The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and thirty-one, Sherlock and the Chamber of Secrets (5)

——Marvel, 2014——

Hogwarts, Observatory.

As a practical project in the "geography" curriculum, observing the stars should be quite attractive to young children, but only if it is set up in a "normal" school.

For the students of Hogwarts, the "school of superpowers", the "Rainbow Bridge Ruins" on the other side of the rooftop, which was once used by "Iron Man" to defeat the aliens that invaded New York, is even more worth exploring.

At this moment, inside this huge hemispherical facility, a black mist that could not be seen was surging, and in the mist, something huge seemed to be swimming slowly.

Sherlock maintained the "fluorescent flash" magic on the top of his wand, forcibly carved out an "isolated island in the sea" in the black fog, and was observing the surroundings vigilantly.

"Hiss, hiss...Sherlock Holmes," a low, hoarse voice with a strange hiss sounded in the mist: "You actually threw yourself into a trap, what an unexpected surprise, hiss."

"Are you the person behind Professor Baker?" Sherlock tried to talk.

"Hiss - that idiot, what a great opportunity to obtain the 'Time Stone', he was wasted," the voice did not answer directly, but it could be regarded as admitting this: "But this time, don't even think about it. Escape again, hiss.】"

"But you are obviously not sure about taking me down, otherwise you would have taken action long ago." Sherlock pointed at the surrounding fog with his wand.

The voice did not respond, obviously acquiescing to this statement, but the surge of black mist and the movements of the giants inside all became faster.

It's a bit troublesome. Although the other party is not sure now, it will be sure after giving it enough time to prepare.

If you are alone, you can just find a direction and use the light element to open a path and rush out directly. After all, the planetarium’s area is limited, but——

Sherlock turned his head and looked around him. John Watson, Irene Adler and the orange cat Gollum all fell to the ground unconscious.

If it was normal, he could easily take them away with the levitating spell, but now, he didn't even dare to let the wand droop a little.

How did things come to this?

Sherlock shook his head slightly.


After bringing the talking orange cat "Gulu" with a tentacled mouth back to the dormitory, Sherlock tried to analyze the "darkness" and "evil" in its mouth for a while, but in addition to being spoiled by "Mass Effect" There is absolutely nothing to gain outside of the plot afterwards.

After all, in order to avoid involving real countries, that game integrated all the earth's forces into the "United Nations of Earth" and did not talk about any actual details of the earth at all. As a result, Gollum, who could not speak for himself, could not tell what the problem was. Where and what help do you need from yourself?

Sherlock even used the exhaustive reasoning of "I tell you a guess, and you tell me yes or no", but the result was still unsatisfactory.

The effective information he has obtained from Gollum so far is that there were many secret passages and secret rooms in Hogwarts when it was first established, whether for serious purposes or for fun. The representative of them is the "Room of Requirement" that he once visited. .

And in these secret passages and secret rooms, unknown "darkness" and "evil" began to take hold at some point, and they became more and more powerful as time went by, but because they seemed to be related to Hogwarts to some extent, The building itself blends into one, and no one notices it until something goes wrong.

Gollum was originally playing with the shit shoveler who came to Hogwarts for business, but due to some of its own special characteristics, the two parties noticed each other when they were in close contact across the wall, and the other party immediately "turned around" and ran away. Gulu also decisively abandoned the shit shovel officer and started tracking it.

When Sherlock asked Gollum why he was chasing that thing, Gollum's explanation began to become confusing again. He could only roughly judge that if it was allowed to grow, it would be dangerous to the students, and that destroying it would be beneficial to Gollum's own cat - the latter should That's the point.

If you think about it carefully, a cat with tentacles in its mouth would be more evil, right?

After that, Gollum's tracking hit a bottleneck, because even if it detected the existence of "evil" in the secret passage or secret room within the wall, it was not a student and could not open the secret room or secret passage. If it found an open entrance to the secret passage and got in to track it, , the "evil" who is familiar with the structure of the secret passage will run away without a trace.

In desperation, Gulu decided to find a student who could open the secret passage to help. Those students who are not addicted to learning, like to take risks, have strength and wisdom will be the first choice. Among the students who meet these conditions, Sherlock Holmes ranks first .

Hmm... I only helped this cat because I wanted to prevent my classmates from being harmed by darkness and evil. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was very discerning and ranked itself first.

But as the saying goes, "It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice." Due to the lack of necessary tracking and anti-tracking means, Sherlock discovered some secret passages and secret rooms with Watson, and gained a lot of reputation among the adventurous student group. After that, I couldn’t find the so-called “evil” or “darkness” at all.

Obviously, as a local snake, it would be easy for him to avoid the aimless search. He might even have finished searching and was about to search somewhere else, but "Darkness and Evil" rushed over and laughed at him as he left.

Just when Sherlock was about to give up this ineffective search, Irene Adler came to the door.

"Sherlock, I heard that you plan to find and open all the secret rooms in Hogwarts?" She showed the information that she found from nowhere and said "Seven Mysteries of Hogwarts": "Then do you have any Challenge the idea of ​​'Rainbow Bridge Ruins'?"

"Not interested."

How should I put it? It can't actually be called a secret room. It's just not open to the public. Sherlock sneered at the place that had been used as a check-in place by the "school explorers" for a period of time. He could think of it through simple reasoning. , that is the "teleportation device" that Stark left at Hogwarts. The power source is likely to come from a... "space stone" that has a similar function to his own "time stone"?

Although Mr. Stark does not have any superpowers, he is in the "Avengers" where almost everyone has superpowers, so there will be people with superpowers coming and going in that place from time to time, unless the "dark" and "evil" are unconscious. He would hide there only if he lost his head.

Although there is a logical sophistry that "the most dangerous place is the safest", but in any case... huh? etc?

Sherlock looked at the rooftop scene displayed on Erin's "Second Structure": "How long has it been since the 'Planetarium' was opened?"

"I don't know, everyone is using the second configuration, who is going to observe the real starry sky, especially in a big city like New York where the light is too bright."

"Ha...I see, the psychological secret room is also a secret room."


Because he was in deep danger, Sherlock briefly recalled his past experiences and then forcibly interrupted those thoughts.

The unluckiest person in the world is the detective who successfully deduced the murderer and then was killed because of his lack of ability, right?

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