The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and forty-four, North American Mythical War (176)

——Marvel, 2014——

"I could fight you all day."

Near Los Angeles, at a private dock near the sea, "Captain America" ​​Steve Rogers, wearing a classic blue suit, put away his shield and said this to his opponent.

"Oh, damn it...]"

The person who was knocked to the ground was wearing a fairly handsome dark yellow one-piece protective armor, but the bucket-like helmet on his head directly made his overall appearance fall to the bottom.

To make matters worse, this suit of armor also has numerous scars caused by explosions, blunt force beatings, and missed arrows, reducing the already unsightly appearance to the point where it wouldn't feel out of place even if it was taken to a scrapyard.

He looked left and right, his eyes scanning several shadows behind Steve, trembling, not even daring to say harsh words, turned around and ran away in a crawl.

"Aren't you going to chase? Captain?" Phil Coulson, or "Eagle Eye", put down the complex mechanical bow angrily: "I thought he was going to kill the enemy."

"Don't chase after a poor person," Steve said: "And he is obviously just a receiver. His knowledge is limited and has no interrogation value."

"At least you can ask about your calendar..." Coulson scratched his head.

"No need to ask, that's A.I.M, Advanced Idea Technologies," Natasha appeared from another shadow and responded: "In official records, it is a 'legitimate enterprise', but in my opinion, They are positioned as 'experimental subjects'."

"A test or something?" Colson tilted his head and gestured to the containers placed on the dock: "This thing we intercepted?"

"The combination of 'biological' and 'mechanical'," Steve walked towards the container that was also painted in dark yellow: "Even if the ideas of the two major military factions are obviously different, there are still a small number of people within who can accept each other's approach. , and consider integrating the two technologies, and here are the results of the experiment.”

"...What will be inside?" Colson swallowed.

"Worst possible," Natasha shrugged: "There's a Hulk in a steel suit."

"No, the worst thing that could happen is that it's empty inside, which means we've fallen into the trap of tricking the tiger away from the mountain." Captain America began to try to pry open the container: "As for the Hulk in the steel suit..."

"You can fight him all day?" Coulson's eyes lit up.

"...Yes." Steve paused for two seconds and then replied.

"I guess the captain wants to say, 'Experimental subjects of that strength will not be kept here.'" Natasha whispered quietly.


This time, Steve and three other people traveled across the entire North American continent from New York to Los Angeles, mainly to continue hunting down the remnants of Hydra in the name of SHIELD, and by the way, to participate in the "White Queen"'s "Ultimate Rebellion" as members of the Avengers. Operation Black Night.

Previously, Hydra was called an alien spy to divert public attention, and the emergence of Hogwarts caused the top management to look away. The riddled S.H.I.E.L.D. finally did not end up being disbanded, but the purge was All the back-up plans deployed during the Hydra infiltration were a long and complex task.

It's ridiculous to say that on the East Coast, especially New York, due to the pervasive power of the Fisk family in the darkness, uncovering the remnants of Hydra and its forces is as easy as poking around, resulting in most of the people controlled by Hydra either knowingly or Dark industries are concentrated on the west coast, where its control is not very strong.

As the saying goes, "There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings." Where the Fisk family cannot dominate the world with one hand, many local gangs or families are ready to take action without touching its sensitive nerves and invoking the wrath of thunder. The addiction to "separation".

Originally, S.H.I.E.L.D. did not care about the overt and covert struggles between these illegal organizations, but the "White Queen"'s "Blackest Night" operation just needed to deal with them.

According to her, the "emotional spectrum" of "two-structure" users may cause them to gain the power of corresponding emotions, but hope, compassion, and love on the green "right" will hardly cause any trouble, but on the "left" Anger, greed, and fear will definitely cause trouble.

So who has the most of these three emotions? Criminals, Hydra and gangsters - the purpose of the operation circles back.

