The Collection of The End

Chapter 226 The Werewolf and Time

My name is Akatosh,

I still haven't been taken away by Sister A, maybe the procedure is wrong?

— 4E, 201, Hearth Moon, 2nd, 6:19 —

In the early morning, when the early-rising farm employees were heading out of the city one after another, Ella, Lia, and Lydia left Loristed and set foot on the road to Falkreath.

"Have Sophie and Sophie's father come back yet, will they not be able to find us?" Ria asked.

"Even if they continue to stay, they will not return to Loristed, so it's better to leave first." Ella painted an eagle with wings ready to fly on her face today, and glanced at the rolling hills in the northwest of the village .

"Huh?" Ria was puzzled.

"The Imperial Legion is looking for the dragon who is the baron's incarnation. For safety reasons, he should meet us on the road ahead or at the destination." Lydia explained to her.

"That's right, yesterday I helped the residents of Loristed deal with a lot of small problems in the name of the comrades-in-arms group, and found that many soldiers of the Imperial Legion were heading in the direction where Arthur flew away, while the legionnaires who stayed in the nearby camp It seems to be watching us." Ella looked up at the northern sky, but there was nothing.

"It's impossible for them to guess that we are related to the giant dragon. The monitoring is probably just out of vigilance against the combat power of the comrades-in-arms group and Xueman's approaching the border of the territory. Intelligence, it is likely to deduce something." Lydia added.

Really, Ella couldn't help but slander listening to Lydia's explanation: the logic of thinking, the way of acting, and even the hobbies are very similar. The two of them could have become good friends, but the problem is that the eyes of men are also highly similar. kind of hard.

Although the relationship between her and Arthur is not that good, the three Wilkas brothers and even Cisco Yue are within the scope of backup, but it is different if someone suddenly jumps out halfway - I didn't say no, I won't let you grab!

Apart from other things, it is also very difficult for a two-handed swordsman to choose whether to cooperate with an archer or a shield warrior, especially since the swordsman himself can also use bows and arrows, and the archer can also become a berserker in the case of.

However, it's still too early to have to choose one of the two, and everyone will be together for a long time, so for the time being, each of us can rely on his own ability.

"Oh..." Although Lia was dazed, she seemed to see something, her eyes turned back and forth on Ella and Lydia, and suddenly there was a sentence that Sophie often talked about: "No gone."

— 8:22 —

The road leading to Falkreath is very clean, without any disturbance from wild beasts or robbers at all. Ella can basically guess the reason. However, many imperial legionnaires who originally wanted to capture them have been stationed near Falkreath. When recalling the soldiers scattered by the dragon, they will naturally clean up the nearby robbers and beast lairs.

When I completed some trivial tasks before, the large tents I saw in the northwest of Loristed were obviously the temporary barracks when they retreated to Solitude. Facing this kind of large army operation, as long as the robbers are not crazy, they will stay away from the main road , so for a period of time after the imperial soldiers passed by, the safety of this road was sufficiently guaranteed.

"Take a break?" When passing by a campsite, Ella stopped and touched Lia's head: "I left without eating much in the morning, are you hungry now?"

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded.

Due to the great reputation of the comrades-in-arms group, although Ella reported her identity in Loristed just to cover up the fact that Arthur sucked the dragon corpse into a skeleton at the door, unexpectedly she was busy all day because of it, "It is difficult to find a comrade-in-arms Who is it that spread the slogan of "Regiment"? ...Oh, it seems to be Kraco Whitemane.

The ice fruit hotel I was staying in was also completely unreliable. The boss named Mulaki actually had a lot of commissions, and he casually said what gossip was going on recently, and poured out all the gossip. If he stayed in the hotel for dinner in the morning , and then chat with him a few words, don't even think about leaving today.

"Hmm... Tomatoes, dried cabbage, scallions, potatoes..." After re-igniting the bonfire at the campsite, Ella began to take out various foods from her backpack and throw them into a cleaned pot to stew vegetable soup. After all, Loristad It is an agricultural village, and many entrusted rewards are ingredients. After disposing of most of them to the innkeeper, Ella finally brought some materials that are convenient for field cooking.

But it's still a bit heavy, so I might as well cook more, maybe other travelers will pass by, it would be even better if Arthur suddenly fell from the sky, Ella thought while throwing ingredients that far exceeded the weight of three people into it, Almost filled the soup pot.

"I heard that a werewolf will have a big appetite after transforming, but I don't know what will happen if it becomes a dragon." Lydia suddenly said.

