The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and seventy, North American Mythical War (194)

——dc, darkness——


A strange distress signal is detected at Cable's base.

As a universal immigration ship in 3000 AD, even if it deliberately gave up weapons, immigration and communication modules in the process of spending energy to materialize it, the planet's capital will still have basic defense, life support and communication functions after it is built, and the planet's capital will still have basic defense, life support and communication functions. The signal was discovered by this basic function which is not used for interstellar communication at all.

In the Galactic Age of Discovery, any immigrant ship must be prepared to encounter local creatures or indigenous civilizations. How should they treat each other, pure, supreme or harmonious? These are also the focus of debate among the various immigrant planets.

However, at this point in the year 2000 AD, humans had not even stepped out of the solar system, and it was impossible to encounter any "aliens" in the conventional sense - Cable itself was not included.

It took Cable some time for the mechanical engineers to decipher this distress signal. It was written in hieroglyphics that anyone with vision and basic logic could understand. It seemed that it was not sent to a certain person or force at all, but to All intelligent creatures that can receive it call for help.

Judging from the performance of the picture, it seems to want to illustrate that the seeker is an upright creature with a head, body and limbs, living on the planet fourth farthest from the star in this galaxy, and they have a harmonious relationship with each other, until one day, One of them ignited "fire" - or something similar to fire. After the first creature with "fire" fell down, more creatures around it also "burned". After experiencing After showing some scenes that resembled the failure of self-rescue or fire extinguishing, the entire planet was engulfed in "raging fire", with such creatures falling to the ground everywhere. The last line of text, or what was shown on the screen, was to look beyond the planet and galaxy. Played distress signals, these signals eventually arrived at a spaceship with a bit of an odd shape and a "bubble" around it, depicted by a dotted line.

Obviously, this last picture refers to the "alien" who received the message, hoping that the other party can have technology that can withstand "fire" to help them.

Speaking of the fourth planet, isn’t that Mars?

——The Martians were burned by fire, hahahahaha!

"..." Cable threw the sudden words of Deadpool out of his mind and continued to think.

The signal was sent continuously and did not change. It seemed that it had been "broadcasting" before he came to Titan, but the people on Earth who were close to him were completely unaware of it. Although there was an alien civilization analysis that the Earth did not have mature enough to analyze. It has something to do with technology, but the greater possibility is that these signals existed before humans invented long-distance communications. Everyone would only regard them as white noise or interference, without wanting to analyze them, and waited until humans began to move forward. To the universe, the distress signal generators of these "Martians" (tentative name) also ran out of energy and became completely silent. At least, in the history of 3000 AD, there has never been a record of the existence of "Martians" .

A race that never existed... wasn't that what he needed to fight Kang the Conqueror?


Mars, five hundred years ago.

Most of the surface of this planet, which is the fourth farthest from the sun, is covered by gray deserts. Terrifying hurricanes occur all year round. Almost no living things can survive in this environment.

Except the greenmartians.

This is a kind of humanoid creature with green skin. It lives in underground pyramids built of stone and crystal. Its tribe generally has strong strength, endurance, regeneration and deformation abilities. At the same time, each individual has the ability to A network of mental connections to communicate with other individuals and a considerable degree of telepathy.

According to their own historical records, their ancestors were an amoeba when the environment on Mars was not so harsh. All abilities evolved in order to cope with the increasingly bad planet environment, and were eventually eliminated by the harsh environment. Other ethnic groups on the planet became the sole rulers of Mars.

However, because the Green Martians live underground all year round, the pyramid can only be raised to the ground to replenish solar energy when the wind is slightly reduced, which has caused considerable problems in their social structure, such as...

"No! You can't do that, stop it, ma'alea'ak!"

"I've had enough of you hypocritical greenskins! They say that I'm a Martian like you, but you call me a 'white ghost' in the spiritual link! If a friend hadn't kindly told me, I I may be deceived by you forever!"

"Don't care about other people's opinions! Brother, we have never cared about your skin color!"

"But I care about what they think of you! Do you think 'white ghost's family' sounds good?!"


"Don't stop me, Brother Jonn, I'm going to release this 'mind virus' and turn the green in the eyes of those who discriminate against me to white!"

"Stop! Arbitrarily interfering with other people's consciousness is a serious crime!"

"Hahaha! I'm a whitemartians who can't connect to your thinking network. I don't know about that kind of law!"

In the core power room of a giant pyramid, more than a dozen green-skinned Martians wearing dark blue cloaks surrounded a white Martian with a skin different from theirs from a distance, but they did not dare to step forward.

Because the hand of the white Martian was pressing on the crystal-clear energy core that was emitting light, an octahedron, and the turbulent energy flow washed away the "prisoner" repeatedly, as if he was also glowing.

Obviously, the concern of the green Martians around him is that if he is allowed to release the so-called virus, there may be a remedy, but if he does it rashly and causes him to directly detonate the core, the entire pyramid will be reduced to ashes.

The "Martian Manhunters" exchanged thoughts with each other quickly, conceived action plans one by one and rejected them one by one. In the end, they could only hand over the responsibility to the brother of the prisoner "Malafax" and the new Martian Manhunter Jon.

"Marafak, you would run to a nearby city to release the virus and threaten to detonate it. You must be worried about the possibility of harming your parents and sister." Jon took a step forward: "You know my speed, If I were to stop you now, you would have no time to release the virus and would have no choice but to detonate the core. So, would you do that? Kill your twin brother?"

"Don't go any further! I swear I will really detonate this thing!" Malafak's expression twisted: "I only took action after hearing that you were going to graduate internship. I didn't expect you to join those hounds!"

"I joined 'Mars Manhunter' with the intention of correcting the mainstream society's long-standing prejudice against 'albino Martians', but you obviously don't have the patience to wait for me." Jon took another step forward: "Go back with me, brother, I can On the condition of giving up this identity, you will be safe and sound."

"Enough! It's like this again! It's you who pay every time! What did I do wrong? Instead of continuing like this, why not-" A burst of purple light suddenly bloomed on Malafak's arm,

Then he was crushed to death by a big hand wearing a golden mechanical glove.

"It's such a pity, I can't let you do this," Cable walked out of a gray-white curved door with a loud voice: "Mr. Marion M'yrnn has been suffering for five hundred years because his son caused the extinction of the tribe. , even if his consciousness is about to dissipate, he has been asking for help from the outside world. It is time to correct this tragedy.]"

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