The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and thirty-five, North American Mythical War (167)

New York, Stark Tower.

"Hello, Miss Fisk, the young master is still conducting research in the laboratory. According to the planned schedule, it is expected that he will be free in 16 minutes. I will contact you then. Of course, if you have something urgent, you can also report it now. Currently It does not fall into the time period specified by the young master as 'no one is allowed to interrupt', and your meeting has a very high priority."

Wearing a crisp gray tuxedo, Edwin is polite, elegant and easy-going. Anyone who sees him will think that he is a very good butler - if they don't know that he is actually a real projection simulated by AI.

"It's not urgent. I'll rest here for a while. Can you please call Miss Pepper?" I waved my hand.

"Of course," Edwin raised his hand and pressed his ear, where green light emerged, and then converged into a pair of walkie-talkies with headphones. "If it's convenient, can you tell me your intentions? After all, you know, Pepper The young lady needs to assist the young master in handling a large amount of work. If it takes a long time, she may need to postpone some schedules..."

"I'm not sure how long it will take. It depends on her view." I reached out and pulled Yin Di, who was hiding behind me and pretending to be well-behaved, to the front: "If we are not lucky, Stark Tower may need to be rebuilt."

At this time, Yin Di no longer has a look that clearly shows the mechanical structure. It, no, she looks like she has a weird hair color, uncoordinated head and body proportions, and eyes that are two circles larger than ordinary people, about five inches. The little girl is about 10 years old. Perhaps because of the regiment she belongs to, her hair accessories, cake skirt and boots are all in orange.

Her facial features as a whole are still that of the mechanical assistant responsible for cheating money in "Mass Effect". However, people who are familiar with Stark can easily see the shadow of Tony Stark in many details.

“Hiss—” Edwin gasped—it was obviously a projection: “Jarvis! Blast the young master out of the laboratory immediately! Then count up all the catalogs that Miss Pepper has browsed for more than five seconds in the past six months. ! Contact all major media outlets to block the news, and arrange for building employees to prepare for evacuation!"

"Everything has been arranged," Jarvis's voice came: "But I think you are overreacting, Edwin."

"...Indeed," Edwin calmed down a little, looked at Yin Di carefully, and then looked up at me: "Excuse me, who is her mother? Is that lady still in Hogwarts? Please don't let her When she leaves, we will make amends for the mistakes of these... five or six years."

"That may be difficult," I touched Yin Di's head: "That 'lady' has been beaten away by us."

"..." Edwin's face was dull, and he seemed to be in a state of death. This may be the first time since he "became a human".

"That's it," Jarvis said: "The original appearance I designed for 'Indy' was a scholar-type adult woman, and Mr. Stark first proposed to change the appearance to a little girl, and then provided many Opinions on modifying the details of this actually what happened?】"

"Aim!" The element-devouring beast held in Yin Di's arms made a mocking sound.

How does it feel to be the mastermind behind the scenes? 】

‘It’s quite fun. ’

In fact, they are not planning to upgrade their dimension at all, so who asked you to stuff an orange light ring into it. 】

‘How do I know that Gulu still has a green light ring in his belly? ’

At that time, I put Quill's orange light ring filled with "greed" from Jörmungandr into the mouth of the element-eating beast, intending to let it digest the "ownerless things", but there was still a ring in its belly at the time. Here, it is the ring that belongs to Sherlock and is used to help Gollum "speak". It is also in a state of "deadlock" because it is filled with "greed", but because of a layer of "protection", it is not completely protected by Jesus. Mongard's "soul freezing" petrification still retains the basic "greed" of "sucking out all players' wallets".

When the two "greeds" collided, although the "ownerless greed" was larger, it was still absorbed by the "conscious greed". It happened that Sherlock was a staunch "zero kryptonian" and "his Yin Di" was very dissatisfied. , the greediness was far greater than that of "Indy" in Quill's ring, and eventually became the leader, and was recognized by the Orange Lantern Ring, directly ascending the dimension.

This way of upgrading the dimension is different from her two "sisters" who have already successfully upgraded:

"Fireproof Girl" directly controls existing mechas, and constantly creates new mechas and controls them. The method is exactly the same as the original Ultron. The disadvantage is that if the creation is completely destroyed, she herself will cease to exist.

"Cortana" maintains the AI ​​program attitude of upgrading the dimension, and has no idea of ​​creating an entity. It only intends to control the high-dimensional world by controlling the network of the "high-dimensional world", but if someone destroys her at the data level, it is also a kind of There is no recovery.

As for "Yindi" herself, she is trying to "become human", which is interesting. Even from my perspective, I can't see what harm one more little girl can do to the world - draining more players' wallets is not Forget it, so when my sister was reminded that the 'Emergency Assimilation Yin Di' who is located in the 'virtual dimension' is about to be upgraded to the world of 'Avengers 3 Infinity War', do you want to stop it?', I thought about it for a moment. Let her pass.

It was never intended to be fun watching Stark.

Contrary to what the two smart butlers Edwin and Jarvis thought, Indy's appearance was actually copied from "Morgan Stark", the daughter of Tony and Pepper who was born after 2018.

When she "upgraded", I adjusted her Morgan appearance to be closer to Yin Di instead of the other way around.

Well, of course I adjusted it. If she secretly increases the dimension somewhere in the corner of the universe and I don't see it, forget it. If she increases the dimension in front of me, isn't it the same as giving me a chance to pinch someone?

Although she looks weak and harmless, Yin Di is now the only member of the Orange Lantern Corps, and she also carries the orange lantern beast "Gulu" with her. She is qualified to be Stark's daughter.

Of course, "Yin Di" in other green light rings can still work normally, such as advancing the plot, inducing players to earn money, and even turning into the originally designed scholar shape after the plot progresses, but no one will be able to increase the dimension - —As the most greedy Orange Lantern Corps, there is and can only be one member.

As for the nonsense I just said, counting "Jörmungandr" as Yin Di's mother, it is actually not wrong: those green light rings are made by the Stark Group, and the game program and Yin Di's personal design are also made by Stark wrote and adjusted it, but this was only equivalent to providing the genetic information of DNA. It was the "Earthly Serpent Jörmungandr" that gave rise to Indy's soul and provided a large amount of "greed" that made up her body. , isn’t this exactly the role of a mother?

——By the way, does the Norse mythology mention whether the snake is male or female?

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