"Of course it's more serious, at least twenty times." Ella paused, remembering that two dragons flew away together last night. Although it seemed to be carrying money, could she really buy enough to eat? Could it be that he really ran to eat the mammoth?

"Who! Stop!"

Ella came back to her senses, annoyed at her slight loss of vigilance, but still took up the bow and arrow without hesitation and aimed at the target Lydia was confronting - it was a Nord male youth with ragged clothes and disheveled hair, who looked like Ordinary farm workers are staring straight at the vegetable soup pot at this moment.

"No, I'm not a robber, I want to buy your food, I, I will pay for it—" he spoke incoherently, and took out a money bag, but his hands trembled for unknown reasons, shaking out several times A gold coin fell to the ground. During this period, his eyes were fixed on the soup pot without moving away.

Although ordinary people would think that he was just hungry and crazy, Ella is very familiar with this situation-it is obvious that the wild werewolf performed overloaded exercise in the transformed state, and was overwhelmed by overwhelming hunger after returning to his original state. This is what Dominion looks like, most of the casualties caused by werewolves, and what scares normal people.

However, although he was almost out of control, seeing him still trying to negotiate instead of directly pounced on him was enough to prove his amazing self-control, otherwise Ayla would directly kill him.

"Riya, serve him soup." Ella winked at Lydia while talking, and the two walked to the side of the werewolf together, ensuring that they could subdue him instantly when he violently hurt others.

"Uncle, slow down, it's hot." Lia obediently served a large bowl of soup to the Nord. To Ella's relief, the little girl secretly held the dagger in her hand, but if the other party is injured If people want to, the knife is useless.

"More, more." The werewolf gulped down the vegetable soup, his eyes showed some signs of activity, but he still handed out the bowl again.

After getting the food, the werewolf is basically safe, but Ella and Lydia are still holding him left and right.

"Uh... that..." After downing five bowls of vegetable soup, the man who had regained his consciousness seemed to be aware of his situation and was about to explain.

"Where are you from? A werewolf? Have you ever hurt someone?" Ella's words made him freeze in place.

"You'd better not try to lie or resist, it's useless." Lydia even raised the ebony sword she basically didn't use.

"I, my name is Sintin, I'm from Falkreath," the man's voice trembled, "When the Imperial Army withdrew, they said they were going to execute me, so I, I ran away."

"Xin Ding...?" Ria tilted her head.

Xin Ding looked at the little girl, his gaze seemed to fluctuate, but it disappeared in the next instant.

"I, I tore a little girl into pieces under uncontrollable circumstances more than ten days ago - the daughter of my employer. I thought I could pay for her life calmly, but I am really a coward, so it's fine now... ’ He hung his head, giving up all resistance.

what to do? Want to kill? Ella and Lydia exchanged glances.

Unlike the comrades-in-arms group, if a wild werewolf has killed a human being, it will include human beings as its prey the next time it transforms out of control. Such a werewolf is also called a "bloodthirsty werewolf", and it was the main target of Silver Hand. It looks very self-controlled now, but it's hard to say when it gets out of control.

"Please don't hurt Sindin," Riya said suddenly, "He lost control because of the [Ring of Hircine] in his hand."

"What?" Ella looked at Sinding's hands after hearing the words. He did wear a huge metal ring on the index finger of his right hand, but there was no magic fluctuation, let alone the divine power of the artifact.

"And he didn't hurt me—" Ria added.

"Lavisia!?" The light that had disappeared in Xin Ding's eyes returned again, and he stared at the little girl closely: "It's been ten days since I haven't seen you, but you have grown so tall, I thought it was just a resemblance—"

"No~ It's been a year~" Lia shook her head and served him another bowl of soup.

How is this going?

Ella frowned and watched the interaction between the two. She could confirm that Ria, or Lavisia, was brought to the Comrades by White Mane a year ago, and she never went out at all during the period, and she and Arthur ten days ago On the day they met, the giant who stole the yak left a deep impression on her, and she could never remember it wrong.

So, if it wasn't that the werewolf was imprisoned for a year and her memory was confused, or someone rescued her in that incident and sent her to the comrades group a year ago, which holy spirit or demon god would do such a boring thing? What is the purpose?

"Sister Ella, are we going out this time to lift the curse of the werewolf? Can you bring Sindin with you?" Riya turned her head to Ella.

Could this be the reason? So that he can be there when we touch the werewolf curse? Ella looked at Lydia, who was also puzzled, and nodded hesitantly.

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