The Collection of The End

Chapter 227 Snowhoof and the Princess

My name is Akatosh,

I'm not responsible for this, well, never.

— 4E, 201, Hearth Moon, 2nd, 11:37 —

Asgail Snowhoof really hates parties.

Although it literally means a party where you can eat and drink as you please, in fact, those "big shots" always have all kinds of strange topics to discuss, and they chat there for half an hour with the honey wine that can be drunk in one sip. How is it brewed and what is the significance?

And if I completely ignore the atmosphere of their conversation and deal with the tender venison steak, fried beef, grilled salmon, large goat cheese, grilled green onions, croissants on the long table...

"Won't stop! My stupid brother!" "Crack!"

...will be beaten.

Asgard ate the bread in his mouth in a few bites, touched his beaten head and turned to his brother beside him.

Amed Snowhoof, the eldest son of the Snowhoof family, although he is not as tall or as strong as him, and he always wears ugly old steel armor, but he is very good at two-handed hammers, and five or six people can't get close to him when defending , The destructive power is amazing when launching an attack, but he can send and receive freely to save the opponent's life, and it is precisely because of this that he was selected as the captain of the guard by the lord of the Rift Valley City "Leila the Lawbreaker".

"At the lord's banquet, can't you restrain yourself a little?" Amed whispered to him through gritted teeth, "Is there something missing for you at home, or what?"

"You can't eat it?" Esgail curled his lips, this banquet was indeed the kind he hated.

"No! Yes! Eat!" Amed said with a pause, then raised his hand and knocked on Esgail's forehead again.

"Xiao An, you are enough." A gentle but firm female voice sounded, and at the same time, one hand caught An Mead's arm that he wanted to knock a few more times.

Although the small hand should not be able to stop Amed's strong arm from the outside, but the elder brother froze completely, and Esgail chuckled.

"Sister Lily...he ate again at the banquet of the lord of the city..." Anmid said with a bitter face, "Father asked me to stop him."

"Then you can't hit him on the head either. Xiao Ai is not smart in the first place, and it would be really stupid to hit him again." The gentle woman with short blond hair in a light yellow priest's robe pulled Anmid's hand away and rubbed it The area where Asgard was beaten on the head.

Lilith Snowhoof, the eldest daughter of the Snowhoof family, once served as Ulfric's army healing priest, and saved countless people who were seriously injured and dying—whether it was an imperial soldier or a stormcloak. After turning to a tug-of-war near the border, she returned home to Rift Valley.

"That's right, that's right." Asgail bent down to make it easier for his sister to touch his head, and at the same time put on a proud face to his brother.

"Hmph, just get used to him!" Anmid snorted and turned to leave.

However, did his father see him? Asgail turned his head and found that the father of the three siblings, Ulwuf Snowhoof, was discussing something with the lady lord at the other end of the banquet table, without looking this way at all.

"Xiao Ai." Lilith stopped touching her head and tapped lightly.

"Sister?" Asgail looked back and blinked suspiciously.

"Usually, it doesn't matter how you eat, but this is not the lord's 'Mist Veil Tower', and this is not an ordinary banquet." Lilith pointed to the crowd on the other side of the banquet table: "Today the lord is going to offer a banquet to an adventurer. Granting the title of baronet, you'd better not attract too much attention."

"The Baron?" Asgail looked at her sister's finger. Although most of the people present couldn't be called by name or familiar with it, the guy who was sandwiched between the two sons of the lord with an embarrassed face It should be the adventurer who will be knighted.

Harald and Serlund are the two sons of the lord lady, but they are very "ignorant", that's right, that's the word, they like to wear flashy armor and hold a weapon that can only be used as decoration. Swords and guards fight,

The other is keen to hire adventurers to carry out the wanted and bounty orders issued by some lords and take the credit for himself.

Perhaps it was because they couldn't support them that the old lord didn't hand over the position of lord of the Rift Valley City to any of them before he died, but to his wife, and let her decide who the successor is, presumably the lord The lady has her own standards for the qualifications to become the lord of the city, but it is impossible for the two parties to know. Winning over the new baron is only part of their efforts. Taking down a guard or completing a bounty, anything opportunistic is pointless.

"If you must eat, bring them to the corner so that your father won't see them." Lilith patted Esgail on the back, handed him a large dinner plate, and turned to leave. And the court mage Valeria, who is not very good at her head, is waiting for her there.

A priest and a on earth did they become friends? While thinking about it, Esgail decided to listen to his sister and put what he wanted on a plate and take it away.

"Mr. Snowhoof," said Anuriel, the chief lord, and a dark elf stopped Asgard: "If I were you, I would pay attention to the capacity and height of the plate."

