The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and seventy-eight, Sherlock and the Holy Grail (2)

——Marvel, 2015——


By the Black Lake, in the soundproof conference room temporarily set up by the second organization, Luna was formulating a battle plan.

"The members of 'Young Avengers' include you, John Watson, Irene Adler, James Moriarty, Peter Quill, Gamora, Nebula, Drax, Firebolt Raccoon, And Groot.”

"No, wait a minute..."

"And our main competitors are Slenderman, Hatsunemiku, T'Challa and Hannah Hoiron."

"Stop, I said stop."

"Okay," Luna stopped using the second structure to project student information and looked at Sherlock with a hateful expression: "What don't you understand now?"

"I don't understand anything!"

"..." Luna crossed her arms and raised her chin, trying to look down at Sherlock from a height that was half a head lower than his.

"" Watson looked shocked.

"Even I, no, even Watson can understand it." Irene was a little proud for some reason.

"No..." Sherlock sighed: "I mean, there are problems with your plan from the beginning. Don't move forward naturally until it is solved."

"What's the problem?" Luna realized that she would fall if she leaned back any further, so she simply cast a levitating spell on herself so that her eyes were level with Sherlock's.

"First of all, why do you want to take all the top seven places? I looked at the prize details. Even if the same person participates in multiple projects, he will only get the reward for the highest ranking. The results of other projects will be ignored when settling the rewards." Sherlock asked.

"That's too shallow, Sherlock. My goal is not to be among the top seven in the school qualifiers, but to win the Triwizard Tournament!" Luna put her hands on her hips.

"...Huh?" Sherlock thought for a moment: "Did you get any information from Mr. Stark? He seems to be one of the founders of Hogwarts."

"Whatever a Stark wants, he will only fight for it himself, and will never rely on the shadow of his father's generation!" Luna declared.


If he hadn't known her true identity, with this aura, Sherlock would really have regarded her as Iron Man's biological daughter.

When she was first sorted, her appearance, which was younger than her peers, her temperament and conversation that were beyond her peers, and her mysterious aura as the daughter of Iron Man, made her attract more attention than the vice-principal Queen White in a short period of time.

In the subsequent college life, her personality and preferences gradually emerged, such as striving for first place in everything, liking to be the focus of everyone's attention, and never looking at the price when buying things. If she had a set of steel armor, He's totally a smaller version of Iron Man.

The only thing that was a little abnormal was her astonishing appetite that was completely out of line with her appearance. If he hadn't seen "Gulu" several times later, Sherlock would have doubted whether she was the insatiable orange cat.

However, no matter how perfect a person is, not everyone will like her. The few people on campus who don't like her are the ones that even Moriarty doesn't bother to win over. The children of the so-called "traditional wizards" are not even like Moriarty. Riati thinks that he is superior to ordinary people, but treats ordinary people and "superpowers" as two different species. Although Mr. Stark has a great reputation, after all, he is an ordinary person who relies on armor. .

Sherlock has always suspected that if there were no Hogwarts established by the White Queen, and these guys who considered themselves different species could continue to reproduce for several generations, he might have become extinct.

But unfortunately, not only are their brains bad, but their eyesight is even worse. Artoria Luna Stark is essentially a "Yinti" who borrowed the power of the Space Demon to "ascend" to the real world. No matter what she studies, The magic was achieved overnight. After all, it was her own power, but she couldn't find a way to use it for a while.

So, maybe she really wasn't bragging when she said she wanted to win the Triwizard Tournament.

"Do you also think that the content of the 'qualifiers' and the 'main competition' will be very similar?" After being distracted for a while, Sherlock continued to ask.

"Obviously, three organizers, three competitions," Luna replied: "If each organizer sends seven contestants, the final winner cannot be seven, but should be the first in each competition. There are only three names, and the prizes won’t be these trivial wands, robes, magic materials, etc. If you can’t take the top seven in the qualifiers, how can you win the top three in the main competition?”


If an ordinary person said this, they would be laughed at and said "arrogant", but since it is Luna, "As expected of a Stark" is enough.

"So, the 'Young Avengers' are your favorite teammates? How were those 'competitors' judged as enemies? Although we know some of them, we are just acquaintances." Sherlock asked.

"That's for you," Luna tapped the second structure hanging on her "magic wand" and projected the students' information again: "As long as they use the 'second structure', their operating habits and public non-private information It’s enough for me to understand them, so I can judge who can be teammates and who can only be opponents, with an accuracy of about 98%.”

"Okay... I will talk to them later." Sherlock looked at the list and felt a little headache: "Forget it about Groot. I heard that he is the prince of some kind of plant planet, and he can please everyone with cars and toys. Communicate, but that Firebolt raccoon? Isn’t it really a magical creature?”

"According to the information I obtained," Luna blinked: "He is actually a student at an alien medical school and is an exchange student. It's just that the class is in the Forbidden Forest and has no intersection with us."

A veterinarian, right?

"As for potential opponents, it's not that they can't be recruited, but that they won't listen to my orders." Luna removed the "Teammate Replacement" and instead projected the "Determined Opponent": "Techara is a prince, he is not only Being possessed by Loa and wanting to gain honors to prove himself, it is impossible for him to consider the overall situation and help his teammates win in certain events. Miku Hazni is very well-behaved, but her other personality is difficult to get along with. , and even takes pleasure in disrupting Xiao Miku's daily life and interpersonal relationships. Unless her 'mental interference' ability is strong enough, it will only cause more chaos."

"Hmm... It's pretty much what I know, but what about Hannah Abbott and Slender Man? Their reputations seem to be pretty good." Sherlock asked.

"They themselves are qualified, but..." Luna wrinkled her nose: "Don't you know? Hannah got the nickname 'Iron Hannah' because of her very powerful 'Physical Mutation' ability. A team doesn't need it. Two 'irons'!"

"You obviously don't have a battle armor..." Sherlock shook his head: "What about Slender Man?"

"..." Luna whispered.

"What?" Sherlock turned his ear.

"I mean, he," Luna raised her eyes and glared at Sherlock, "is too tall!"

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