The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and sixty-nine, North American Mythical War (193)

——dc, darkness——


Cable is flying low over the planet's surface.

This desolate planet, which originally had only gray-white rocks and almost no atmosphere, after a period of transformation, now has an initial ecosystem for biological reproduction.

It's just that its land is purple, its water is green, and the main protective color of vegetation and animals is orange. It looks like a picture painted by an ignorant child based on his imagination.

However, this kind of color matching is not a problem at all for Cable, who has blue-purple skin. In other words, he adapts well. After all, the color matching of his home planet in 3000 AD was almost as messy, and those in his memory would use this color combination. Buildings of different shapes and free colors, which are made more dazzling by the rich and colorful natural environment, do not yet exist.

Of course, it was only temporary. Since he chose to use this planet as his base, related construction was naturally necessary in order to deal with the "Kang the Conqueror" who was not dead yet.

There is no doubt that the ruler of the galaxy who returned to the past to maintain his rule has not yet failed. According to "Professor Linearly, no matter Kang the Conqueror succeeds or fails in his action against the "X-Men", he will be thrown back to the time of departure in 3000 AD, and then find that the world has changed drastically, and no one else is aware of it.

Therefore, the current state of neither improvement nor decline is because in the last decisive battle with Apocalypse and their supporters, Kang the Conqueror suffered heavy losses, but he was still not dead, and even still had the power to pose a threat to the birth of the "X-Men" .

Logically speaking, the drowned dog should be beaten at this time, but even the very talkative and unscrupulous Deadpool couldn't find where Kang the Conqueror was hiding. After leaving Cable here and letting him develop on his own, he ran away Busy with other things.


Cable stopped flying and was suspended in the air, looking at the large seaside plain beneath his feet. Rows of text quickly scrolled and refreshed on his goggles:

Confirm basic resources: basalt, silica, water, seaweed, chitin, arthropod protein, tubers, fungi. 】

Confirm strategic resources: oil, geothermal heat, titanium, volcanic sprite. 】


Suitability for establishing a planetary capital: 87.3%]

Start screening the most suitable sponsors...]

Error, no data available. 】

Of course there is no data, and those large companies whose spheres of influence span the galaxy have not been established at all at this time.

Cable briefly confirmed the proportion of each resource and began to adjust his glove-shaped multi-purpose tool. A "Cosmic Spirit Ball" like a hollow metal ball emerged above the glove, gradually blooming bright purple light outwards, a mechanical-style The phantom of the spaceship then appeared slightly in front of him, and the self-test data that had just been stuck began to run again.

Confirmed sponsor: Frank Imbilia Machinery Factory. 】

Confirmed colonist type: Engineer. 】

Confirm the type of colonial ship: geological scanning ship]

Confirm to carry goods: automated machinery and equipment. 】

This combination is a specialized "resource planet mining combination" that gives up all defense methods and colonist benefits, only to mine the resources of the target planet with the highest efficiency. It is generally only used to confirm that there are no intelligent creatures or other corporate forces nearby. The current situation in the star field within the scope is just right.

As the "Phantom Immigration Ship" was completely formed, Cable moved his palm, pointed it at the chosen planet capital, and then snapped his fingers.

Buzz - Katcha!

With a sudden flash of purple lightning, the immigrant spacecraft turned from a phantom into a real entity, and the atmosphere it squeezed out even caused a sonic boom in the surroundings.

After circling for a while, the immigrant spacecraft landed steadily at the location predetermined by the cable, and then launched twelve purple-red pillars 360 degrees around. They formed a fairly standard circle around the immigration spacecraft, and then moved toward each other. They were connected with each other, forming a hemispherical shield that exuded pale white light, covering the immigration spacecraft in the center. Subsequently, a large number of vehicles and automatic machines were unloaded from the immigration spacecraft. After a brief self-examination, they The construction of this newly formed planet capital began in an orderly manner.

This is the standard colony construction process around 3000 years ago. If there is any difference from the future, it is that there are no real "immigrants" on this immigration ship. The few "engineers" are robots endowed with relevant technical knowledge. In addition, the entire ship is created through "mass-energy conversion" rather than actually produced and assembled by the "sponsor".

The so-called "mass-energy conversion" is the practical application of the "mass-energy equation" that has been born in the current era. "e=mc2". For humans around 2000, this formula could only imagine that a small amount of matter could be released. Huge energy and use it to create weapons, but by the year 3000, the Galactic Empire, which has nearly unlimited energy, will in turn use energy to create matter.

Of course, there is unlimited energy. When there is a lack of energy, wouldn’t it be enough to just find a star around it and build a Dyson sphere?

However, because the efficiency of this kind of "production" is too low, no company will waste energy on manufacturing something that can be mass-produced at any time, such as an immigration spacecraft, unless it is to produce resources that have been actually exhausted and necessary.

Until the "X-Men" who resisted Kang the Conqueror discovered the "Cosmic Spirit Ball", which is the "Power Stone" containing unlimited energy. It can not only create the materials needed to fight against Kang the Conqueror, but also snap the fingers Life, mindless stuff is transformed into energy absorption.

In this way, even if Kang the Conqueror has the resources of the entire galaxy, his quantity cannot be compared with "Infinity". When the "X-Men" use it to fight him, the failure of this galactic overlord is only a matter of time. ——Then he ran to the past and tried to change history.

Then, Cable, who is most suitable for pursuit, returns to the past with the expectations of other members of the "X-Men" and the "Cosmic Spirit Ball", and contacts Deadpool and other Green Lanterns to fight against the Conqueror Kang Dan and finally fails. .

What Cable is doing at this time is to quietly build a fleet to destroy or contain Kang the Conqueror's men when he appears again.

Theoretically speaking, Cable can spend some time and directly use the Power Stone to create a huge space fleet, but that is meaningless to Kang the Conqueror, who is powerful in his own right, and is not even cannon fodder. Moreover, mass and energy Others may not be aware of the transformation of such a big movement, but Kang the Conqueror will surely find it by smell, and then the ones who will be attacked will be Cable and his fleet.

Hopefully that guy named "Deadpool" actually has a plan against Kang the Conqueror.

Cable thought as he watched the "Planet Capital" build itself.

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