"Huh?" Asgard turned around as he said, and found that the food on his dinner plate had been piled up high, looking crumbling, and many nobles attending the banquet avoided him.

"Although it's not full yet, thank you for reminding me." Asgail nodded, turned around with a plate with a "tower" standing there, and caused a small exclamation again.

He originally planned to return to the previous corner, but it was occupied by someone. It was Marwen Blackthorn and a traveling businessman, Louis Turas, who seemed to be discussing something, and these two were brothers, sisters and fathers. It is strictly forbidden for him to approach.

Needless to say, the Blackthorn family, even the lord must refer to their opinions when issuing orders, and that businessman seems to be doing a truly illegal business, and Skooma is nothing compared to it.

Asgail hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked towards the balcony on the side of the banquet hall, receiving many exclamations and gasps along the way.


"Ladies~ gentlemen~ I invite you here today to celebrate the birth of a new baron in the Rift Valley—" Lord Laila's voice came from the banquet hall.

The "villa" is not soundproof at all, and Esgail looked at the many fishing boats on the lake while nibbling on bread and meatloaf.

This place used to be the raw material warehouse of Blackthorn Mead, because most of the raw materials were honey transported by water, and due to the pervasive water vapor, you could smell the sweet smell coming from the inside just passing by the door, so it was taken by the residents. Named "Sweet Cove", Esgail tried unsuccessfully to sneak in to get some honey to eat.

The warehouse was turned into a villa by the lake after it lost its function, but the lord didn't know whether it was for a gimmick or he was too lazy to name it, so he directly named it "Sweet Bay Villa". .

"Because of the achievements in destroying Skooma's manufacturing dens, I, as the lord of the city, announce that Mr. Larry has become the new baron of Rift Valley City, and has won the qualification to purchase this gorgeous villa—" Ms. Leila's voice continued.

It is completely impossible to build a stronghold in the valley near the city without the cooperation of the nobles in the city. However, after the lord lady caught a few small shrimps, she seemed to have no intention of closing the case at all. The big nobles behind it are now I'm afraid I have to congratulate and congratulate while gnashing my teeth.

Huh? Could this be the political wisdom my father used to say?

Asgail turned around and planned to walk into the hall to listen carefully, but he seemed to bump into something, and with a shake of his hand, he threw the rest of the food out together with the dinner plate.

whoosh whoosh—

The dinner plate moved quickly, catching all the food that should have landed on the ground and floating in the air.

"This dinner plate is amazing." Asgard exclaimed.

"...Has anyone ever told you that you are stupid?" The girl's voice sounded innocuous. At the same time, a petite girl was wearing a white dress and a black scarf that almost covered half of her face. Appeared in front of him, holding the dinner plate with one hand.

"My father and my brothers and sisters often say that, but there are very few outsiders." Asgail nodded and reached out to pick up the dinner plate.

"...I guess so." The girl stared at him with dark eyes, returned the plate and food, but took a donut from the food pile and bit it in her mouth.

"Hmm..." Asgail saw himself in the girl's eyes. He was more than two meters tall, with tanned skin, disheveled black long hair, a very vicious appearance and a huge machete behind him. If he was not an acquaintance, he would usually No one really dared to speak ill of such a terrifying big man.

The little girl looked at him with only curiosity but no fear, no, now is not the time to be in a daze, she has to say something.

"Sweet Bay Villa is a symbol of the baron's status, and the price is only 15,000 Septim gold coins—" the lord lady in the house is still selling.

"Have you been eating what's on the plate since just now?" Asgail's mind suddenly became active, he stared at the girl and asked, and then saw her movements visibly froze.

"...You brought it for me?" The girl tilted her head: "Thank you."

No, if it wasn't for her help, this batch of food would have fallen to the ground and could not be eaten. It was normal for her to take a few, but the conversation couldn't be ended anyway, Esgail turned his head and thought at an unprecedented speed.

"Since I invited you to eat, we can be considered friends, right? Friends should exchange names, right?" Esgail said, "My name is Esgail Snowhoof, from the Snowhoof family in Rift Valley City." second son."

"...My name is Emil," the girl blinked, "A member of the Thieves Guild under the Rat Path."

"Uh." Esgail was stuck, the relationship between the nobles that his sister forced him to remember was meaningless at the moment, even if he could connect the Snowhoof family and the Blackthorn family after three or four contacts, But how to relate to a sewer "rat"?

After the girl took a few more desserts and disappeared, there was only one sentence left in Esgail's head.

——How could there be such a cute mouse?

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