The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and sixty-six, Sherlock and the Prisoner (8)

——Marvel, 2015——

Hogwarts, Great Hall.

After making a choice, people often begin to regret why they did not make another choice in the first place. This is actually a kind of "I want it all" mentality that they are not aware of, because the object of his/her dissatisfaction is not what has already happened after the choice. What you get are the unavoidable things that come with the choice. Use the "shortcomings" to compare with the "strengths" of another choice. If you are a little less smart, you will subconsciously think that "the other choice" is better. .

Sherlock naturally does not have this problem. When he encounters a difficult decision, he can "split himself in two", do both sides at the same time, and finally obtain the full result.

But now, he still felt a trace of regret - wouldn't it have been better if he had not used "Sherlock's Unpredictability" but directly prevented Moriarty from taking risks?

There is no other reason. "The self who made another choice" has disappeared for the entire holiday. The opening ceremony is now being held, and the new school year is about to start. If "he" doesn't come back, Sherlock may have to put those time conflicts together. Half of the elective courses will be deleted.

Of course, this is just a trivial matter. The real trouble is that, judging from the leaderless followers in the college next door, Moriarty is also missing. These guys have absolutely no ability to say, "There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys are kings." , it’s basically a mess, but it also means that if no one controls it, it may cause big trouble in the new school year.

Due to "Sherlock's uncertainty", he can imitate that there is no danger in his "other self", but he knows nothing about the more detailed content, let alone what about Moriarty, who is traveling with him.

"Hey, Sherlock, look, Mr. Stark's daughter is going to be sorted! I wonder where she will be sorted?" Watson poked him with his finger.

"I said it was an adopted daughter. Judging from Mr. Stark's age, it is impossible to have an 11-year-old daughter." Sherlock corrected Watson.

"Really? I don't believe it." Next to her, Eileen also looked at the ceremony stage eagerly.

Here... there is no need to correct her, otherwise she will give you a lot of meaningless gossip about the members of the Avengers.

"Artoria Luna Stark." At this time, the White Queen's annual hating activity began again. Sorted by the first name, the first one was the "Stark Bastard" that attracted everyone's attention. female".


...This seems to be the first person to shout this at the sorting ceremony in three years. He is so pushy, so he may indeed be his biological child.

Sherlock looked around and saw the crowd of freshmen split to the left and right like Moses dividing the sea. A girl with short blond hair and green eyes walked out. She was wearing a white double-breasted straight skirt and a pair of orange stockings. Wearing white calfskin boots, a not very long blue cape draped over her shoulders, a large beret perched crookedly on her head, and holding a pistol decorated with the letter "S", which was taller than her. A wand—a staff, perhaps?

She didn't look eleven years old at all, at most nine or even eight years old. She was at least half a head shorter than the freshmen next to her, but she had a strong aura, as if those around her who were taller than her were just potatoes and cabbage.

"Hello, Principal Bai." She walked up to Queen White, took off her hat and saluted, and a tuft of hair on her head straightened up as she took off her hat.

"It's the vice principal." The White Queen's eyes seemed to linger on the tuft of hair for a moment, and then she turned around and pulled out the chair: "Sit down."

"Okay -" Arturia responded in a long tone again, then turned around, jumped a little, and sat on the high-backed chair.

"Hmm - um um -" After being put on her head, the Sorting Hat began to mutter: "I really don't know where to sort this head with nothing but greed? How about you choose it yourself? ]"

"Can you choose by yourself?]" Artoria blinked and looked around the auditorium, then met Sherlock's eyes: "That's the one with the long face who looks very rich, his college."

"..." Sherlock felt a chill on his back. Although he couldn't hear what the hat and the little girl were saying, it was definitely not a good thing.

"He is actually relatively poor, but...]" The Sorting Hat finished pondering and shouted loudly: "Badr!"

"oh oh!"

"Very good!"

"We have Stark!"

The students around Sherlock cheered and clapped enthusiastically as Arturia jumped off her chair and walked towards them.

No, are there so many Iron Man fans here? What if the next time Captain America’s daughter steps on his shield and skis into school, you won’t pass out?

...Wait, does Captain America have a daughter?

Arturia walked to Sherlock's desk, looked back and forth at Irene and Watson on both sides of him, and finally fixed her gaze on Watson's face.



After staring at each other in silence for a moment, Watson scratched his hair, stood up and sat outside.

Arturia directly sat down in the vacant seat, and in the process said to Sherlock in an inaudible voice: "Please take care of me, boss]"

"..." Sherlock, who originally wanted to say something else, just lost his temper.

So, after the two-dimensional ring that was swallowed by the orange cat was returned, "Mass Effect" would permanently ban him. Is this the original reason? After "Butler", he created "Daughter", who is worthy of being Iron Man!

Afterwards, Artoria, who was suspected of breaking through the dimensional wall, began to communicate freely with the classmates who came to talk to her. Her conversation and response were not as childish as she appeared, and her explanation for her behavior was "As a Stark, of course "Join the best group, just like your father joined the Avengers, and Sherlock Holmes is the best in your college" has been widely recognized. As for the reaction of other colleges? How could a Stark care?

With Arturia making such a good start, the subsequent sorting ceremony seemed relatively dull. It was not until the White Queen introduced the new professor of the "Molecular Influence" course that it caused a stir.

The new professor, who looked like a researcher, called himself "Vision" and demonstrated on the spot the black claws that turned his arms into ferocious, heavy and strong hammers, and several long whips that were as agile as snakes, causing uproar in the auditorium. Zhen exclaimed, and fully demonstrated his "molecular influence" strength.

By the time the opening ceremony was roughly over, Professor

"Then - 'Wingardim Leviosa'!"


In the middle of her words, the White Queen suddenly took out her magic wand and flung out a cloud of white mist that looked like clouds and cotton balls. Almost at the same time, a platinum-blond student figure fell out of thin air and landed precisely on the white mist. middle.

The white mist weakened enough of its impact and slowly dispersed, revealing James Moriarty standing there with a somewhat embarrassed appearance.

"Then, I would like to invite James Moriarty, as a representative of outstanding students, to deliver a message for the new school year." The White Queen took the lead in applauding.

Croak, croak, croak - the students who didn't know why thought it was an arranged program and clapped along one after another, while Sherlock summarized the memories that were coming to him.

Hmm... So it turns out that "Those who travel with fire will inevitably meet a destined death" means... if you take a train, you will definitely die in society afterwards?

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