The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and sixty-three, Sherlock and the Prisoner (5)

——Marvel, 2015——

clock tower.

"Are you going to stop your search for the truth because of the threat of that strange bald woman? Holmes?"

"First of all, it's not a 'threat', and secondly, we probably won't be able to discover any 'truth'."

Although he hasn't interacted with him that much in the past two years, Sherlock still knows very well that Moriarty is an extremely confident person. He obviously won't let the mysterious man and god appear halfway and say some specious things. Give up the original plan.


"That woman's identity is very suspicious, prisoner? I have never heard of a prison breakout in Azkaban. If it were another prison that could match her strength, it would not be so easy for prisoners to escape." Moriarty continued.

"I think that's a metaphor. The limits of her freedom of movement and the information she can convey are restricted. She clearly wants to warn us of something, but she can't say it directly and can only hint in an awkward way." Sherlock nodded. .

"Not to mention actors and stages, what do you think of 'Death by Destiny'?" Moriarty continued to ask.

"Literally, it means 'destined death', but I guess that's not what it means." Sherlock thought briefly: "If it means that our exploration will encounter danger or even die, then her behavior to dissuade us is meaningless. No point, because it's 'meant to be', isn't it?"

"According to her eloquent words, what kind of 'actors' are we, playing 'roles' on the 'stage'? Haha," Moriarty adjusted his hat: "I am now going to play an 'actor' Will you come for the scene that breaks through the stage floor?"

For a person like Moriarty, the more you talk about fate with him, the more he will do the opposite... Sherlock shrugged and raised his hand to hold the "Time Stone Pendant" on his chest.

"Okay, then let's explore the 'nature of the world'."/"No, I have to go back, I can't leave Watson and Irene alone."

Sherlock's Unpredictable] was activated, and a "ghost" appeared on Sherlock. After each answered a completely opposite sentence, one Sherlock stayed in the alley, while the other left without looking back.

"..." Moriarty was confused for a moment, then frowned and looked at the alley: "Have you left since you made another choice?"

"It should be, but I have no way of knowing what happened on the 'other side' before re-joining." Sherlock spread his hands: "You should know that you want me to let Watson and Irene, two novices in magic, Wandering around in dimensions is impossible.”

"The good news of difficulty in choosing, but I can't use this ability," Moriarty raised his chin slightly: "Once I decide something, I will never hesitate."

"Yes, yes, then, now go and take a look at the 'dimensional weak point' you found?"

"Hmph, let's go."


"King's Cross Station?"

"Haven't you ever thought about it? The 'real' King's Cross Station leads to New York, so where does the station in the 'Magic Dimension' lead to?"

"Return to reality? The entrance under Big Ben will become an exit in the magical dimension."

"Perhaps you are right, but the 'reality' returned is not ours, but those 'visitors from other worlds'."

"...It seems reasonable, but there are no 'passengers' here at all."

Sherlock looked around the "King's Cross Station in the Magical Dimension". It looked completely abandoned for a long time, and even the rails were stained with rust.

The way to travel to and from the "Magic Dimension Clock Tower" is through the teleportation array on one wall, and the White Queen, who is equivalent to the agent of the Magic Dimension, can do so at will through "Spark Circle", "Apparition", "Port Key" and other methods. Space travel, under this premise, "using traditional transportation methods to travel to and from the magical dimension" sounds like a joke.

However, since I here have chosen to follow Moriarty's mischief, there is no need to point out and refute this.

"This is a magical dimension. How can we use ordinary transportation? Of course, we need a certain level of magic." Moriarty went straight to Platform 9 and pointed at the air in front of him: "Come, join me in expanding this dimension. Crack'."

"..." Sherlock followed Moriarty's hand and found that there was indeed a strange "crack" in the air there. It looked like something had passed through a wall, leaving a gap and Through the spiderweb-like cracks, you can vaguely see the gray mist surging on the opposite side.

Roughly speaking, the gap is not large enough for a person to pass through - not even a small child.

"What kind of magic can you use to open the Alajo Cave?" Sherlock took out the wand.

"Of course not," Moriarty looked at him with an "Are you a fool?" expression: "Use 'split'."

"Well, my head didn't turn around for a moment," Sherlock shrugged, pointed the wand at the crack, and cast the spell at the same time as Moriarty: "Four to five points -"



After a brief impact, the cracks in the "dimensional rift" began to expand in all directions. With the cracks and falling debris, the air quickly became able to allow a person to pass through.

"Okay, the curse will stop!" Moriarty flicked his wand: "We... huh?"

The "cracks stopped expanding" that he expected did not happen. The space in front of him was centered on that gap, and it continued to crack and collapse as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer. As the gap became larger, the speed of cracking and collapse increased. It’s also getting faster.

"This is impossible!" Moriarty clutched his wand: "This is a magical dimension, and the master of the magical dimension should have absolute control over the stability of the dimension!"

So you did it because you knew someone was covering up your destructive behavior?

"Is there another possibility?" Sherlock looked at the crack that had expanded to half the size of a station and the gray fog opposite it in two sentences: "The movement you made is very important to the 'Lord of Dimension' In fact, it’s not worth mentioning? ‘Di Shandi’ didn’t notice it at all?”

"..." Moriarty fell silent, whether he was reflecting on his mistakes or thinking of words to refute Sherlock.

The ever-expanding dimensional rift obviously didn't have the patience to wait for him. As it continued to "fall apart" at an accelerating rate, the ever-increasing "gap" directly "swallowed" them.

The good news is that they can still breathe normally and stand on an invisible surface with little danger.

The bad news is that their daily lives cannot be saved.

If "uncertainty" has not been used, perhaps Sherlock can also use "reflection" or "prophecy" to prevent Moriarty from doing stupid things, but now... he can only wait for his other self to ask for help, or the "White Queen" Found the problem and came to rescue them.

Try magic? That will only put you in a worse situation. In the "Time and Space Guidance" course, the professor clearly said that if you find yourself trapped in the turbulence of time and space, and you are not sure how to make the situation better, what is the best way to do it? Do neither.



Dormammu——I’m here——】

After the two fell silent, the tiny whispers in the surging gray fog began to become obvious, but when they listened carefully, they were all broken syllables that had no meaning at all, which made them even more upset.

Speaking of which, we passed through the gap at the station, and there should be a station on the opposite side, unless...

"Wu——Kong Kong Kong——]"

Maybe a long time passed, but it seemed like only a few minutes passed before a loud train whistle broke the annoying silence in the endless gray fog.

A completely black steam train with an ancient style broke through the gray fog and stopped in front of the two troubled students. The golden logo on its front and the three numbers "999" on it shone brightly.

With a swipe, the carriage door opened, and a man wearing a conductor's uniform walked out of it - maybe he was a human? His or her face and arms that should have been exposed are completely composed of an irregular shape of darkness. Only two round spots of light on the head and eyes blink, which seem to express some kind of emotion.

"You..." "Oh my, my, I'm so sorry. It's been a long time since anyone went out in this way. I'm not used to it, so I came a little late. You won't blame me, will you?"

Sherlock was about to try to communicate with the black fog conductor, but was interrupted by a charming and hoarse woman's voice. Following this voice, a tall woman walked off the train behind the conductor.

She is more than a head taller than an average woman, with long silver hair, fiery red eyes, and mature and charming facial features. She is wearing a pure black furry dress with a cape, and a headband of the same color. Tall furry hat.

"Welcome aboard Galaxy Train No. 999, Mr. Holmes and Mr. Moriarty," she said with a smile, "Where do you want to go?"

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