The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and fifty-nine, Sherlock and the Prisoner (1)

——Marvel, 2015——

London, 211b Baker Street.

"Hello, Mr. Holmes, and Mrs. Holmes."

"Oh, are you Watson? What a handsome young man, please come in, Sherlock has been waiting for you for a long time."

No, it’s you who have been waiting for a long time, right?

Sherlock, who was sitting at the dining table, rested his chin on his hands and looked helplessly at the empty plate.

Even if Watson had basic reasoning skills, he would have been able to tell that the two of you had been waiting at the door for a long time. Later, when he had a cold lunch, he would have a clearer understanding of the matter - but unfortunately he did not.

"Hey Sherlock, that's your best brother at Hogwarts?"

"Mr. Blue Pig?"

Mycroft and Donna asked one after the other.

"Don't browse the Hogwarts campus website for nothing." Sherlock glanced at the "two-piece" they chose in the shape of necklaces and bracelets because they didn't like wearing rings: "Really, it's obviously the campus website, why can it be used casually? External IP access?"

"It's a pity that Miss Irene declined the invitation."

"Otherwise, the 'Mystery Club' trio will be here."

Mycroft and Donna ignored Sherlock's accusation and continued to look at the door expectantly.

Theoretically speaking, only one of you can reason, and the other two are just assistants.

Today is not a holiday class reunion, but according to the request of the principal "Professor

In his words, the hole card can only be called "hole card" before it is revealed, and it can only be called "regular combat power" after being revealed, and conventional combat power needs to be kept in reserve.

Since "Rungominyad" is too powerful, it is not convenient for Sherlock to test how many rounds it has left, but judging from the fact that it needs to be recharged after one use, it may be possible to use it two or three times after each "recharge" Bar.

But seriously, do the professors at Hogwarts really trust themselves to keep such powerful things? ...Oh yes, even the "Time Stone" is still on him.

Although Sherlock felt that he was worthy of this trust, he still felt a little pressure.

"Hello, Sherlock, I haven't seen you for a while," Watson, wearing a small blue suit, walked into the living room surrounded by Eugene and Beverly, and greeted politely: "You are Mycroft and Donna, right? ?Sherlock often talks about you, and you are indeed as handsome and lovely as he said."

Where did you hide Watson? !


On the banks of the Thames.

"It scares me to death, Sherlock. You don't know that I have memorized all the "Rules of Words and Behavior when Visiting a Friend's House" that my father gave me, but I still can't cope with the enthusiasm of your relatives. I don't What's so rude? Will it leave a bad impression on them?"

After lunch, after Watson and Sherlock left 211b Baker Street, they changed their previous calm and polite attitude and hurriedly asked Sherlock.

"I thought you were betrayed by the lizard man just now," Sherlock glanced at him: "Where is your usual self-confident energy? Why don't you show it out?"

"That's okay, they are your relatives, it would be too rude to talk casually." Watson stared.

"Oh?" Sherlock briefly reasoned about Watson's brain circuit.

He can speak freely and express himself to strangers because if the other party does not accept the character he shows, the two parties will not be friends and will part ways. Naturally, it will have no impact, but it will have no impact on his friends or family members because of the former's actions. He could not easily sever ties with those people, and had to consider their acceptance of him, so he began to hesitate, shrinking, and speaking at a loss.

I'm familiar with him, but not completely familiar with him, and I'm still a bit scared of others. It's an unexpected bonus. Unlike me, who treats everyone at a distance, it saves trouble.

"Speaking of which, what are we going to do in the 'Magic Dimension'? Although I have never been there when I first enrolled, and I am very curious about it, but after enrolling, the college distributed all the necessities, and there seems to be no special trip there. Is it necessary?" There were other pedestrians passing by on the road, and Watson lowered his voice and continued to beep.

In fact, he didn't have to lower his voice deliberately. At that time, the "White Queen" was talking loudly with him all the way, and no one noticed at all. Of course, maybe she used some magic at that time, but he also tried it himself, and he was able to communicate with fellow travelers by speaking normally. But they will ignore things related to magic. On the contrary, super powers, superheroes and the like can get normal feedback.

This is probably why Hogwarts obviously teaches magic, but is regarded as a "superpower training institution" by everyone outside.

With the character of the "White Queen", she probably won't care about the consequences of the proliferation of the concept of "magic". The reason is mostly due to some deeper reasons, such as... the concept of "dimension".

The place he was going to was a corner of the "Magic Dimension", and it was said that the "White Queen" was also a member of a certain "Lord of the Dimension". In addition, the "Jörmungandr" he solved at the end of last semester seemed to come from a different place. Dimensions, as well as the abilities displayed by students in various branches of Hogwarts, are not entirely "magical".

This seems to prove that there are many "dimensions" in areas beyond the reach of human knowledge, and those with superpowers all appeared after receiving the power of the "Lord of Dimensions", including cooperation with Hogwarts. "Magic Dimension", the manifestation of its super power is "magic", then, as one of the many dimensions, it is obviously inappropriate for "Weishan Emperor" to extend her unique concept to the entire earth. Therefore, deliberately His own "magic" and the power projected by the masters of other dimensions are classified as the same thing, namely "superpowers".

However, this behavior derived another inference: "The earth and humans are very, very, very important." Many other evidences also point to this fact, such as the "Green Lantern Corps" with technology such as the "Green Lantern Ring" and the self-proclaimed The "Asgard" of the gods are willing to cooperate with the "White Queen's superior" who only controls the earth.

Unfortunately, his reasoning ends here. For a fixed "fact" that already exists, reasoning obviously cannot deduce its cause.

Well, based on the above facts, as well as the importance that the principal and professors attach to themselves, they let themselves go to the magic dimension on their own. The underlying reason besides charging is very clear. If they want to come to Earth——

"Sherlock, look, it's Irene." Watson said, pointing to the girl who was sulking with her arms crossed outside Big Ben.

"I originally wanted to wait for you in the 'Magic Dimension' first," Erin, dressed in casual clothes, walked up to the two of them and complained: "But it turned out that I couldn't open the door even though I followed the correct operation method."

"Of course, the professors want to tell us something:" Sherlock raised his eyebrows and walked to the Big Ben Tour Ticket Office to buy three tickets under the surprised gazes of the two people: "If you don't buy tickets, you can't enter] .”


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