Previously, they tracked down multiple serial kidnappings in Los Angeles that were suspected to be caused by Hydra. They followed the clues all the way to this unregistered dock, only to encounter a semi-military aim.

There is no doubt that it is done by the biological faction. Compared with the mechanical faction that only installs mechanical prostheses on disabled experimenters or adds exoskeletons to stronger experimenters, the experiences of experimenters in the biological faction are more difficult. It's miserable, so there have never been many volunteers. In the past, the higher-ups turned a blind eye to their use of serious prisoners for experiments, but now it seems that they have crossed the line.


"I hope there is enough evidence inside so that we can bring down AIM." Seeing that the container was about to be opened, Coulson aimed his bow and arrow at the entrance: "That kind of experiment is too inhumane."

"Guess what, the captain was strengthened by the biological faction - even though it was seventy years ago," Natasha pointed at the opening container with a scope: "You can't deny the other side just because all you use are mechanical enhancements." direction."

"Huh? Huh?" Coulson looked shocked, obviously not expecting this: "The super soldier serum cannot be regarded as bio-enhancement. Can the World War II hero thing... be regarded as bio-enhancement?"

"Oh, you——"


In the middle of her words, Natasha suddenly looked solemn and decisively pulled the trigger.


At the same time as the container was opened, a figure burning with flames suddenly jumped out, throwing the unprepared Steve to the ground. Natasha's timely bullet fired accurately hit the figure's head, but in addition to igniting a burst of flames There is no other effect.

At this time, Coulson saw clearly that what jumped out was an "orc" who was twice as tall as an ordinary person and had an obvious beast-shaped head. His whole body was burning with raging flames, and his key parts were also wearing clothes that were slightly distorted by the high temperature. of armor.

Steve, who was unable to parry the attack for the first time, was struggling to block the opponent's bite with his shield and arms, but his suit was creaking from the blazing flames.

"Captain!" Coulson quickly took an explosive arrow and shot it at the body of the beast-headed man, trying to push it away.

But what is shocking is that when the arrow missed and was about to hit, a red light suddenly appeared all over the body of the beast-headed man, and the arrow "melted" silently and disappeared. It was only then that it seemed to have just noticed He turned and glared at Coulson as if he was being attacked.

"Red light?! Can they directionally excite the second structure? No..." Natasha said in surprise: "It should be the 'lucky guy' who excited the red light who was captured and used for experiments. "

"Damn it! Damn it!" Coulson shot several more arrows in disbelief, but they were all isolated by the red light. After the orc-headed man confirmed that he could not cause harm to himself, he began to concentrate on attacking the person pinned under his claws. Captain America.

"Captain! Green light!" Natasha reminded loudly.


Green light also began to pour out from Steve's body, but perhaps due to lack of proficiency or the level of restraint on both sides, the green light that continuously shot out was constantly "evaporated" after contacting the red light, and it was almost useless against the opponent's attacks. Can play any blocking role.

"There is no other way. Contact little Rachel. Her 'portal' to go wherever she wants is quite convenient." Natasha began to adjust her second structure: "Now is not the time to worry about face."

"...Damn it," Colson put down his bow and looked at Natasha's movements. He did not stop her out of reason, but out of emotion, he still shouted towards the battle scene: "Captain! You must win!" "


The next second, a soft cyan light bloomed from Colson's two-structure ring. It gathered and surged, like a breeze, gently flowing into the green light that was competing with the red light on the battlefield over there.

Almost at the same time that the two sides came into contact, the green light on Steve suddenly surged, suppressing the red light with an unstoppable momentum, and the beast-headed man was caught off guard and was hit on the head by a shield and fell to the ground.

"Ha! I can fight it all day." Steve responded from a distance while pursuing the victory.


Colson raised his hand to look blankly, and found that the ring had turned completely blue, and was making a gentle voice to him:

"Smart creatures have been locked in. Phil Coulson of Earth. You have the ability to bring hope to others. Welcome to join the Blue Lantern Corps.]"

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