The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and fifty-seven, North American Mythical War (189)

——? ? ? ——

Huanyin City, the nest of the eternal fire death dragon.

"Don't be greedy for the knife, don't be greedy for the knife. After it sweeps its tail, it only has time to slash twice, and then it will sweep across with its claws -"

"Wait a minute, this set of continuous claw attacks has four stages in total. Don't do it at the third stage—"

"Roll quickly, don't block, opening your mouth to bite is a throwing skill, you can't block it——"

"Don't stand directly in front of Dragon Breath——"

If three novices hadn't suddenly appeared, Mobius would never have realized that he was so familiar with the attack methods of the "Eternal Fire Death Dragon" and could easily see the mistakes made by others and correct them.

So, is it true that the problem that occurred when I went into battle before was still because my body's reaction could not keep up with my thinking speed?

Yes, that's right, that's it. After all, he is a civilian in the Space-Time Management Bureau.

"Although you are very clear about your position, they have been destroyed, right?]"


Mobius looked up in shock, just in time to see the huge black dragon slap it down with its claws.



"I fought well, don't distract it casually! How do you want me to dodge when the claw attack turns into a tail sweep?"

"I just threw away a thunder gun. Who knew the damage you did before was not more than 1.5 times that of it."

"That guy doesn't seem to take fire damage or dark damage. I'll try using thunder damage next time..."

When Mobius returned to the bonfire, the three "Summoned Spirit" ladies had already started a lively discussion.

Logically speaking, the "summoned spirits" can only appear after he uses the summoning talisman, but they appeared directly next to the campfire after being killed like the natives of this world.

In this regard, Mobius Chair's explanation is that they may have been abandoned or rejected by their original world, just like he cannot go back to the Time and Space Administration now.

As homeless people, Mobius decided to be kind to them and provide them with all support except understanding, recognition and appreciation.

"You still have time to complain? Do you think you have done enough?" He interrupted their argument: "I have already figured out its routine, and I can get out of here as long as I try a few more times. Your arrival has instantly tripled its 'health'. If you don't listen to my instructions carefully and do whatever you want, do you plan to stay here forever?"

"..." The three women looked at each other and fell silent for a while.

Unable to express goodwill to them, Mobius ultimately chose the attitude of "leader versus subordinate". In addition to being very familiar with the dragon's attack methods and responses, he seemed to have a "Fire Lord" that they valued more. " identity, so he reluctantly recognized this relationship, so the structure of this temporary "Dragon Slaying Team" was set up.

"But they are considered strong in their own world, and they will not always obey your orders unconditionally, if you have been unable to lead them to victory." The chair said quietly.

"As a civil servant, overall arrangement is my strong point. I can pass it as many as five times or as few as three times."




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