The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and seventy-six, North American Mythical War (200)

——? ? ? ——

Anti-Monitor Tower.

The first battle failed, and everyone was a little discouraged except for the Möbius Chair, who seemed to have expected it.

The "Anti-Monitor" and her followers are at least two levels higher than the "Court of Owls" developed by Barbatos through some revealed power, down to the details of hunting Batman in each single universe. "Sharp Claw" is even more superior. If it were a head-on confrontation, there is no doubt that it can be easily "killed to ashes", but even with such a huge advantage, it was given a clean sheet...

Of course, after those worlds lost Batman, even if others successfully inherited his name or mantle, they were still quickly destroyed by the attack of the Court of Owls, and the entire universe was blown to pieces and then collected by the Talons. Turn it in.

"I discovered that Batman's 'mortal' identity is his fatal flaw," Fireproof Woman was the first to speak: "Even if he can borrow certain props and technologies, he can fight with those with real superpowers while remaining unscathed. He can even win in a draw, but it only takes two or even one direct attack, so it is necessary to strengthen his own strength."

"No matter how strengthened it is, it is impossible to be Superman's opponent. I think Bruce Wayne's identity is his weakness," Cortana objected: "Even if the madmen in Gotham will not touch his identity, but Enemies from other cities or even aliens won't care about this. He usually doesn't carry much equipment when he plays the role of a playboy. It would be too dangerous to be caught red-handed, and his living habits must be corrected."

"What are you talking about? Isn't his biggest weakness still not rich enough?" Yin Di interjected: "He is only the richest man in Gotham, but his available funds and influence are still too little. He should be made the richest man in the world or even the universe. Money can solve all the problems that can be solved with money, and leave the ones that can’t be solved to us.”

"What you said..." "I think..." "That's not right..."

The three ladies began to review the phantom of the universe that had actually been blown up and was selected before departure.

"What do you think?" Mobius put his chin in one hand and tapped the armrest of the chair with the other.

"It's not just carelessness," the Mobius Chair replied: "These 'failures' are all the work of the Court of Owls."

"How can...well." Mobius paused mid-sentence, thoughtfully.

"Have you thought about it? Taking the universe you went to as an example, the 'Joker' himself has never thought of killing Batman. He has always only designed various 'tests' or "tests" for Batman that are just stuck at the limit of his processing power. Show', rather than letting Batman die, he would rather have Batman kill himself to break his self-discipline of not killing people.]" Mobius Chair said: "We helped Batman get everything done and let him He is willing to leave the original universe with us. As his old enemy, the Joker was naturally very unhappy when he learned about it, so he wanted to arrange a slightly more difficult test to keep him. However, Batman was a little negligent under our all-round protection and participated in The Justice League spent a lot of energy in the team battle, and finally died due to the curse of 'after doing this, they will wash their hands in a golden basin' - well, the question is, at which points did the Court of Owls intervene in this incident? ?]"

"Send the 'Claw' army that the 'Justice League' has to deal with comprehensively, formulate conspiracies and plans that only Batman's wisdom can solve, send multiverse-level assassins to hold us back, and..." Mobiu Si raised his eyebrows: "Tell the Joker that Batman is leaving that universe?"

"That's right. They have made too many deadly plans. Any successful plan is enough to kill Batman. Such a chess-like move is not within the scope of our consideration at all, but it unexpectedly has a miraculous effect," Mo Bius Chair replied: "Unfortunately, I am only 'omniscient' and not 'precognitive'. Your 'precognition' is limited to your own encounters. Therefore, actions that are not directed at us and do not have a clear plan will bypass us." The line of defense we arranged around Batman.]"

"They..." Mobius looked up at the ladies who were still arguing.

"Their situations are similar, but because I can't contact them, some things are too late to stop even if they are discovered.]" Mobius projected the three universes: "As for the fire prevention girl, the 'Doomsday Virus' is indeed It would make someone as strong as Superman go crazy, but there are a total of twenty symptoms of madness, each with ten types of details. Superman happens to be crazy enough to backstab his comrades, and the Court of Owls is among them.]"

"Cortana's words, although it is good to control everything so that the Court of Owls can't hide, the web woven by too detailed laws will inevitably trap Bruce Wayne, who always has a large amount of money disappearing inexplicably. They don't even have to personally To come forward, it is enough to encourage some judges and lawyers who are displeased with wealthy people.]”

"The last one is Yin Di. Her mistake is the simplest. It can be summed up in one sentence: 'The murderer of Batman was Catwoman's adoptive father Falcone.' Wow, she actually thought that the heirs of two huge groups were getting married. It would be a good thing that the Court of Owls of that universe didn't even bother trying to fool the Falcone family.]"

"Pervasive... just like us." Mobius frowned.

"This is what happens when existences at the multiverse level use a single universe as a chessboard game. When the goal - Batman's life and death - is very clear, they can make countless mistakes, but we can only make one mistake," Mo The Bius Chair dispersed the shadows of the three universes and once again unfolded the picture of the entire multiverse: "However, we are 'chess players' who use the entire multiverse as a 'chessboard'. Even if we continue to fail in the single universe, we cannot Bring out Batman and actually destroy those owls. Since you arrived at this giant tower, the countdown to the demise of the Court of Owls has begun.】"

"You mean even if I keep failing, I will eventually win?"

"Of course, it's just that the speed will be much slower. After all, the Court of Owls will become stronger every time it 'eats' a universe.]"

"Then I'd better try my best to win..." Mobius shook his head and clapped his hands to interrupt the three ladies in the argument: "Okay, don't overindulge in the emotion of failure and put your energy into the next time. Action, so what are your new plans?”

"We thought that the reason why Batman can always be targeted is because they have grown up on the same track for many years, and their behavioral patterns and thinking logic have been fixed. Those owls can deal with them based on past experience, so we have to choose Those time points are in the universe where he was just born, and he was customized and cultivated from an early age." Cortana answered.

"Okay! Cultivate it!" Yin Di cheered.

"Although he has no interest, if he is educated from a young age, he may be able to give up his stupid no-kill principle." The fireproof girl crossed her arms.

Intuitively, they still have to screw up...

"Let's each pick a universe and set off." Mobius waved his hand to let them do what they wanted, and then began to browse the world where many time nodes were still in "that alley": "Chair, what is your suggestion?"

"According to experience, little boys may be more receptive to the teachings of elders of the opposite sex, but they are less tolerant of elders of the same sex, so——]"

"I will never be a girl..."

"——Have you considered cultivating a 'Batwoman'?]"


"Huh? What did you just want to say?]"


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