The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and forty-seven, North American Mythical War (179)

"What? Let me 'lead' the Blue Lantern Corps? Are you sure you don't want to 'join'? Hey! Stupid Ring, let me ask you a question! Even if you act very humble, don't let me just be the leader of an inexplicable organization. Leader! I am Thor, the God of Thunder! The future king of Asgard!"

Hmm... Marvel has millions of laughs, and Thor accounts for half of them. The ancients honestly don’t deceive me.

However, although he acted very funny, he actually got a substantial improvement. Take a look at the message that prompted his sister to just post:

Tip: ‘Thunder God’ Thor has obtained the ‘King’s Qualification’, unlocks the upper limit of his strength, and can be upgraded to the ‘Heavenly Father’ level. 】

What king? The king of children?

At first, I just wanted to capture Loki or Atreus as a construction worker. Thor was a complete giveaway.

After all, the key events that would lead to his awakening as a king, such as Frigga's sacrifice and the destruction of Asgard, were all kicked away by me to unknown places.

In comparison, it is more likely that Atreus Laufeson will eventually ascend the throne and become the king of Asgard as the child of Kui Baldy and the Frost Giant Queen. After all, there are many trustees in parallel worlds. I did not succeed in ascending the throne.

I didn't even think about letting him teach at Hogwarts to gain the qualifications to become king. After all, it was outrageous that the Blue Lantern of Mercy chose him.

Is it possible that after disrupting the events that led to Thor's growth, you have been subconsciously thinking about giving Thor some compensation for his growth? ] The stupid system said: But there are only a few related events in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If you want to compensate, you can only choose from things you own or have interfered with, either 'Sea Restaurant' or 'Hogg' Woz'. 】

‘After active thinking changes the world, will even the contents of your subconscious mind have an impact? ’

Doesn't this seem like you have a high status? 】

‘If things continue like this, if you get a higher position, won’t you be unable to think about anything? Can you just keep your head and act according to the set content? ’

How do you say that? ‘The way of heaven is merciless and treats all things as stupid dogs’. 】

‘What if I actively think about ‘not allowing the development of the world to change based on subconscious changes’? ’

Wouldn’t that be equivalent to recreating the indigenous ‘will of the universe’, ‘plot correction power’, ‘inhibition power’ and the like? Are you sure you can accept what the Marvel writers have written? 】

‘It’s completely unacceptable, okay? Because Robert Downey Jr. terminated the contract and killed Iron Man, they made up a stupid ending for Captain America. When he went back to return the Infinity Stones, he decided not to come back and grow old with Carter. You are kidding me. If Captain America starts from Carter when he is young He has been following her since then. How could it be possible for SSR to be infiltrated by Hydra? And after all these years, it has not affected the plots of so many previous movies at all? Don't talk about maintaining the stability of the timeline and making it inconvenient to interfere. Captain and Carter have been together for a lifetime and are the biggest butterfly wings. In the end, nothing has changed. Are they treating the audience like fools? ’

See, you subconsciously feel that it’s not possible to ‘not allow the world to change because of your subconscious’, so even thinking about it is in vain. 】

‘…Forget it, let’s wait and see the outcome of this Blackest Night incident. ’

Although the order is not right, as of the golden retriever fool who was still bargaining with the blue light ring, light rings of all colors have appeared, but the level seems to be a bit uneven.

The holder of the first red light ring is Stamford's one-man villain "Nitrogen". He comes from the real origin story of Avengers Civil War. It is not the Sokovia incident caused by the movie Riotron, but a group of street superheroes. While the heroes were fighting crime, they were live-streaming and taunting the prisoners. They successfully convinced the prisoners to breach their defenses and blew themselves up, destroying half of the buildings in Stamford. In this origin story, there was no Spider-Man to warn in advance, causing a large number of civilian casualties, which directly contributed to the emergence of superheroes. The promulgation of the real-name authentication law.

In this world, although Stamford was suppressed by Stark and Spidey, the wind that restricts the behavior of superheroes has begun to blow. To be honest, I don’t care about this very much. Real-name authentication is authentication. This is "The White Queen" doesn't change her name, she doesn't change her surname, so does Rachel Fisk

The auditor pretended to faint on the spot. 】

Not to mention the orange lantern Luna, the green lantern Stark and Captain, the yellow lantern Peter Parker is a bit outrageous, but it is indeed quite suitable. The yellow lantern is set to completely defeat the green lantern, while the lanterns of other colors are all separated from the Green Lantern Corps. Yes, to round things off, yellow lights suppress all other colors of lights. In addition, Peter somehow got the "super power to eliminate all super powers" from Kamijou Touma. It is natural for super villains to be afraid of them. They may They are not afraid of being chased by powerful superheroes, but they must be very afraid of suddenly losing their abilities and becoming ordinary people. If they are not afraid of this, they are not super villains but superheroes.

Failed Mann Failed Mann]

As for the "Hand" members that Matt and Spider-Man captured, they found out that they were actually the origins of "Rachel Fisk". After Kingpin returned to the world in anger because of his daughter's assassination, they calmed down for a while, but Recently, as my reputation has grown, they have begun to operate secretly again.

After Matt tortured out the reason why they were looking for me to "resurrect from the dead", he thought it was the time I was "killed" by spicy chicken shreds during the alien invasion. But in fact, what those ninjas were looking for was gold. When he lived in seclusion, his daughter Rachel Fisk had been assassinated and killed by the Hand, and then reappeared as normal. The reason for this "blood feud" was that the Hand, the Kingpin, and the Fisk family had absolutely nothing to do with each other. There is no room for reconciliation, so they act in secret.

However, how should I put it? That was actually the introduction background of "Jin Jing". According to the setting, she should have inspired the Atlantean bloodline from her mother when she was about to die, and she happened to establish the relationship with the lord of the "Ocean Dimension". Contact and be reborn, and the price of rebirth is to do something for the sea demon, and you need to pay interest over time, which is that ridiculous series of main and side tasks.

...Now it seems to have become a business without capital.

Sign a contract with me and become a Mahou Bar owner????person\

'go away! ’

I threw the stupid system against the wall and bounced it back to catch it, and continued thinking.

Dr. Banner of the Purple Lantern went to support Coulson and Captain America who had obtained the Green Lantern Ring, mainly to deal with a biological enhancement technology developed by AIM that had gone awry, the Extremis Virus. Its original effect was to enhance self-healing, Although it has physical abilities and reflexes, it somehow mutated on its own to develop functions such as extremely raising body temperature and spraying flames.

In the plot, this kind of biological weapon that enhances individual strength to the extreme almost kills Iron Man and War Machine, who are not professionally matched, but now they have to fight against the top king of the biological enhancement system, the Hulk. That scene was horrific to think about.

Tian Ji horse racing, you are a professional. 】

But if you think about it carefully, the "Despair" virus is perfect against the "Hope" light ring.

Tip: The Los Angeles branch of AIM was destroyed. Researcher ‘Alex Mercer’ threw the ‘Black Light Virus dx1118c’ into the sewer before being arrested, and it was about to spread to the entire city of Los Angeles. 】


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