The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and forty-five, North American Mythical War (177)

——Marvel, 2014——


"Good afternoon, Professor Black"

"Good afternoon, Dean."

"Hey Donald, have you eaten?"

During lunch break, Thor Odinson was walking in the corridors of the college. From time to time, lively students would greet him, while less lively students would smile shyly after meeting his eyes.

As he hurried on, he gave short responses one by one, ignoring those that were not respectful but very affectionate.

When he was forcibly assigned the title of professor, Thor was a little worried that he would mislead other students. However, as the teaching progressed, he found that the "Physique Variation" course was tailor-made for him. He only needed to Just like showing your own strength when fighting in Asgard and teaching students the corresponding experience and skills, there is no need to use your brain at all.

Without the need to prepare lessons or write lectures, he naturally regarded those students as reserve warriors of Asgard. Although they were obviously lacking in strength, their enthusiasm was even greater. As long as they were regarded as There is nothing difficult about training new recruits.

Under this position, he didn't care at all about making a fool of himself in front of the students. He was a comrade who shared life and death on the battlefield. It didn't hurt to make some small jokes. However, his sincere kindness and some strange combinations made him more and more popular among the students. favorite.

He can now proudly announce that he is fully deserved to be second on the list of "Most Popular Professors" at Hogwarts.

What? First place? That is the unshakable throne of the Vice-President "White Queen". If Professor

Thor came all the way to the door of the vice-principal's office. Before he could knock on the door, the door opened by itself. At the same time, the voice of the "White Queen", or Miss Rachel Fisk, came from inside: "It's Dean Black. Really? Please come in and sit for a while, I just have an emergency."

There must be an emergency. Thor shrugged and walked in.

Ever since Tony Stark's "daughter" was "ascended" from the virtual world to the real world by the greedy power of "Jörmungandr", Rachel has arranged for " Various responses to the incident of "gaining extraordinary powers through 'two structures' because of different emotional spectrums", and the fact is just as she predicted, many new "adventors" are emerging all over the world, allowing S.H.I.E.L.D. Worried.

This incident was actually not that unexpected. If he was given some time, he would have figured it out. After all, he was the prince of Asgard and he still had basic knowledge and vision.

Jörmungandr, also known as the "Earthly Serpent", is a giant snake that surrounds the atrium, that is, the earth. This "circling" is not a realistic meaning, but a magical concept. Any magician, psychic or user on the earth can Anyone else who does not have extraordinary power of their own, without a clear "creditor", will be "first to get the moon" by Jormungandr.

When Stark's "daughter" Luna was born, this "circling" state was broken. Jörmungandr was like a punctured balloon, "conceptually" flying far away from the earth. The power of other cosmic demons entered the earth on a large scale.

Originally, the "creditor" of the "White Queen", the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension, White Star", was responsible for the "Supreme Mage" and should be responsible for sorting out these "money loans", selecting those that were deemed appropriate to release, and pushing back those that were unreasonable. , but...who told the students of Hogwarts not to worry?

You must know that since the beginning of Hogwarts, the students who have enrolled have been in this state of "receiving power". The extraordinary powers that the students mainly use, that is, the spells that have unified effects and intensity, are all It comes from the "Lord of the Magical Dimension, Weishan Emperor", but at the same time, according to different colleges and factions, they each obtain different powers from different types of cosmic demons.

All these powers and their sources require Bai Xing to sort out, convert, and return the required "interest" on schedule - although normally the students should repay it by fulfilling the Demon God's preferences or requirements, but she herself is willing to do so. If you do it, it's hard for others to say anything. Some demons who find an opportunity to take advantage of it will even increase their "investment" in Hogwarts students.

But this situation led to her insufficient response to this wave of power projected on a large scale based on the "emotional spectrum". To use a metaphor... it was like a car being washed by a high-pressure water cannon when it rained, etc. The owner of this car realized it had just rained because the ground around him was wet, but it was too late.

