The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and fifty-eight, North American Mythical War (190)

——? ? ? ——

In a gray world, the procession of the dead leading to the dark castle stretches continuously among the mountains. The "theatre before death" that each person in line continues to perform, or rather, the movement from the theater performance, makes this procession appear... It's weird and terrifying, but the "actors" themselves obviously don't notice it.

However, no matter how long the team is, there will be an end. At this time, the girl wearing a black cloak came to the end of this "team of the dead".

It was a steep cliff facing the sea. Looking at the dead gray sea in the distance, a raging wave suddenly set off as it approached the cliff. After hitting the cliff wall hard and smashing itself into pieces, the rising water mist floated in the air. Forming an illusory "mirage" one after another.

Looking out from the top of the cliff, each "mirage" is a "movie" that is more complicated and larger than the "theater" that is being performed. The protagonists of the "movie" are naturally the "queuers", and the content is It is a record of them from birth to death. However, the classification of "movie" is not "documentary". From the content focus, it is more like the "autobiography" of each "queuer". Most of their contents are Events that are deeply impressive to a person, while unimportant people or things are all brushed off. If you want to use a metaphor, it is, yes, a "revolving lantern".

When "Autobiography of a Revolving Lantern" is played, the "mirage" will descend from the sky, and other scenes will disappear, and then the final "theater of death" will be separated and join the long queue moving forward slowly.

Because there are too many "mirages" and "autobiographical documentaries" appearing at the same time, overlapping and interfering with each other, the sky above the cliff looks completely bizarre and can be called light pollution. If ordinary people see it, it may be a light pollution within a few seconds. Unable to bear the torture, he looked away.

But the girl in black robe didn't.

She maintained an unwavering expression and raised her head slightly to look at the light and shadow in the sky, as if the terrible light pollution did not exist.

After a long period of time, her gaze finally changed. The focus of her gaze shifted from the air to the edge of the cliff following one of the "documentaries" that had finished playing.

Unlike other "documentaries" where the protagonists are all humans, the protagonist this time is a black dragon that doesn't look very smart. It seems to have been fed bad things by its owners, and eventually became furious and bit the owner, but was resurrected. The reincarnated master was easily defeated with three thugs found from nowhere.

After its "revolving door documentary" was played, the opposite "theater" did not appear, but turned into an egg placed on a small obsidian altar. The small altar was dangling and trying to join in. The procession of many dead people was stopped by the girl in black robe.

She took the dark egg off the altar, raised her hand and wiped it, then gave it a slight smile and said in a soft and soothing tone:

"Hello, Torrent torrent]"


After a moment, maybe not that moment.

When the black dragon's egg hatched on its own, an animal that looked like a cow and a horse emerged from it and grew up. When the black-robed girl began to sit on its back and inspect the procession of the dead, a man wearing silver full-body armor appeared out of thin air, and then with a bang It fell in front of her.

"Damn it," the knight in shining armor took off his helmet, revealing a face that looked like a middle-aged white-collar worker working overtime all day long: "Where on earth is this place?"

"Hello, Mr. Mobius M. Mobius," the girl in black robe rode the black dragon that turned into a cow and horse and stopped in front of him: "I want to make a deal with you."

"You are..." Mobius said mid-sentence, as if he had been reminded, "I am happy to serve you, Ms. Death."

"I know that you don't want to serve as an 'anti-monitor' in this universe, and you plan to negotiate terms with the 'Endless Family,' don't you?" The black-robed girl known as "Death" said in a calm tone. .

"Ah, well, you know, I'm not familiar with this universe at all. If I manage it according to my previous experience, there will be problems. So I want to go back to the original universe. Do you think you can..."


"Can't negotiate... Huh?"

"Those who don't want to stay, even if they are forced to stay, will not be able to stay in the end." The calm tone of the black-robed girl seemed to have a trace of nostalgia: "Those who don't want to stay, even if they try to get rid of them, they won't be able to get rid of them." Walk.】"

"I always feel like there's a story..." Mobius muttered, and then said: "So, if you allow me to leave, what are your requirements?"

"There is no requirement, you can leave at any time,]" the black-robed girl shook her head slightly: "This is just a 'deal'."

" what's the deal?"

"When you are familiar with the authority of the 'Anti-Monitor', try to eliminate the influence of 'Khorne', 'Nurgle', 'Slaanesh' and 'Tzeentch' on this universe as much as possible," the black-robed girl replied: "Every time a part of the influence is cleared, I will share a part of the power from the 'origin of the universe' to you. They will be very helpful when you fight against your old enemy."

"Uh...what is that?"

"Perhaps your world is using another name? That is 'Eating Evil of the World', 'Weave of Life', 'Whisper of the Void' and 'Instrument of Desire'," the black-robed girl paused: "Before The 'Barbatos' that was destroyed by you was affected by the 'Eating Evil of the World' or 'Khorne', and it is precisely because of this part of the merit that you can come here to see me - that chair is still there I don’t have this ability.】"

"Well..." Mobius fell into a long silence, and his expression changed strangely from time to time, as if he was exchanging information with the Mobius chair he brought with him, which turned into armor.

The girl in black robe did not rush, and continued to patrol the procession of the dead on Torette, and from time to time she used the golden cross necklace hanging on her chest to "resurrect" some of them - most of them died in very funny ways, The type that might make funeral-goers laugh out loud.

"Okay, I agree...wait wait? Ouch!"

As soon as Mobius said the first half of the sentence, the girl in black robe jumped off her mount, pulled out a short dagger from her waist, walked towards him quickly, and then stabbed him in the arm.

The seemingly extremely strong silver armor was pierced directly like a paper lake, and Mobius, who was caught off guard, let out a scream.

The next second, his whole person became illusory, as if he were a phantom that did not exist here, and finally disappeared in the words of the black-robed girl, "The contract is established" without any fluctuation in her tone.

"I hope the contractor can do something serious this time.]" The black-robed girl took back her dagger, sat on Toret's back again, and then touched the bull's head.


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