The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and seventy-seven, Sherlock and the Holy Grail (1)

——Marvel, 2015——


Since Professor Donald Black, as "Thor", announced at the opening ceremony a few months ago that the "Triwizard Tournament" will be held, students in various colleges have been discussing and speculating its specific content. The process, qualifications and specific rewards. As for "It turns out that Professor Donald is the prince of Asgard", even if someone mentions it, everyone just ignores it and ignores it. When taking the physical mutation course, should he be beaten or beaten? .

Everyone knows that he is a hot-blooded idiot, and things like dual business will not change just because of his title. Just as Sherlock clearly learned that the vice-principal may have some kind of relationship with the cosmic demon who treats the earth as his back garden, he was very interested in her. I won’t be too awed, because…

"Look, everyone, this is the 'Holy Grail' used to select the finalists of this 'Triwizard Tournament'. By then we will - oops!"

The White Queen, who was wearing a standard wizard costume, was holding a golden cup as big as a human head and tried to place it on the podium. However, her hand slipped and knocked it over. The golden cup fell and rolled out with a clanking sound. Far away.

"The Holy Grail is flying! Cleared! There are many obstacles!"

She cast a wandless spell to recall the cup, knocked it hard a few times, and then used a vine-like spell to fix it to the podium, causing the students to burst into laughter.

She accidentally used a prop to vent her anger and even used a magic spell to fix it. This kind of nonsensical behavior is not the only one... If it weren't for the fact that the vice-principal and the professor of the "Psychic Intervention" department had a rather scary reputation, and she was pretty enough, she would have probably already I made a comment with Professor Donald.

However, she actually made such a low-level mistake... Sherlock observed for a moment and immediately found the reason.

The "White Queen" deliberately lowered the brim of one side of her hat and closed the eye on the side covered by the brim. When she only uses one eye to see objects, she will only see a flat surface and it will be difficult to distinguish the specific details of three-dimensional objects. Location.

Injuried? No, it shouldn't be. This is a superpower academy. Healing injuries and illnesses is a piece of cake. Balder's life faction specializes in this.

So, was it because of some "supernatural factor" that forced her to close one eye? There are too many possibilities in this direction. As a third-year magic apprentice, Sherlock simply cannot find a target among the many "self-discipline, self-respect, and self-limitation" magic, especially that may not even be "magic".

"Ahem, in short, this is the legendary origin of magic, the Holy Grail that Merlin once used." The White Queen continued as if nothing had happened: "Before the start of the 'Triwizard Tournament', we will hold a 'qualifier' ', all students who intend to participate can write their names on a slip of paper and throw it into this Holy Grail. If they are eliminated in the preliminary round, the slip of paper with his/her name will be sprayed out and will eventually remain in the cup. The seven names in it are the contestants who will represent Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament."

"In that case, wouldn't it be embarrassing if the name was sprayed out?" Watson cooed beside him.

"When a name is sprayed out, the content above will be blocked by a black... black barcode, and then given to Lu Wei to eat," the White Queen continued as if she heard his beeping: "This way everyone will not You know which one you are eliminated from."

"Professor, what are the rules of the preliminaries?" Moriarty raised his hand and asked.

Hmm... Sherlock carefully observed Moriarty's expression. Although he was a little far away, he could roughly confirm from his expression and tone that he had a vague "awe" towards the White Queen.

It's really strange. Moriarty obviously rode the "Galaxy Railway" with him, so what he saw and heard should be exactly the same, unless... it was before he was "put to sleep" by Ms. Irisviel while the train was traveling. ?

"Outside the dimension" I saw "things that can only be seen if you are willing to let go of everything", and therefore became in awe of the "White Queen". Combined with other knowledge related to the "dimension", I reasoned based on this...

No cosmic demon god would care for the intelligent creatures under their protection as much as the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension", and as an agent chosen by the mermaid demon god, he must have the same qualities.

Although there are still loopholes in the intuition, and some clues cannot be connected, this is already the limit of reasoning.

"In order not to affect the students' studies, the preliminaries will be held every weekend," the White Queen continued: "The theme is divided into three parts: 'Sea, Land, and Air', which are 'Undersea Treasure Hunt' and 'Land Competition'. Speed' and 'Challenge the Dragon.'"

"——!" The students immediately buzzed, and many people raised their hands to ask questions.

"The 'Undersea Treasure Hunt' is a single-person competition, the 'Land Racing' is a confrontational competition, and the 'Challenge the Dragon' is a team competition." The White Queen raised her hand and pressed it down to signal everyone to be calm: "Three items The competition will select the top seven according to 'scores for finding treasures and repelling sea beasts', 'completion speed' and 'effective damage' to enter the semi-finals, and have a... ahem, indiscriminate brawl until the remaining players are left. Seven people, and they are the contestants who went to Asgard to participate in the Triwizard Tournament on behalf of Hogwarts."

"————!" More people raised their hands, and the buzz became more enthusiastic.

"After the semi-finals, all participants will receive prizes of different levels according to the overall ranking." The White Queen released a "loud voice" to herself and continued to read out the rules: "At the same time, these three competitions will not be cancelled, and no good results will be obtained." Students with good scores can participate repeatedly. When the 'treasure hunt points', 'number of times entering the top five' and 'cumulative damage' reach a certain value, they will also receive corresponding prizes. This activity will continue until the end of the 'Triwizard Tournament' finals. , everyone will have a satisfactory harvest.”

Although the rules are a bit complicated, Sherlock generally understood it. Unlike those competitions where only a few people get glory and most people are reduced to foils, at least this "school preliminaries" is a carnival for everyone to participate, and as classmates When we all gain something, we will also cheer more sincerely for those "top students" who are indeed stronger than them and have qualified to go to Asgard to obtain better rewards.

As expected, the content of the real Triwizard Tournament will probably be very similar to this preliminaries - is this considered a "key point"?

"Professor -" Luna raised her hand high and spoke louder than everyone else: "If we form a team and win the top seven in three competitions, wouldn't there be no need for a big fight?"

"Hmm, of course, but you are declaring war on the entire school in advance, right?"

"It doesn't matter," Luna patted Sherlock on the shoulder: "The 'Young Avengers' are not afraid of any challenge!"

Never heard of that organization!

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