The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and thirty-six, North American Mythical War (168)

——Marvel, 2014——

Stark Tower.

As an industrial group spanning multiple industries, Stark Industries naturally has a variety of scientific research institutes with different goals. However, most of the public research institutes that recruit scientific researchers from outside only carry out some process improvements and materials. Routine research such as matching, research that really involves core technology upgrades and key inventions, are all arranged and participated by Tony Stark himself, with several layers of defense means and almost no risk of leakage.

Mainly because of the previous "Iron Overlord" incident, Stark was bitten by a snake and was afraid of ropes for ten years. After Obadiah recovered, he found him a less important department as the director, and The other party seems to have disappeared from the public quite cooperatively because of the wrongdoing.

As for the target that Stark is researching at this time, it is naturally the Mark series Iron Man armor based on the "Destroyer Armor". Can that thing be said to be the crystallization of Asgard's technology? No matter what new functions Stark develops for the armor, whether it is automatic repair, folding assembly or nano-deformation, the Destroyer Armor can perfectly implement it. In other words, Asgard has already had these technologies, but others prefer them. Fighting with cold weapons and divine power will keep that thing ashes.

Currently, the only technology that does not exist in Asgard is intelligent AI, especially AI that is indistinguishable from living people like Jarvis and Edwin.

"Miss Fisk arrived at the underground parking lot of Stark Tower by car," Jarvis's mechanical voice suddenly sounded in the laboratory: "She may be here to see you, sir."

"'It's definitely not good for a weasel to pay New Year's greetings to a chicken,'" Stark responded casually: "Open the 'Avengers Common Room' and let Edwin receive her. If she is really looking for me, then talk about it."

"You used the wrong idiom again, sir," Jarvis replied, "Relevant records have been stored in the 'Slip of the Speech Collection' database."

"What the hell is that database?"

"The database you asked me to create due to a slip of the tongue, sir.]"


Jarvis and Edwin are theoretically the same person, that is, the old butler "Edwin" who took up the burden of the Stark Group after Tony's parents passed away, worked hard to bring him up, and eventually died of overwork. "Derwin Jarvis", but the "resurrected" father, Howard Stark, recognized the latter more, because the character of Edwin reshaped by the two constructs was exactly the same as his impression, but Tony was based on his own impression. The made-up smart butler doesn’t quite look like “himself”.

He didn't originally intend to make Jarvis look like Edwin. He chose that name just for commemoration. If to commemorate a person, he had to "resurrect" him through technical means, the commemoration itself would lose its meaning.

At present, Jarvis, who is purely procedural, has given up to Edwin almost all the tasks that are more convenient for people with entities - most of which are organizing the office and taking care of Tony's daily life, as well as the things that have just been arranged. Entertain guests for him.

As for the "White Queen"... Thinking of this guest, Stark's scientific research ideas were interrupted for a while - she was completely synonymous with "trouble", as if she was born with the ability to "turn small things into big things, and big things to explode" "The halo.

Restaurant on the Sea, Hell's Kitchen, Avengers, Hogwarts, God of the Universe, and the Galaxy Alliance. Before humanity's technology tree was even touched upon, this descendant of Atlantis was like a monkey in the sky. The road to development has been paved all the way, and then we only need to deal with the problems that will arise during the development process and wait for humans to slowly climb the technological tree.

But it was Tony Stark who was in charge of research and development!

His thoughts flew away, and Stark shook his head and returned to work, preparing to finish the project before she explained her purpose. Even if she didn't have to guess, he knew that if the White Queen, who never went to the Three Treasures Palace, spoke, there would be a long period of time. He could only hurry up and deal with the trouble she caused.

If nothing else, her reason for coming today should be related to the beam of light that soared into the sky from Hogwarts. Although it was only for a moment, the surveillance of the Stark Group was not covered.

Another key in that accident should be the "second structure". Although the public generally believes that it is a convenient tool whose technology comes from extraterrestrials, those who know its core know that it is a kind of device that can be driven by willpower alone. powerful weapon.

It was probably a student who lost control of his magic power and activated it, and the White Queen's purpose here should be to let her make some relevant adjustments to it - huh, it's obvious that Howard came to see her at Hogwarts, and as expected, her own skills required Be better.


The smart butler suddenly made a sound that sounded like gasping without receiving any instructions.

"...Jarvis?" Stark raised an eyebrow.

"Sir, please try to recall Miss Mary, Miss Sunny and Miss Ivory. Do you have any impression of them?]" Jarvis's mechanical voice trembled a little for some reason.

"Is this some kind of memory test? But it can't be difficult for Stark." Tony touched his chin: "The names Mary and Sunny are quite common, but Ivory is relatively rare. If you combine the three of them If you put it all together... was it the charity concert five years ago? I even donated a sum of money."

"You obviously donated more than just money, sir," Jarvis' voice calmed down: "I suggest you stop working immediately, go to the common room to meet Miss Rachel, and think of how to express your gratitude to Miss Pepper who is about to arrive. explain.】"

"What? Oh, hell, they came here?" Stark shut down the ongoing experiment and hurried to the sterilization room to change out of protective clothing: "Jarvis, you have to testify for me. I've been nothing to Pepper all these years. Wholeheartedly."

"I think my testimony will be counterproductive, sir," Jarvis's voice followed Stark: "You'd better persuade Miss Rachel to put in a good word for you."

"I'm sure she will only 'add fuel to the fire.'" Stark, who had put on formal clothes and combed his hair, rushed out of the locker room and said while walking quickly to the special elevator leading to the lounge.

"You used the idiom correctly this time, sir.]" Jarvis' tone became leisurely again inexplicably.

"Being able to appear in different places at the same time is really convenient for understanding the current situation. I will also do it in the future." Stark pressed the elevator button.

"I have contacted different media to prepare to block the news, and also arranged an evacuation plan for the building employees.]" Jarvis replied.

"I guess it's not that bad..."

As the elevator stopped and the automatic doors opened, Stark said as he stepped out.

"Tony, you-"



Stark had trouble deciding which woman was more terrifying.

It was Pepper who had also just arrived on the lounge floor and looked a little tired because he was busy with Stark Group matters.

It was still the little girl who was shouting and rushing towards me. Her features and face were very similar to hers.


The little princess of Atlantis who was holding popcorn and eating it was the scariest one.

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