The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and sixty-five, Sherlock and the Prisoner (7)

——? ? ? ——

Galaxy Train.

"Feeling x——"

"This is the job of the administrator of the 'Galaxy Railway', so there is no need to thank me specifically.]"

The words were cut off halfway or even less than halfway, and the other party accurately guessed what he wanted to say. This reminded Sherlock of the joke about the Avengers that was circulated privately in Hogwarts: because he was always " The White Queen" guessed the next line and answered it in advance, causing all the Avengers to speak only modal particles.

I don’t know if the joke is true, but I know that no one can lie in front of the principal and vice-principal. The "Irisviel" lady in front of me now can do this. If there is no relationship between them, Lian Hua No one would believe it.

"Then, do you know what happened to Moriarty?" Sherlock asked instead.

This time there was no answer in advance, it seemed that Ms. Irisviel was organizing her words.

"Well, to put it simply, he saw 'things you can't see'," she replied: "And it was precisely because of the influence of 'those things' that he had mental loopholes, and 'those guys' were They will gather like sharks smelling blood.】"

Those things? Those guys? Apparently the lady caretaker didn't think she should know their names.

However, even if he didn't know the relevant details, Sherlock had seen the consequences of similar situations more than once: Professor Quentin Baker in the first grade, and classmate Peter Quill in the second grade.

Are the black mist-like bodies of those "cloak monsters" exactly the same as those emanating from the two of them?

In addition, their purpose seems to be the "time gem" in themselves? Sherlock subconsciously pressed the pendant hanging on his chest, which was covered by his robe.

"It has nothing to do with that," Irisviel said with a hint of pride in her tone: "If passengers' luggage and personal belongings could be easily discovered by the outside world, the Galaxy Railway would have closed down long ago."

Now - in time, he remembered that the lady in front of him seemed to be able to read Sherlock's mind, and his thoughts took an emergency turn - also, in other words, it was Moriarty's "psychic loophole" that attracted those cloaked monsters, and Quentin... Professor Baker and classmate Peter Quill were also affected by them and were possessed by the black mist?

"...Then, why can Moriarty see it but I can't?" Sherlock waited for a moment and then asked.

"Hmm, what a good question," Irisviel glanced at the sleeping Moriarty, then turned to Sherlock again: "Family, friends, life, career, do you have the determination to leave it all behind? ?]"

"Why -" Sherlock paused mid-sentence, and then turned to look at Moriarty: "'The nature of the world', right?"

"This young gentleman named 'James Moriarty' was born in a magical family with a long tradition. The opening of the 'Clock Tower' is a part of his family's contribution. They have been hiding behind the scenes to maintain the inheritance. , until 'Hogwarts' was established,]" Irisviel slowly told in a soft voice: "Due to direct contact with the deeper magical concept of 'magical dimension', the Moriarty family began to understand the origin of magic again. and the exploration of the nature of the world, for which a considerable amount of resources have been spent, and a lot of gains have been achieved. As for little James, since Hogwarts strictly protects the privacy of students, I don’t know his own mental journey, but It will probably be affected a lot, at least, it will make him 'give up the whole world' for this.】"

"...Not the whole world," Moriarty slowly opened his eyes, sat upright, straightened his somewhat messy hair, and then looked at Sherlock on his left: "At least, it doesn't include this guy."

"Yes, you can obviously travel freely to the 'magic dimension', and you specifically called me when you came to explore the 'essence of the world.'" Sherlock clapped his hands: "I thought you would bring your followers with you."

"According to the family's theory, if you come into contact with the 'essence of the world', you will probably never be able to return to 'reality'," Moriarty snorted: "I don't want to compete with those whose intelligence is as different from mine as a banana and an orangutan. Big idiots stay together.”

"I understand the truth, but why do you compare yourself to a gorilla?"

“Sherlock Holmes!


"...]" Irisviel did not interrupt the quarrel between the two, but held her chin with one hand, tilted her head slightly, and looked at them with a smile on her lips.

Besides - sneer -

In the end, it was the sound of the galactic train slowing down that interrupted the two's argument about meaningless topics.


The conductor of the Black Mist floated in from the front carriage and spoke to Irisviel in that weird language that was incomprehensible.

"Okay, two young gentlemen, your destination is almost here,]" Irisviel reached out and knocked on the table, then stood up: "This ride experience defaults to a five-star rating, please do not modify it yourself."

"Destination?" Sherlock ignored the good reviews and looked at Moriarty doubtfully: "'Terminal'?"

"I made a mistake in my own judgment, didn't I?" Moriarty said with a straight face: "I originally thought that it could pass through many dimensions, but I didn't expect that the 'Galaxy Railway' has been abandoned for a long time. I thought that the earth was the 'starting point', but I didn't expect that it It turned out to be the 'end'."

It seems... indeed, Sherlock thought about his previous experience. Although he entered the "Clock Tower" from under Big Ben, no one has ever said that the "Clock Tower" is geographically the same as "Big Ben". "Overlap, let's say, it's incredible that a corner of the "magic dimension" would appear on Earth.

Combined with what Ms. Irisviel said, most dimensional travel now uses "teleportation", which can be counter-proven that the "light door" under Big Ben at that time was a magical teleportation similar to "Apparition" and "Portkey" Array.

As for traveling to other dimensions...combined with those "superpower criminals" who act recklessly after gaining power, the character of those "cosmic demons" - if they have any - must not be very good, and they may not necessarily welcome this A visitor who intrudes rashly.

The other thing is...

Sherlock wanted to continue reasoning, but his thoughts were interrupted when he saw the sudden scene in front of him.

As the "Galaxy Train" drove forward, the gray fog that had been billowing around suddenly dissipated, revealing the stars outside the car window.

Before he tried to piece together the constellations by looking at the stars, a new "wonder" took up almost all of his sight.

In the endless sea of ​​stars, there is an extremely huge and beautiful shell floating. The shell is half open and half closed, revealing the "mermaid" inside. Her whole body is composed of flashing light, and her facial features or other details cannot be seen at all. She can only It was confirmed that there was a head of long pink hair and an equally pink fish tail, leaning against the coral pillar behind him to take a nap with his arms folded.

When you look closer, you can see that this "mermaid" is hugging a blue sphere that is larger than her head. Judging from the unusually familiar proportions and lines of land and sea on the sphere, there is no doubt that it is the earth.

"This is your destination,]" Irisviel said, with a hint of inexplicability in her tone: "'Ocean Dimension' and the Earth under her protection."

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