The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and sixty-four, Sherlock and the Prisoner (6)

——? ? ? ——

Because the diffuse gray fog and vague whispers were too dangerous, Moriarty did not communicate too much with the "Black Fog Conductor" and the mysterious lady. He hurriedly said "Go to the terminal" and boarded the train. train.

Although this opportunistic approach is very good, are you really sure that this... "Galaxy Train 999" will allow you to get off early?

In fact, it is not incomprehensible. He vowed to discover the "essence of the world" but ended up screwing up, and bothering others to rescue him. It is reasonable to not want to stay at the "failure scene".

Sherlock had originally intended to exchange a few sentences with the mysterious lady to find out more information, but seeing Moriarty like this, he could only shrug and said, "I'm the same as him" and stepped into the carriage.

As expected, like the "Zeppelin Train", the situation of "looking small from the outside but very large inside" did not appear. This train can obviously run "outside the dimension" - perhaps - inside. It is surprisingly consistent with the appearance without any tricks. The seats are old-style green leather hard seats and small opposite tables. The windows cannot be opened and there is a squeaky luggage rack above the head.

Moriarty, who always pays attention to status and style, didn't be picky this time and asked if there were soft seats or business cars. He honestly found a seat and sat down. Sherlock thought for a while and walked over to sit beside him. Sit and wait for the conductor and the lady to board the train.

"Okay, Xiao An, go start the train.]"


"Of course it's the 'terminal'. Didn't you hear the request of those two young gentlemen?"


After a short wait, the conductor and the mysterious lady in a black fur coat reboarded the train and had a brief exchange.

Although the lady's words were reverberated for some reason, at least Sherlock could understand them. The voice of the train conductor, who was covered in black fog but had only a pair of bright eyes, was the same as the voice faintly echoing in the gray fog outside. "Whisper" and "whisper" are very similar.

Didn’t that lady catch someone alive?

"I was in a hurry just now. I didn't have time to introduce myself. I'm really rude." The lady in black walked over and sat down elegantly in front of Sherlock and Moriarty: "My name is Irisviel Feng. ·Einzbern', the administrator of the 'Galaxy Railway' that no one has boarded for a long time.】"

Einzbern? It seems that her consumption in the "Magic Dimension" will also be sent there. Does she have anything to do with the "White Queen"? in addition……

"You also mentioned just now, 'No one has gone out this way for a long time.'" Moriarty jumped in and said, "Is the main mode of transportation in the galaxy already a 'portal'?"

"'Galaxy'?]" The woman who called herself Irisviel repeated the word, and the corners of her lips raised: "It seems that you still don't know where you are."

So, Sherlock rolled his eyes in his mind, who said that the "Galaxy Train" must be a means of transportation in the "Galaxy"? Since the misjudgment of "King's Cross Station", he has completely made one mistake and made another mistake.

"We are now in 'outside the dimension'," Sherlock said to prevent Moriarty from saying anything else: "The station from the 'magic dimension' to 'other dimensions' has long been abandoned, but we forcibly opened the passage. As a result, I fell out of the 'Magic Dimension', so I'm really sorry for having to work overtime."

"No need to apologize. After all, the 'Galaxy Train' that has been dormant for a long time is finally taken by someone, and it is also very happy.]" Irisviel stroked the edge of the table with her long fingers.

If I understand correctly, is this steam train conscious? Fortunately, it didn't respond, otherwise it would be difficult to sit still.

Just as Sherlock was thinking about how to respond, the Galaxy Train finally started again.

What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more -

Since there are no railroad tracks, don't make the noise you would make if there were railroad tracks!


After "Galaxy Train 999" started, Ms. Irisviel didn't speak again. She held her chin with one hand and looked out the window slightly, her thoughts seeming to be far away.

Sherlock followed her gaze and looked out the window, but there was nothing except the constantly flowing, completely chaotic gray fog.

When you look out the window of the "Zeppelin Train", you will see endless stars. It is completely different from this scene, but it is nothing special. Perhaps those "whispers" that also exist but have been isolated are what we need to guard against. Something.

Sherlock turned his head and glanced at Moriarty. He originally planned to talk to him about his next plan, but he found his classmate staring directly out of the window with a dull expression and a distracted look.

What did he see? !

Sherlock was about to reach out to push him awake, but Irisviel, who was sitting opposite the two of them, suddenly spoke, not speaking, but some kind of deep and distant song:

"The stars in the sky are so beautiful]"

"But without you, everything is lifeless]"

Are there stars outside? Or is she just expressing her feelings?

"Every lonely night,]"

"Do you know that I miss you silently?"

As she sang softly in a low voice, Moriarty, who looked already demented, gradually closed his eyes, and the expression on his face gradually softened. Finally, he seemed to have lost the power to support his body and fell backwards. He leaned back in the chair and fell asleep.

Whatever abnormality occurred due to what he saw, has now recovered, which relieved Sherlock and began to try to understand the meaning of Irisviel's song.

"I don't want to see you only in my dreams,]"

"Because I love you, I will never cry again]"

This song... seems to be about missing relatives rather than lovers. Plus that wonderful last name, she can't really have anything to do with the "White Queen", right? Judging from the clothing, it is indeed possible. If you want to replace the nickname, "Black Queen" may be a good name.


At this moment, there were tiny, unpleasant noises coming from all directions. When Sherlock turned to look out the window again, he found that many strange "cloaked monsters" had emerged from the billowing gray fog. , they appear to be only the size of ordinary people, their entire bodies are composed of deep darkness and tattered gray cloth cloaks draped around them, and they are approaching the train from all directions.

Not to mention why such things appeared in the chaos of the void, Sherlock felt that their outfits seemed a bit familiar... By the way, the "train conductor" had this form, but it had an extra pair of eyes.

If every train in the past encountered this kind of monster, it would be natural that the Galaxy Train would eventually cease operations.

Sherlock took out his wand and prepared to meet the enemy, but saw Irisviel shaking her head slightly at him, and then her voice raised a few pitches:

"I don't want to miss you only at night,]"

"With your love, believe that I will create miracles——]"

As her last syllable fell, the entire ancient steam train emitted a bright but not dazzling white light. Sherlock himself didn't have any special feelings, but the cloaked monsters rushing towards the train seemed like pieces of paper meeting each other. When they reached the level of flames, they began to tumble and twist one by one, and finally shattered and disappeared in the continuous white light.

Sherlock was about to give a few compliments, but he felt that there were some changes in his "magic book". After taking it out and opening it, he discovered that behind the "Eight Formations of Stone Soldiers", on a new page, a brand new one appeared, The magic record that is emitting gleaming white light:

Calling God to Protect]

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