouring beast is looking for him and how the two parties will communicate. ’

You didn't consider privacy when you collected light ring data on a large scale just now. 】

‘It is written in the usage agreement that this level of information collection is allowed. ’

Do you think anyone will go see that thing? 】


After accidentally acquiring the identity of the "Spirit of Existence", I excused myself from Hela on the pretext of arranging the Triwizard Tournament, and then quickly ran back to the ocean dimension to adjust the authority of the "White Star".

Compared with Hela, who has the identity of "Goddess of Death" and becomes the "Black Death Emperor", it is not surprising, but Shirahoshi will be in big trouble after becoming a "Spirit of Existence".

As a lantern beast of the White Lantern Corps, the power that the spirit of existence represents on the surface is "life", but in fact it represents "destiny" - the fate of all life in the universe. Even the welcome oath is "a certain planet" Someone, destiny has been waiting for a long time."

This means that anyone who wears a white light ring will become a slave of fate and act according to the trajectory arranged by "fate".

There is actually no problem with this originally. After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to know their original destiny, and the white light ring is the strongest light ring that combines seven colors of light. It seems acceptable to succumb to fate in order to gain power.

But the bad thing is that "destiny" has an "ontology".

Corresponding to Marvel's five creation gods, "Gulfer, Death, Infinity, Eternity, and Annihilation," DC has an "Endless Family" whose members are: "Destiny, Death, Sandman, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Fanaticism."

Even if you don’t understand the two worlds at all, you can see from the concepts that dominate the world that Marvel values ​​“things” more, while DC values ​​“people” more.

This leads to the fact that most of Marvel's events are caused by changes in "objective facts", while eight out of ten times in DC are caused by the distortion of "subjective will".

The consequence is that Marvel's timeline is advancing steadily, and DC restarts the world from time to time. Even the editorial department itself does not dare to finalize the timeline. After all, strictly speaking, Bruce Wayne is already 90 years old.

However, when there are many stories from parallel worlds to be told in the same project, it is not easy to say which one is more appropriate: "changing the project name from time to time" or "constantly increasing the project number".

Judging from the current development, the world where I am conducting dimensional erosion and collecting doomsday elements this time is based on the "Marvel Cinematic Universe" numbered 19999, with two DC universes, one black and one white, plugged into the small-scale multiverse. Although the major events are interfering with each other, there are still no big problems in the details.

For example, Tony Stark has not turned into a woman, and Captain America is not the captain of Hydra. As for the parents of Batman in the DC Bright Universe... it is not a big problem.

But when "White Star" became the "Spirit of Existence", there was trouble.

This "mermaid princess" is the incarnation of Marvel's "death". Due to personality conflicts, it is impossible to become the messenger of DC's "destiny", but because she is not the "death" in DC's gothic lolita shape Incarnation, the birth of DC's "destiny" will not stop because of this. The result of the competition between the two sides is that while I am the "death" of Marvel, I also serve as the "destiny" of DC.

The authority generated by the combination of both parties is called: destined and inescapable death, referred to as "destined death".

And under the premise that there are "four hawkers" in this world: "the food evil of the world, the thread of life, the whisper of the void, and the instrument of thirst", the "destined death" is undoubtedly the "end of reincarnation".

Obtaining super power, but you will pay a huge price after a certain period of time. Not only does it perfectly fit the devil's law of "lending power" and "receiving rewards", it is also in line with the White Lantern Corps' style of "gaining power" and "following fate" The consistency is hardly a coincidence.

But the only problem is... As the guardian of the earth, "White Star" has to clean up the chaos of the "Universe Demon God" who lends his power to mankind, right?

Who did I kill? Who killed me again? 】

‘Me, kill, me? ’

Let’s do it! 】

Snapped! Crack, crackle!

I slapped the shark Mekaro several times with my tail.

Ouch! 】

This is the "Ocean Dimension" that copies the shape of Mermaid Island, the territory of "Ocean Demon Shirahoshi", and I am checking the memories about this big battle that I extracted from the students' green light rings with "Endless Bubble" to confirm Are they affected by the "End of Reincarnation"?

As for privacy issues, you don’t need to worry too much, because the green light ring extracts are the situations when they “use the power of the devil”. It is very likely that the life spells related to privacy fall into the scope of not extracting, and no one will be living. Can you use the power of the devil at will?

Even if they are influenced by any one or even several of the other cosmic demons and the four vendors, I won't care so much, because that is equivalent to those guys sticking their faces out to be beaten, but if they and "The End of Reincarnation" "After signing the contract, no matter how miserable your death is, it will be counted as "end of life" by me, and there is no way to save it.

This feature cannot be said to be completely useless, or it can be said to be worthless. It is better to find a way to throw it away later.

Maybe it will be picked up by some cosmic demon god, and then used as his own strength to fight everywhere, and eventually become the ruler of the galaxy and show off his power. 】

'You are joking? Not to mention how to pick up the characteristics of authority, after we leave, the world will be closed. How can the 'scavenger' continue to show off his power in the closed world? ’

Hmm... maybe he even took away the right to ‘one more round’? 】

'That's really sad. ’

how do I say this? 】

'If I remember correctly, in any civilization game, when you can click 'One More Round', there is basically no room for development on the map. It will continue to develop without any development prospects and endure for countless years. The same job, and when he finally decides to end it all, he will find that the world has been frozen at the moment he clicked 'one more round', and everything after that has no meaning. ’

That's really tragic. No one would do such a stupid thing, right? 】

‘Even you know it’s stupid, so you won’t do it anymore. ’

I'm not stupid! 】

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