After Thor walked into the office, he found that there was no one behind the desk. The White Queen's voice came from the communication room in the cubicle. She seemed to be communicating with other people through the "two structures."

"What? 'Ring Finger' attacked Matt? Now he's catching him and being tortured?"

"Remind Matt not to kill people, and tell him to pay attention to his personality!"

"Huh? 'Forefinger' plans to go to the Haihai Restaurant to commit evil? Why not hurry up - he has already been arrested on the spot by enthusiastic people who did not leave their name?"

"What the hell is it that you have to go to a restaurant with your index finger? There must be a limit when you look down on people!"

"...Anyway, let the little spiders eliminate their powers first, and then transfer them to SHIELD."

"Azkaban is not a place that anyone can throw into. The scum of the Hand can only be considered an n-card, and they don't have enough gas money."

"Hello? Who is here? Which finger of the hand is connected to the hand?"

"...aim? Extremis virus? Is Captain okay? Is Natasha okay?"

"Okay, okay, congratulations on becoming the captain's binding assistant. Remember to report to SHIELD and ask them to give you a raise."

"Let Dr. Banner go and demolish the house... No, no, no, no, Stark and Rhodes can't go, they will be defeated by that thing."

"Okay, that's it."

Although she didn't listen to the whole thing, she still had the same style as before. She didn't have the airs of a person in a high position at all, and the emotions shown in her words were also very rich. When she got excited, she would even smash her hat against the wall - that's a good talker. The magic hat is used to sort into different schools at the beginning of each semester!

After the call ended, the "White Queen" came out of the cubicle holding her hat - she must have dropped it again.

"I've been waiting for a long time, Professor Black. I specially asked you to come here. There is a home visit call that I need you to make." She handed a two-piece ring to Thor.

Calling him "Professor Black" means that it is Hogwarts' official business, otherwise she would call herself "Thor" or "Thor" in private. In addition, thanks to this professor's job, it has been a long time. People call themselves "golden-haired fools".

"What about Quill?" Thor took the ring, thought for a moment, and then figured out the reason.

"Well, this is the contact information of his father Yondu Udonta that I just found." The White Queen took a few steps back to make room for the second structure to start: "When discussing family education issues, if It would be too serious for me, the vice-principal, to come forward. Quill is a student of your college after all, and you also know them - by the way, when communicating with them as a dean and professor rather than a prince, don't call them " 'Interstellar Scavenger'."

"Hmph...I'll try my best." Thor glanced at the second structure and activated it a little unskillfully.

A few seconds later, a scene that looked like a spaceship communications room unfolded in the room. The phantom of a strong man with dark blue skin, a red mohawk, and a brown leather jacket decorated with various hanging rings appeared in Thor's room. before.

"Hello, I am Quill's father——]"

"Look at your appearance! Is this how you set an example for your children!?"


Before Yondu could finish his greeting, he was interrupted by Thor's loud shout.

Perhaps he was usually dissatisfied with the students' problems that obviously came from their parents, or he had a grudge against Odin who threw him in Midgard and was not allowed to go back. Thor faced an "obviously problematic parent" At this moment, the aura of "a professor who is particularly concerned about the growth of his students" instantly erupted, directly suppressing Yongdu who was not knowing how many light-years away, and became speechless.

Next, he used the educational concepts he had summarized, heard from other professors, read from books, and even heard from hearsay as cannonballs, and bombarded Yongdu, scolding him until he couldn't hold his head up. Come, I promise again and again that I will communicate more with my children, set an example by myself, and be a good role model for my children, etc.

"...Phew, this guy can be saved. Most people nowadays don't know how to educate their children."

After finally ending the call, Torha took a breath and looked at the White Queen who had been listening. When he was about to say something, he saw the two-piece ring that was originally used as a communication tool flying up out of thin air, and the blue light flashed:

"Intelligent life has been locked. Thor Odinson of Asgard, you have an extremely compassionate heart. Can you be honored to lead the Blue Lantern Corps?"


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