The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and sixty-seven, North American Mythical War (191)

"...So, we are able to study here safely because of the credit of the principal and professors. They protect us from the wind and rain in places we can't see. We should work hard to learn knowledge and become useful people to the world. So as to--"

In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, Moriarty, who had been driven out of school, was giving an impromptu speech. This time, he did not promote any bloodline, glory, or inheritance, but spoke like a true "representative of all students."

Could it be that after staying in the subspace for a long time and feeling the vastness of the world, I put away my original arrogance?

At that time, the "White Queen" was presiding over the opening ceremony. As a result, Sherlock's alien space-time entity and Moriarty broke through the shell of the ocean dimension and fell into the sea. I couldn't stay in a daze for too long, so I could only switch back and forth quickly. Throw them back to Earth and catch them with the Falling Spell.

Or maybe it was because he was shocked when he faced the ‘White Star’. 】Stupid system commented.

‘Am I that scary? ’

I slightly lowered the brim of the "Sorting Hat" to cover half of my face, closed the eye on that side, and then the "White Star" of the "Ocean Dimension" opened the same one.

This is the "double-open" method that I have recently figured out. I originally planned to get familiar with it, but now I can only enable it.

"White Queen" Rachel Fisk, "Scarlet Witch" in soul state, and "Lord of Ocean Dimension White Star" can be combined in any two, but "death" cannot. Once she is "activated", other vests will definitely fall into hibernate.

You must be very envious of Yang Jian. 】

‘I still envy the hundred-eyed monster! ’

It was not convenient for the "White Queen" to take care of the "Sorting Hat", so "White Star" flicked its tail and knocked "Mekaro" around.

Aohoho] The stupid shark started scurrying around.

"Don't be pretentious," "White Star" rolled his eyes at it, swam to the spherical shell of "Mermaid Island", which is the edge of the "ocean dimension", raised his hand and touched the outer wall: "From the time they broke the magic dimension and fell into the subspace until Falling into the ocean dimension, there was an interval of nearly two months. Where did they eat and live during this period? ’

Maybe he was picked up by the 'Imaginary Submarine'? 】The stupid system is following behind and talking nonsense.

‘Not to mention that they are not qualified enough to come into contact with Matthew’s level. If they really come into contact, I will definitely know it immediately. ’

That is another possibility. They fell out of the "magic dimension" with their front foot and fell into the "ocean dimension" with their back foot. The two months in "reality" are only two hours or even two minutes or two seconds to them. 】

‘It’s not that close, is it? ’

You see, there is no actual distance between dimensions, only the difficulty of traveling through them. 】


I'm not sure how the Marvel editorial department set their dimensions, but in this world, "dimensions" are more like the "annihilation realm" of various demons in "The Elder Scrolls", and each demon bestows power on mortals. The difficulty is not great, but when fighting each other, there will be a strange "sense of distance" due to the difference in power. At the same time, it will be very disadvantageous to go to other people's dimensions to "fight away", so they all stay in their own. Dimensions launch attacks on other dimensions, causing this kind of battle to look like squeezing and devouring between dimensions at a macro level, like... a bunch of soap bubbles?

Judging from the fact that the "virtual dimension" of Ultron was almost divided up by others just after it was born, the behavior pattern of the universe demon is similar. If you add the prefix of universe, it is also a demon, so there is nothing wrong with it.

As for Ultron himself, since there is only one left named Yin Di, he can't do anything. He seems to be very pitiful, so he should just leave him alone.

Then there are the unexpected surprises in these settings.

"There is no space between dimensions", this setting is similar to "the square of a number is not negative" in a sense. Under this setting, there will definitely be "space between dimensions" and "the square is "Negative numbers", that is, "subspace" and "imaginary numbers". Due to too many similarities between the two, they are combined into the concept of "imaginary number space".

And this "non-existent space", just like the "outside the map boundary" in normal games, happens to be my management blind spot. The origin of the "Four Hawkers" that has never been eradicated is there, and there will be no hiding there. A games workshop gamesworkshop.

As for now, if I want to know whether Sherlock and Moriarty encountered something in the "imaginary space", I must "expand" the "ocean dimension" in the "direction" of the "magic dimension", which is very provocative. This behavior is second only to declaring war. Even if the relationship between me and "Vishan Emperor" is already very good because Hogwarts provides many magic apprentices, it is impossible for her to have no reaction to this, because in the eyes of other universe demons, This is a sign of weakness and can be bullied.

There are actually other ways to explore, such as having the ‘White Queen’ replicate what they did in the ‘Clock Tower’. 】Stupid system suggested.

‘Sherlock and Moriarty just let it go and let the subordinates go to other dimensions to cause destruction? It's better to provoke them directly, especially when there is a group of people who are traveling there, who are afraid that the fun is not enough. ’

I mean from the 'ocean dimension' side. 】

‘My own papers will demolish my own home? Do you want to say I'm a husky? ’

Then, break the Rainbow Bridge again? 】

'Do you have any grudge against Thor? He just repaired the new bridge and went back to Asgard to report on his work a few days ago. ’

I thought it was ascending the throne. 】

‘Obviously Odin thinks he has just qualified to become a king and still needs some experience. ’

Like breaking the Rainbow Bridge? 】

‘No, you—’

"...Here, as a student representative, I wish everyone a happy new school year and all the best." At this time, Moriarty completed his speech in a decent manner, received a lot of applause, took two steps back, and turned his head. Look at me.

"Well said, next-"


Before I could go to the podium to announce the end of the ceremony again, a rainbow of seven colors penetrated the roof and landed directly on the podium, followed by Donald in golden armor falling from the, Thor Odinson.

"Next! Let me announce a big news!]" As Thor landed, he used golden light and rainbows to illuminate the ceremony hall, and raised the hammer in his hand high as if to show off: "This school year! Hogg! Woz will jointly hold the first 'Triwizard Tournament' with Asgard and the Green Lantern Corps! For glory and victory! Fight!]"

"Oh oh oh!"


“Long awaited!”

Even if they didn't know what the "Triwizard Tournament" was, many students were infected by the lively atmosphere and started shouting randomly.

Hmm... What is the specific plan to break the Rainbow Bridge again?

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