The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and seventy-nine, Sherlock and the Holy Grail (3)

——Marvel, 2015——

Hogwarts, Hela House.

"OK, alright."

"No, I haven't said anything yet?"

"Are you doubting my reasoning ability? Or are you just a Badr fool who still looks strangely at Hela Academy after eating?"


Sherlock is trying to recruit Moriarty to join their "Young Avengers". Originally, he even thought about such outrageous reasons as "just playing with the children" and "for the sake of Iron Man". The negotiations went smoothly and even Watson and Irene were not brought, but the other party directly agreed.

"Let me guess," Moriarty put down the book, stood up and walked to Sherlock and stared at him: "The 'Young Avengers' Miss Stark plans to form has a reserve list of far more than seven people, including Students from various colleges have to deal with three events in which the specific rules are not yet clear. When necessary, some people in this team need to let others win or even hinder others. The ultimate goal is not to be defeated by the seven. A specific person will take over the top seven, but we will ensure that the top seven all belong to the 'Young Avengers', right?"

"It's similar to what I guessed, but Luna didn't say it clearly," Sherlock shrugged: "When we were asked to recruit the classmates on the list, we did not say anything like 'we must recruit each other'."

"As expected, the people she asked you to recruit first are those whose personalities, origins, and abilities are relatively close to yours. Those with strange backgrounds, different appearances, and unsociable personalities will be left behind?" Morry Artie continued to ask.

"Yes, indeed." Sherlock nodded.

"Ah, just as arrogant as her father," Moriarty flicked his sleeves and turned around: "Establish the inner circle first, and then look for the peripheral members. In this way, even if there is a problem with the peripheral members, the whole will not collapse. She I never thought about it, what if something goes wrong with the 'core'? Will the entire team collapse? For example... what if 'Iron Man' and 'Captain America' fight over something?"

"Madam Vice-Chancellor will throw them all into the sea." Sherlock replied.

"..." Moriarty turned to glare at him, while Sherlock put on an innocent face.

"After observing this 'Little Iron Man' over the past few months, I have basically confirmed her character. She is as greedy as her father. She wants everything and is not stingy with money for this," Moriatillo said Past this topic: "But 'loyal partners' and 'reliable comrades' cannot be obtained with money."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Sherlock frowned, as if he had guessed something, but he was not sure.

"I want to participate in your next recruitment operation, and clearly inform those targets of the price they need to pay to join the 'Young Avengers', instead of using empty words like 'honor' or 'reward' to get them through," Morrie Artie snorted: "The organization or force I join will never allow division or internal strife, even if it is temporary. That would be a shame."

You are clearly causing division in Hogwarts... Sherlock thought for a while and swallowed the words.


Toll Academy.

"Hey, man, are you kidding me? You want me to fake a match at a critical moment?" Peter Quill shook his head repeatedly: "No way, impossible, don't even think about it."

"It's not about match-fixing, it's about contributing to the team..." Sherlock tried to redeem himself.

"No, no, no, it doesn't matter as long as it looks like a match-fixing," Quill shook his finger and looked at Sherlock: "I know you saved my life last time, but it's the same thing. That incident After that, a professor seemed to visit my dad’s home and scolded him so bad that he didn’t even dare to talk back, which I tell you, that was pretty cool.”

Home visits seem to be the responsibility of the vice principal... Does the White Queen scold people until they can't even speak? Unimaginable.

"But the result is that my father became extremely concerned about my studies. He would contact me once a week for at least two hours each time. He would ask me about everything. After I told him about the Triwizard Tournament, Guess what?" Quill spread his hands, "He said he went to Hogwarts to book all the live broadcasts of my participation!"

"Ah this..."

"God knows how he can watch the real-time broadcast from so far away, but if I let him see his son cheating on matches, tsk tsk...he won't care about the needs of the team and will definitely leave his business and come to the earth to beat me up. Or can you ask the principal to intercede for me?"

"Okay...excuse me."


Rocky Academy.

"Drax the Destroyer will never engage in sneak attacks and interference!" The strong bald classmate refused very decisively: "You must win, but you must win in an upright manner!"

"No... that's not a conspiracy, but a team tactic..." Sherlock tried to convince.

"Fighting without relying on one's own strength is just conspiracy! Drax the Destroyer hates intrigue!"

Do you want to take a look at your college?

"Hmph, it turns out that the Avengers are a group of guys who only know how to conspire. Fortunately, Drax the Destroyer plans to join them after graduation. Bah." Drax turned around and walked away while cursing.

No, the behavior of children has nothing to do with their parents, right? Especially not parents in the strict sense.


Near the Forbidden Forest.

"Thank you for inviting us, Sherlock, but we can't join the Young Avengers."

"Is it because of my status as an exchange student? Maybe I can..."

"No, it's not that. Even if you are an exchange student, you can choose which school to represent in the competition. The problem is that we must compete at the same time." The green-skinned Gamora hugged "Nebula" who had the same skin color as hers: "The whole Hogg There are only two of us 'Green Martians' in Woz. Once someone is eliminated, the remaining one will definitely attract everyone's attention. I actually don't care, but she can't stand the pressure, or Miss Stark can guarantee that we two Everyone must be on the 'seven-man roster' at the same time?"

"Then I'm afraid..."

"So, I can only refuse your invitation," Gamora shook her head: "But I still appreciate you explaining this in advance."

"In fact, we have made an appointment," Xingyun also interjected: "We will compete together, and whoever is eliminated will forfeit the other."


Deep in the Forbidden Forest.

Sherlock is struggling to communicate with a big tree or a tree person.

"We would like to ask you to join the Young Avengers, do you understand?"

"I am Groot.]"

"Form a team and strive to win the top seven places in the three academy events. In the end, you don't have to fight a big battle. You can modify the participants according to the specific schedule of the 'Triwizard Tournament', which is a great advantage."

"I am Groot.]"

"Agree or reject, can you give us a signal?"

"I am Groot.]"

"Okay, we won't participate." A raccoon riding a broomstick emerged from the canopy of the tree: "Tell that little girl that whether she plans to use us to be cute or to package herself as an animal rights or environmental activist, she is dead. Take it easy, we’re not going anywhere.”

"..." Sherlock was silent and glanced at Moriarty, who seemed to be in a very good mood.

Is this also part of your plan?

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